Working Group meeting
Date: 11/07/2024
Participants: Kenneth Bengtsson, Ioannis Fountoukidis, Dragos Stoica,
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis
The following definitions were added:
epo-inv:InvoiceLine: Details concerning a given unit of goods, services or works mentioned in the Invoice.WG approval 11/07/2024.
epo-inv:Invoice Note: Textual note that is relevant to the invoice as a whole. WG approval 11/7/2024
Attribute hasInvoiceNoteDescription of class epo-inv:Invoice Note: A textual note that gives unstructured information that is relevant to the Invoice as a whole.WG approval 11/07/2024
Predicate epo-inv:hasInvoiceNote: Contains Invoice Note. WG approval 11/07/2024
Epo-inv:PaymentInstructionsInformation: Information about the payment. WG approval 11/07/2024.
Epo-inv:hasPaymentMeansDescription: The means for how a payment is expected to be or has been settled, expressed as text. WG approval 11/07/2024
epo-inv:hasPaymentMeansType:The means for how a payment is expected to be or has been settled, expressed as code. WG approval 11/07/2024
epo-inv:hasRemittanceInformation: A textual value used to establish a link between the payment and the Invoice, issued by the Seller. WG approval 11/07/2024.
Predicate epo-inv:hasBankingIdentifier: A unique banking reference identifier of the Payee or Seller, assigned by the Payee or Seller bank. WG approval 11/07/2024.
Predicate epo-inv:hasDebitedAccountIdentifier: An identifier for the account to be debited by the direct debit. WG approval 11/07/2024.
Predicate epo-inv:hasPaymentAccountIdentifier: A unique identifier of the financial payment account, at a payment service provider, to which payment should be made. WG approval 11/07/2024
epo-inv:hasPaymentServiceProviderIdentifier: An identifier for the payment service provider where a payment account is located. WG approval 11/07/2024.
Attribute epo-inv:hasPaymentCardPrimaryAccountNumber: The series of digits embossed on the front of a credit, debit, or prepaid card used for payment. WG approval 11/07/2024.
Attribute epo-inv:hasPaymentCardHolderName:The name of the account holder of the card used for payment. Additional Information: An account holder is the entity listed or identified as the holder of a Financial Account by the Financial Institution.
WG approval 11/07/2024.
epo-inv:CreditTransferInformation: Information about a direct payment of money from one bank account into another.WG approval 11/07/2024. '
Attribute epo-inv:hasPaymentAccountName: The name of the account that can send and receive payments to and from a payment service provider. WG approval 07/11/2024.
epo-inv:Payee: A Role of an Agent that receives the payment. Additional Information: The role of Payee may be fulfilled by another party than the Seller, e.g. a factoring service. WG approval 11/07/2024.
epo-inv:SellerTaxRepresentative: A Role of an Agent that can represent an Organization for taxation purposes. Additional Information: The Seller Tax Representative Role is not a Legal Representative. WG approval 11/07/2024.
epo-inv:TaxBreakdownInformation: Information about tax breakdown by different categories, rates and exemption reasons. WG approval 11/07/2024.
Attribute epo-inv:hasTaxExemptionReasonDescription: An explanation on why the amount is exempted from tax or why no tax is being charged according to the legislation, expressed as a text.WG approval 11/07/2024.
Attribute epo-inv:hasTaxExemptionReason: An explanation on why the amount is exempted from tax or why no tax is being charged according to the legislation, expressed as a code.
epo-inv:hasTaxPointDate: The date when the tax becomes accountable for the seller and for the Buyer. Additional information: The date can be determined and differs from the date of issue of the invoice according to the national implementation of the directive.
An example of invoice with multiple VAT was presented.
It was mentioned that all the information Classes are specifications of epo-cat:InformationHub