Working Group meeting

Date: 09/07/2024
Participants: Natalie Muric
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Discuss tickets with the 4.1.0 milestone.

  • Discuss tickets with the 4.2.0 milestone.


4.1.0 milestone

Ticket 607

It was discussed that the predicate epo-sub:refersToOtherESPDResponse should be removed and epo:refersToPrevious at the epo:Document level should be used on its stead.


Ticket 637

It was confirmed by the working group that the predicates epo:answersExclusionGround and epo:answersSelectionCriteria should be removed from the Ontology.

Ticket 596

epo-con:ContractModificationInformation is a concept that belongs to eContract module and should not be present in any diagram of ePO core module, thus it was removed from the ePO core module diagram (for 4.1.0-rc.3 version).

Ticket 628

It was decided that epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification will be deleted. epo-cat:Item epo:hasSpecification epo-cat:ProductSpecification mapping will be used instead in all post-award modules. We added a temporary cardinality for epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification predicate as [0..*] with a proposal to remove it in a next major release (ePO 5.0.0).


Ticket 638

The prefix of the predicate epo:hasRejectedQuantity is now epo-ful.


The milestone "miscellaneous" was created to group github tickets loosely related to the Ontology but not part of it such as model2owl or contents of vocabularies referenced by ePO.

4.0.2 milestone

Ticket 593

The boolean attribute epo:isSMESuitable was added to class epo:LotGroup


Ticket 609

Milestone was changed to miscellaneous.

Ticket 617

The predicates epo:forseesSubcontractor and hasSubcontractor that connect epo:Subcontractor and epo:Contractor were added.


It was noted that there should be a future discussion about the restrictions and shacl shapes files.

Action Points

  • Create a ticket to remove epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification . Also connect it with 628

  • Make sure that all the commented tickets map to this document.