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Working Group meeting

Date: 18/06/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen, Ioannis Fountoukidis, Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica, Peter Borresen.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Evolution of the ePO modules

  • eFulfilment dataModel.


  • It was decided that the following predicates will be removed from the eFulfilment module of future ePO versions:









  • It was decided that the following predicates will be added from the eFulfilment module of future ePO versions:



  • Definitions for the following predicates of the efulfilment module were filled:

    • epo-ful:hasDepartureShipmentInformation: Information about the place the consignment is leaving from in a given shipment stage

    • epo-ful:hasDepartureShipmentInformation : ment Information about the place the Consignment is leaving from in a given Shipment Stage.

    • epo-ful:hasDespatchAdviceType: Classification of a Despatch Advice.

    • epo-ful:hasDespatchedQuantity: The quantity that hass been sent.

    • epo-ful:hasEstimatedDeliveryPeriod: The forecasted time period given by the Despatcher to provide the goods and services.

    • epo-ful:hasFreightCharge: "The total cost for moving the goods. WG approval 18/06/2024"

    • epo-ful:hasGrossVolume: The amount of space that is required including the packaging.

    • epo-ful:hasNetVolume: The amount of space that is required without the packaging.

    • epo-ful:hasGrossWeight: The total mass of goods including the packaging.

    • epo-ful:hasNetWeight: The total mass of goods without the packaging.

    • epo-ful:hasHandlingInstructionCode: Instruction on how to handle the Goods Items during transportation, expressed as a code.

    • epo-ful:hasHeight: The vertical measurement.

    • epo-ful:hasLength:The horizontal measurement. Additional Information: The length is the longer side between the length and the width.

    • epo-ful:hasWidth:The measurement of the depth. Additional Information:The width is the shorter side between the length and the width.

    • epo-ful:hasLoadingMeter: The area of the Consignment in meters divided by the width of the truck which is concidered to be 2.4 meters.

    • epo:ful:hasMainCarriage:The Shipment Stage for the longest distance covered in a transport chain.

    • epo-ful:hasOnCarriageShipmentStage: "Any Shipment Stage between the main carriage arrival point and the ultimate receiver in a transport chain.

    • epo-ful:hasPreCarriageShipmentStage: Any Shipment Stage between the Dispatcher and the departure point of the main carriage in a transport chain.

    • epo-ful:hasMaximumTemperature: The highest tolerated temperature.

    • epo-ful:hasMinimumTemperature: The lowest tolerated temperature.

  • Next time the WG will continue adding definitions from the predicate epo-ful:hasPackagingType concept.

Action Points

  • epo-ful:hasMainCarriageShipmentStage predicate will stay as it is . We are still expecting a decision from PEPPOL regarding issue 575