Working Group meeting 14/03/2023
Date: 14/03/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Najeh Hajlaoui, Ivan Willer, Peter Borresen, Paloma Arillo
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad
Continue discussing eFulfillment
To continue from: ConsolidatedShipment (from the spreadsheet)
A party should have an authorization. This needs to be modelled.
Know how to integrate Certificate
WG checked if the ePO model is complete regarding UBL eFulfilment requirements by having diagrams which clearly depict the necessary elements, as following:
Document identifier
epo-ful: DespatchAdviceDocument object is created, and it announces epo-ful:DespatchAdvice
Despatch advice status code:
at-voc-new:fulfilment-document-status and at-voc-new:document-type enumerations are created
Despatch advice Type code:
at-voc-new:despatch-advice-type enumeration is created
epo-cat:Catalogue id defined: A list describing a set of items offered for purchase that can be processed in an electronic way.
epo-ful: DespatchAdviceDocument is defined : A document used to describe the despatch or delivery of goods, services or work
Depatch note:
epo:hasAdditionalInformation for epo-ful:DespatchAdvice (epo-cat:PostAwardObject)
Order reference:
epo-ful:DesparchAdvice refers to epo-ord:order
Additional Order reference
Document Type:
dct:description property is added to epo:Document
Party name:
Despatch role class
Despatch party electronic address
Tax scheme:
epo:hasTaxIdentifier property
Despatch party name
Organization has a name.
Embedded binary object
Note: binary objects need to be discussed, find a way to map things that we can not do from PEPPOL, epo-ontology, etc.