Cumulative content of Working Group Meetings in 2022

Working Group meeting 13/12/2022

Date: 13/12/2022
Participants: Thor Steinar Møller, Natalie Muric
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Procedure types and sub-types


What is a two-stage procedure (Directive 24)

Article 84: This might in particular be the case in two-stage procedures – restricted procedures, competitive procedures with negotiation, competitive dialogues and innovation partnerships - in which the contracting authorities make use of the possibility to limit the number of candidates invited to submit a tender. Requiring submission of the supporting documents at the moment of selection of the candidates to be invited could be justified to avoid that contracting authorities invite candidates which later prove unable to submit the supporting documents at the award stage, depriving otherwise qualified candidates from participation.

Article 20: Competitive procedures with negotiation may take place in successive stages in order to reduce the number of tenders to be negotiated by applying the award criteria specified in the contract notice, in the invitation to confirm interest or in another procurement document. In the contract notice, the invitation to confirm interest or in another procurement document, the contracting authority shall indicate whether it will use that option.

Article 31 (5): Negotiations during innovation partnership procedures may take place in successive stages in order to reduce the number of tenders to be negotiated by applying the award criteria specified in the contract notice, in the invitation to confirm interest or in the procurement documents. In the contract notice, the invitation to confirm interest or in the procurement documents, the contracting authority shall indicate whether it will use that option.

Article 66 Reduction of the number of tenders and solutions. Where contracting authorities exercise the option of reducing the number of tenders to be negotiated as provided for in Article 29(6) or of solutions to be discussed as provided for in Article 30(4), they shall do so by applying the award criteria stated in the procurement documents. In the final stage, the number arrived at shall make for genuine competition in so far as there are enough tenders, solutions or qualified candidates.


  • What is the relationship between Lot and Procedure?

    • Is the Technique per procedure or per Lot?

    • What is the definition of a purpose?

    • Are the (process) deadlines/dates, and conditions part of the procedure/lot definitions?

  • When do we talk about “procedure definitions” (like a plan description) and procedure execution recording/accounting (like a travel journal)?

  • What is DPS?

  • Which procedure types can be single-stage and multi-stage?

    • What impact does “single/multi staging” have?

  • What is the difference between procedure stages and technique stages

    • What is a technique stage?

    • What is the procedure stage?

Negotiated procedure without a call

  • no techniques are typically used

  • may lead to a Framework Agreement (FA)


Negotiated procedure with call

  • no techniques are typically used

  • may lead to a Framework Agreement (FA)


Competitive procedure with negotiation

  • no techniques are typically used

  • may lead to a Framework Agreement (FA)


DPS for conference hotels (with no lots)

  • One “part” for Northern hotels (parts of DPS but not Lot)

  • One “part” for Southern hotels (parts of DPS but not Lot)

DPS for cars

  • One “part” for 4x4 SUVs

    • 5 Lots - each Lot per car

  • One “part” for sedans


  • There is a FA on Airline tickets (divided into three “things”)

    • T1: Domestic flights within Norway

    • T2: Scandinavia flights

    • T3: International flights

  • What is T1, T2, T3?

    • Lots

    • Parts


Future agenda

  • Jan 10th 2023 - Discuss Core Business Alignment

Working Group meeting 29/11/2022

Date: 29/11/2022
Participants: Thor Steinar Møller, Natalie Muric
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Procedure types and sub-types


  • Proposing to discuss about Core Business Alignment in a future WGM

Procedure types and sub-types

  • Which procedure types can be single-stage and multi-stage?

    • What impact does “single/multi staging” have?

    • An Open procedure can be single or multi staged?

  • What is the difference between procedure stages and technique stages?

    • What is a procedure?

    • What is a technique?

    • The techniques can be viewed as a kind of procedure.

Procedure can be viewed as a process unfolding from start to the end, which is the conclusion of a contract.

A technique has a starting point as the procedure but it branches out and each branch ends with a separate contract.

By definition, a restricted procedure is already a multi-stage procedure.

Can a DPS be the following types of procedure:

  • Competitive dialogue - No

  • Competitive tendering - no

  • Innovative partnership - No

  • Neg-w-call - No

  • Neg-wo-call - No

  • Open - Yes

  • Restricted - Yes

  • Oth-mult - ?

  • Oth-single - ?

In theory, a DPS can be used in an Open procedure, but not in a restricted procedure.
Restricted means anyone can apply, but not anyone can participate. It is open all the time for qualifications, and restricted for competition.

The difference between a DPS and a FA is that under the FA a Contract Award Notice (CAN) is not published. In Italy CANs might be published.


  • Phase - a distinct period or stage in a series of events or a process of change or development

  • Stage - a period or step in a process, activity, or development


Working Group meeting 22/11/2022

Date: 22/11/2022
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellito
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre



ePO next release planning

  • Implement DPS/FA, procedures and sub-procedures

  • Re-examine the procedures and sub-procedures concepts, and their relations to Lot and Purpose

  • In DPS we have MiniCompetition AwardOutcome and NOT the LotAwardOutcome

  • The submission statistical information is at the Lot level, in the DPS/FA this information is at the MiniCompetition Level

  • Consider the split of the process information

  • CPV code pairing (re-model purpose)

  • Modifications modelling

  • Contract

  • Perhaps also touch on the Winner Role, which may be played by people and organizations, and sometimes even multiple ones, that don’t necessarily for an epo:OrganizationGroup.

Roles classification

Group leader role removal

  • The GroupLeader class was removed since we already have epo:leadBy predicate between epo:OrganisationGroup and org:Organization.

  • But not all groups have legal name so the cardinality for epo:hasLegalName is changed to 0..1

  • Closing GitHub issue 386.

  • The lead buyer in Contract Notice can differ in the Contract Notice and Contract Award Notice corresponding to the mini-competition.

  • Presenting examples of an instance diagram for lead buyer.

  • In a joint procurement, all the Buyers are responsible and one of them might be the lead for awarding.

  • This doesn’t mean we have an OrganizationGroup.

  • Created a new concept epo:LeadBuyer as a subclass of epo:Buyer defined as: “A role of an agent who is a Buyer and takes the administrative lead of the procedure.
    WG approval 22-11-2022”

  • We need to model DPS and Framework agreement in order to be able to map correctly.

  • Discussing an example of award.

  • Buyers can be specified for the Procedure for the pre-award phase and for the Contract (Purchase and Framework Agreement) for the post-award phase.

  • However, already in the pre-award it is possible to know who will be the buyers in the Contract (post-award).

  • A Buyer can be responsible either for the procedure or for the purchase contract.

  • Responsible is not the same as the leader.

  • A lead can sign the contract.

  • Joint procurement means that a procedure is the responsibility of more than one buyer. One of the responsible buyers has to be the lead or they can use a ProcurementServiceProvider to delegate the ancillary activities to, meaning there is no lead.

Working Group meeting 15/11/2022

Date: 15/11/2022
Participants: Thor Steinar Møller, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellito
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Dynamic Purchasing System


Open procedure with framework agreement

Single-stage and multi-stage procedure -
Tenderers may be limited or pre-set -
Buyer can the same (as in FA) or different (for using the FA to establish a contract) -


  • In a single stage procedure there is

    • a single process start-to-end

    • Only one tender deadline

    • Allowed procedure types

      • Open

      • Restricted

      • Other single stage procedure

    • Disallowed

      • Negotiated

      • Competitive dialogues

      • Competitive tendering (perhaps)

      • Innovation partnership

      • Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation

      • Negotiated without prior call for competition

      • Other multiple stage procedure

  • In a multi stage procedure there is

    • Multiple tender deadlines

      • ONLY One call for competition that is published

        • Possibly everyone is invited or possibly a restricted set

      • When the competition is reopened (the subsequent stage, not the first one), it is “limited” (no notice published)

        • Always a restricted set of participants

        • Reopen always only with “award” criteria and no “exclusion” or “selection” criteria.

    • DPS - introduces ONE subsequent stage

      • New economic operators may join based on “requests to join” , but no new publication of CN. The requests to join are based on the initial CN.

      • DPS can be open or closed (in Italy).

    • Negotiated procedure can have “infinite” number of stages

    • Allowed procedure types

      • Negotiated

      • Competitive dialogues

      • Competitive tendering (perhaps)

      • Innovation partnership

      • Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation

      • Negotiated without prior call for competition

      • Other multiple stage procedure

    • Disallowed procedure types

      • Open

      • Restricted

      • Other single stage procedure

Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

Procedure types allowed with DPS

  • Restricted Procedure types Disallowed

  • All the rest

A DPS never really completes. One can keep adding participants.

DPS flow

    • Purpose:

      • Announce the call for competition

      • Attract requests for participation

      • Choose candidates

  • Can publish a Prior Information Notice (PIN) if you want

  • Publish a Call for Competition (CN)

    • Optionally including Award Criteria

  • ESPD Request has to be published at the same time as CN (elsewhere)

  • Specifications can be published (elsewhere)

  • The request to participate is submitted by the Tenderer

    • Including the ESPD Response

    • (optionally) Including the evidence for selection criteria and exclusion grounds

  • Request to participate is evaluated

    • Not sooner than 30 days after the CN publication

    • Not later (for each request to participate) than 10 days after the submission

  • Tenders that pass the Exclusion grounds and Selection criteria are admitted to the DPS

    • Purpose:

      • Conduct competition based on award criteria

  • The Buyer triggers the (RE-)opening of the competition, when needed,

    • There may be multiple openings of “competition” among the chosen candidates

    • _Also known as _

      • (in Italy) mini-competition

      • sub-procedure

    • The Buyer is (sometimes) a different organisation in this stage

    • The Buyer triggers the (re-)opening of competition, when needed, by sending an invitation to tender including the specifications and award criteria to the Candidates.

  • Tenderers submit tenders

  • The Evaluation Committee (set-up by the Awarding-Buyer) evaluates and creates an evaluation report

  • Based on the evaluation report, an Award Decision (based on award criteria only) is created (by the Awarding-Buyer)

  • Selecting-Buyer requests to the (nearly) awarded Tenderers (wanna-be Winners) the evidence for selection criteria and exclusion grounds

  • Tenderers provide the evidence to the Selecting-Buyer

  • Selecting-Buyer evaluates the provided evidence and

    • If it is conformant(good) the contract is awarded to the Tenderer, making them Winners

    • Otherwise the Tenderer is not awarded

  • All Tenderers are then told of the Award Decision (who was awarded and not + reasons on why and why not)

  • The contract is signed by the Awarding-Buyer and the Winners

  • Contract Award Notice (CAN) is published

    • for each award decision (within 1 month) OR

    • Collect all award decisions (once every 1 month or 6 months for example) and a bulk is published (usually for the contracts below the threshold)

Critical note:

  • In the case of DPS, the CAN is an Award Notice for the Contract, while in the case of normal (non-DPS) procedures the CAN is an Award Notice for Lots. [THIS IS DEBATABLE]

Critical note:

  • The opening of the competition under the DPS may be opened as a sub-procedure having its OWL Identified, yet linked to the “parent-DPS-procedure”. [THIS IS DEBATABLE]

  • In the DPS CAN, most likely, the contract number will be provided rather than a reference to the Lot number (in the Procedure).


  • DPS is open during the whole duration of the procedure. If a DPS is a setup to last for 2 years, then eC can register and apply under this DPS. DPS is a kind of FA where the procedure is open for a long period.

  • And when needed, a CA can launch a mini-competition, like the FA, whereas the EC that has the capability to submit a tender can submit its tender in that specific sub-competition.


  • In Italy, DPS is like a digital market internal to public institutions.

  • There is always a system that supports the DPS.

  • Is the procedure ID of the CAN the same as the one for CN?

  • The discussion on DPS should continue on Thursday, 24th Nov.

  • In a CAN for DPS it will be a Contract Number, not a Lot Number.

Working Group meeting 08/11/2022

Date: 08/11/2022
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellito, Emidio Stani
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre



Standard Form F20

The problem of identity is discussed in the beginning of the meeting. Probably it is easier to have two organisations when we change any property.
The proposed approach is the following:


We have an instance, Procedure2 (in the Contract Modification Notice), which is the same as Procedure1 (in the Contract Notice).

But the modification is at the level of Contract, not the Procedure or Lot. A contract has its own CPV codes. These are modifications during the execution of a Contract.
When we have a Contract, the Procedure is over.
This is not modelled in ePO yet. The current model is not correct and we should take another look at it.
Based on the definition of the Procedure class, it seems that the model presents an instance of a process.
After a discussion in the WG, it was concluded that the modifications are on the epo:Contract, not any other ProcurementObject. The Contract module of EPO is not yet completely modelled, and therefore modifications implementation should be addressed as part of the modelling Contract module.

Github issue 386 - group leader

The definition for Group Leader in ePO 3.0.1 is “A role of an agent that is the primary contact for a group of organisations.”
The proposal was to remove the epo:GroupLeader since this role is already encoded in the relations between epo:OrganisationGroup and org:Organization:



This is an new authority table in EU vocabularies:


A new ticket has been added on github:

Concession contract

The concession contract should be discussed. There are 2 URIs: one from CPSV and ePO and both definitions should be discussed.
Since the 3.0.0 release of ePO, it introduced the concept of ConcessionContract, which is already present in CPSV-AP.
Definition in ePO:
“A contract between one or more buyers and one or more economic operators giving the right to the economic operators to exploit the rights foreseen in the contract which may include the receipt of payments.”
Definition in CPSV-AP:
“Concessions are contracts for pecuniary interest by means of which one or more contracting authorities or contracting entities entrusts the execution of works, of the provision and the management of services, to one or more economic operators.” From Directive 2014/23/EU (paragraph 11)
In CPSV-AP, a cv:Contract is a subclass of epo:Contract.


We should decide on a single definition in order to use only epo:ConcessionContract in both CPSV-AP and ePO.
But the PublicOrganization and economic operator are also at the level of epo:Contract, not only ConcessionContract.
A concession contract is not related only to Directive 2014/23/EU.

It is proposed to use epo:Contract class instead of epo:ConcessionContract in CPSV-AP.

The relation between cv:ConcessionContract to eli:LegalResource, establishedUnder, is not yet represented in ePO, since we did not model the Contract yet.
But in ePO we use only European law, an ePO can not maintain an eli:LegalResource.
Another proposal is to create a ServiceConcessionContract in CPSV-AP that is a subclass of epo:ConcessionContract.



Changed the definition of epo:Contractor to:
“The role of an agent that has signed a contract with a Buyer.
WG approval 08/11/2022”


Working Group meeting 25/10/2022

Date: 25/10/2022
Participants: David Chaves, Maria Navas Loro, Giovanni Paolo Sellito
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre



Github issue 381

  • Usually define domain for properties that have a skos:Concept in range.

  • At the moment when generating the artefacts from UML model:

    • OWL core (lightweight)

    • SHACL shapes

    • Restrictions (lightweight)

  • In model2owl transformation scripts should we add subclasses in the OWL core file or should these be in the restrictions?

    • rdfs:domain

    • Rdfs:range

  • In the uml2owl transformation document ( are presented all the transformation rules and in which layer they belong: core ontology, data shape (SHACL shape) and reasoning (restrictions) layer.

  • Below is a snippet from that document where we can see that the domain and range of associations are in the reasoning layer and the range is also in SHACL shapes layer.

  • But there seems to be a bug because the domain for properties derived from the "dependency connectors" are missing.

  • This bug should be fixed.

Github issue 383

  • In the latest release version, ePO 3.0.1, a Result Notice belongs to the Notice module.

  • Only the epo:Notice class is now in the ePO core module.


Github issues 382

  • There is a list of more specific comments regarding this issue.

  • In OCDS, the term Tender refers to something else than in ePO. We have a class from Procedure, which is the process, and we also have a term of the actual Tender as a noun. In OCDS, Tender refers to the entire process of tendering.

  • ePO 3.0.1 was used to get the following comments:

    1. A Contract includes one or more Lots. Why not use LotGroup for this case? A LotGroup is actually a combination of several lots to conduct comparative assessment of the tenders. Is used in cases when the total value of the offers for lots in particular is higher than the value of the offer per a group of the same lots.
      For example, assuming we have two lots, the LotGroup is used when the value of the offer for Lot 1 plus the value of the offer per Lot 2 is higher than the value of the offer for LotGroup containing Lot 1 and Lot 2.

    2. To revise the definition for epo:Procedure. Explicitly mention that a Procedure should have at least one Lot, even though this is derived from the cardinality.

    3. Do we consider epo:Procedure as the central part of the ontology? Essentially, a Notice will always be linked to one and only one Procedure. We do not model processes, but we have modelled objects over time.

    4. What do Terms represent? What is the relation to the Documents? The terms may be published in the notice mainly in the competition phase (some of them may be in planning as well). There are three types of terms: lot specific, procedure specific and contract specific (post-award related terms).
      Terms are not actual documents. They are the rules of the game. And they have attributes that link to different documents.

    5. The specification documents for each Lot are not yet modelled.

    6. In the epo:ProcurementCriterion we might need to add an URL attribute in case we need to add a reference to a procurement document (PDFs) specifying the award or selection criteria.

    7. The class Winner depends on the class Tenderer. We can not instantiate a Winner before having an insurance of Tenderer. The term “depends” doesn’t represent a logical dependency.

    8. epo:Contract epo:includesTender epo:Tender has a cardinality of 0..* because of standard form mappings. To be checked if it is still needed in the mappings.

    9. Description of the class Contract is very abstract. Suggestion to add some general information in the definition: include the main parts and refer to the procurement process.

Dynamic Purchasing System Technique

  • What is a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)? DPS is open during the whole duration of the procedure. If a DPS is a setup to last for 2 years, then eC can register and apply under this DPS. DPS is a kind of FA where the procedure is open for a long period.
    And when needed, a CA can launch a mini-competition, like the FA, whereas the EC that has the capability to submit a tender can submit its tender in that specific sub-competition.
    QUESTION: Is there a specific notice to set up a DPS? To be checked in D24?

  • Set up a meeting with who is the coordinator of the DPS subgroup.

eAuction Technique

  • What is an eAuction Technique? Contracting authority can be set up on a digital platform (exclusively). Very similar to eBay, but the offer is not increasing, but decreasing.
    Sometimes they organise the auction in rounds.

  • This technique influences ONLY the submission stage.

  • Procedure types that can have eAuction:

    • Competitive Dialogue (NOT)

    • Competitive tendering (Yes)

    • Innovation partnership (don t know)

    • Negotiated - both types can have eAuction

Working Group meeting 18/10/2022

Date: 18/10/2022
Participants: Mauro, Natalie Muric, Emidio Stani
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Present and Discuss the Procurement Object


  • Proposal to discuss the alignment of Core Business vocabulary with ePO.

Procurement Objects

  • Presenting the proposal that was implemented in a previous WGM (2022-10-04).

  • epo:ReviewObject might need a revision in the future. Decided to leave it as it is for the time being..

  • The award decision is between a tender and a contract so its position is good.

  • Revise definition from epo:ProcurementObject. The proposed definition “The whole or a division of goods, services or works to be procured” is more of a description of the concept and not a definition for it.

  • Answering the question “what are the attributes of the epo:ProcurementObject describing?” might give us a better definition.

  • In the epo:ProcurementObject there is nothing about the subject matter, but only in epo:ProcurementElement.

  • Discussed the case where we have a Direct Award Procedure which is followed by a contract signing.

    • In this case we will also have a Lot for that type of Procedure.

  • The relation epo:hasOverallPurpose between epo:Procedure and epo:Purpose is deleted since it is no longer needed. Instead of this one, we will use epo:hasPurpose between epo:ProcurementObject and epo:Purpose.

  • Trying to decide whether a Lot is recurrent or only the procedure can be recurrent. For the moment it was decided to keep the attributes epo:isRecurrent and epo:hasRecurrenceDescription at the epo:ProcurementObject level.

  • Decided to move at-voc:contract-nature at the level of epo:ContractTerm level from epo:Purpose, as in the diagram below:

  • In eForms, the title and description of Lot and Procedure were in the Purpose Business Group, BG-2.

  • Also, recurrence and recurrence description are on the Purpose level, but they do not seem to belong there.

  • Should the contract nature be moved back?

    • We should have incremental changes on the model, even if they might impact the standard form mappings.

  • The definitions for epo:Lot, epo:Procedure and epo:PlannedProcurementPart are about different nature of things so they need to be aligned to cover all three aspects:

    • The procedural/process/game rules

    • The object/scope/purpose of procurement

    • The description of influences or additional information related to the procurement (isSMESuitable, isUsingEUFunds etc.)

Discussing github issues 382

Working Group meeting 11/10/2022

Peter Borresen, Mauro, Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas, Pietro Palermo, Emidio Stani
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Discuss eFulfilment and eOrdering roles.


Despatcher role

  • Can the despatcher be a different organisation than the seller?

    • It is not necessarily the seller.

    • There are 3 options: the seller, the buyer or another organisation.

    • We need to indicate another organisation besides the seller.

  • In case of a service, the supplier of the service is the same as the despatcher.

  • We can not use the verb provide because it means supply.

  • Added definition:

    • The role of an agent who sends the goods or notifies of the service or works execution.

Additional Information:
The role is carried out by the supplier or on behalf of the supplier.
Despatcher is also known as Despatch Party, Consignor, deliverer.

  • Prefix is epo-ful.

Invoicer role

  • It would be useful to model which “party” can play this role: buyer side, seller side or third party (acting on behalf of the seller or acting on behalf of the buyer).

  • Added definition:

    • The role of an agent who claims the payment and is responsible for resolving billing issues and payment arrangements. Additional information:
      Most of the time the invoicer is the seller.
      Rhw invoicer may or may not be the owner of the credit owed by the Buyer.
      Also known in other contexts as invoice issuer, accounts receivable or creditor.

Roles discussion

  • Primary Roles:

    • sending and receiving Public Procurement information (documents, data packages, etc.)

  • Secondary Roles:

    • Involved in the process described in information exchange (documents, data packages, etc.), so they are "referred to" or "mentioned".

  • Primary:

    • actors in the process (Seller, Buyer)

  • Secondary:

    • actors acting on behalf of (Seller, Buyer)

  • Tertiary:

    • (third parties)/actors just participating in the process and only mentioned

Predicate discussion

  • Discussing relations from epo-ord:Order:

  • These relations seem to be mixed.

  • Changed epo-ord:isDeliveredByDespatcher to epo-ord:isSentByDespatcher.

  • Changed epo-ord:isDeliveredToDeliveree to epo-ord:isDeliveredToConsignee.


Deliverer/Carrier role

  • Deliverer and carrier are synonyms, but the definitions that we provided in ePO for these two roles make them not synonyms.

  • epo-ord:Deliverer seems to be copied over from ePO 2.0.2 from Order Reification diagram.

  • Decided to merge Deliverer and Carrier into the same role.

  • Added definition for Carrier:

    • The role of an agent who handles the physical delivery/transportation of the despatched shipment.

Additional information:
The role is also known as Deliverer.

WG approval: 11/10/2022

  • The prefix for this role is epo-ful: since the Carrier is not known in the ordering phase.

Github issues

  • Some new GH issues (381, 382, 383) were discussed and need to be approached.

  • We need to try and react soon to these new issues.

Working Group meeting 04/10/2022

Date: 04/10/2022
Participants: Csongor Nyulas
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Proposing new model for procurement objects


  • Since epo:Lot, epo:Procedure and epo:PlannedProcurementPart are all procurement objects with more properties in common, it was decided to make epo:ProcurementObject a gathering class only for these three objects.

  • A temporary definition that needs to be revised within the following WGM has been added to epo:ProcurementObject:

The whole or a division of goods, services or works to be procured.

Additional Information:
Anything that can specify the procurement content (i.e. goods, services, work) is a Procurement Object. _
_In a sense, such an "object" can constitute the "object of a contract".

To test whether something is a Procedure Object check if it can have a Purpose and/or CPV classification (The CPV establishes a single classification system for public procurement aimed at standardising the references used by contracting authorities and entities to describe the subject of procurement contracts.).

Procedure, seems to be an exception from this rule. Because it is a conflated term: it carries process properties and "purpose" properties.

  • Created epo:ProcurementElement as a gathering class for all procurement elements that are involved in the procurement process, including epo:ProcurementObject.

  • A temporary definition that needs to be revised within the following WGM has been added to epo:ProcurementElement:

Gathering class for critical/central elements in the procurement process.

TODO: add definition
Additional information:
Alias: ProcurementComponent

  • The following relations epo:isSubjectToProcedureTerm, epo:isSubjectToLotTerm are now sub-properies of epo:isSubjectToTerm predicate between epo:ProcurementObject and epo:Term.

  • Deleted epo:isSubjectToPlanningTerm predicate between epo:PlannedProcurementPart and epo:ProcessPlanningTerm.

  • The source class for epo:hasEstimatedValue was changed from epo:Lot and epo:Procedure to epo:ProcurementObject.

  • Both predicates, epo:refersToPlannedPart and epo:usesTechnique, were moved from epo:Lot and epo:Procedure to epo:ProcurementObject.


Working Group meeting 27/09/2022

Date: 27/09/2022
Participants: Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas, Garcia Merino, Mauro
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Discuss GH issues for F03 standard form mappings

    • 187


Github 187

  • We need a consistent way of mapping for section 5 whether we have the lot number or the contract number.

  • It was agreed that if the lot was not mentioned and there was only one lot, the lot was taken from section II.

  • How to approach the mappings if we have multiple lots, but without the lot numbers specified.

  • if there is no award there is no contract and therefore there is no instantiation

  • If the contract is awarded you can infer from the ontology that the contract exists.

  • I’m not sure therefore that we have to create a link that can be inferred.

  • The title could be for the lot if it is a non-award.

  • If awarded then the title will be the contract title.

  • If non-award then the title will be the lot title.

  • If we have a contract number, the RDF should have one as well.

  • If we have a lot number, the RDF should have one as well.

Github 126

  • The excel maps correctly to the authority table economic-operator-size however the rdf shows a boolean see 348503-2021

  • The authority table is not listed in the resources

  • This needs to be documented in the mappings: although in xml we say it does not exist we need to explain that.

Working Group meeting 13/09/2022

Date: 13/09/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas, Giovanni Paolo Sellito
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre



  • Summary of what has been done in the ePO group in the last couple of months.

Github 152

  • If the SME checkbox is checked we will "reuse" the Organization instance, and we will add epo:Business as an additional type.

Github 156

  • If an Organization is not an SME does not mean it should be a large SME.

  • This issue can be closed as we agreed that the current representation is the best that we can do.

Github 149

  • epo:refersToProcedure between epo:ResultNotice and epo:Procedure should be renamed since it’s too general.

    • epo:announcesAwardOfProcedure is not ok since the award is at lot level

    • epo:finalizeProcedure is not ok since we have completion phase for this

  • Decided to change the source class for epo-not:refersToProcedure to make it a super-property from epo:ResultNotice to epo:Notice

    • Prefix was changed to epo:

    • Making epo-not:announcesProcedure (from both epo-not:CompetitionNotice and epo-not:DirectAwardPrenotification) sub-properties of epo:refersToProcedure

  • Decided to have the prefix epo: for all relations going from epo:Notice.


Github 138

  • Propose to add a new code in the at-voc:non-award-justification to cover this specific subsection: "No tenders or requests to participate were received or all were rejected".

Github 127

  • Decided to use a different predicate, epo:hasAwardedValue that goes from epo:LotAwardOutcome to epo:MonetaryValue.


New Github issues

  • Added a new GH issue 161.

Working Group meeting 06/09/2022

Date: 06/09/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas, Giovanni Paolo Sellito
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Notice metadata overview

Discuss notice metadata

  • Plan to generate a new version with notice metadate included.

  • Publish the normalisation scheme for standard form mappings.

  • Diagram containing notice metadata:



  • This needs to be changed.

  • The relation for regulation implementation should go from epo:Notice to at-voc:legal-basis.

  • If we include the regulations, we have to change the name “legal-basis” of the controlled vocabulary.

  • Changed epo:hasImplementationRegulation to epo:isBasedOnImplementationRegulation wit the following definition: “Indicates under which regulation a notice is created.
    WG Acceptance 06/09/2022”

  • How to signal the difference between SF notices and eForms notices?

    • The implementation regulation should help in this, but might not be enough.

Notice predicates

  • epo:Notice is part of ePO core.

  • Keeping all predicates that go from epo:Notice in the Notice module with the prefix epo-not.

  • The RDF for PPDS should contain all these predicates from the notice module.

Working Group meeting 23/08/2022

Date: 23/08/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellito
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Standard forms mappings F21 & F22

    • F21

      • II.1.6.1 II. II. II.

      • II.1.6.2

      • II.1.6.3

      • V.2.4.1 (It is the same as II.2.6)


  • II.1.6) Information about lots

    • epo:ProcedureSubmissionTerm is created:

      • Subclass of epo:ProcedureSpecificTerm

  • Renaming epo:SubmissionTerm to epo:LotSubmissionTerm and the definition modified appropriately

  • Adding new attribute epo:isSubmissionForAllLotsAllowed in class epo:ProcedureSubmissionTerm for subsection “Tenders may be submitted for all lots” with the following definition: “Indicates whether tenders may be submitted for all Lots.

Additional information:
This field is used to complement the SubmissionTerms (which are at the Lot level) for the Procedure level which is covered by the regulation (EU)-2015-1986 (modeled in the TED Standard Forms)

WG approval 23/08/2022“

  • Renaming attribute epo:hasLotSubmissionLimit to epo:hasMaximumLotSubmissionAllowed

  • Adding boolean attribute epo:isOneLotOnlyAllowed with the following definition: “Indicates whether tenders may be submitted for only one Lot.

Additional information:
This field is used to complement the SubmissionTerms (which are at the Lot level) for the Procedure level which is covered by the regulation (EU)-2015-1986 (modeled in the TED Standard Forms).

WG approval 23/08/2022”

  • Moved epo:hasMaximumNumberOfLotsToBeAwarded attribute in epo:ProcedureTerm

  • Decided to delete class epo:ProcedureSubmissionTerm and moved attributes to epo:ProcedureTerm

  • For the subsection “The contracting authority reserves the right to award contracts combining the following lots or groups of lots:” a new string attribute should be created on the epo:ProcedureTerm, epo:hasLotAwardCombination, with the following definition: “The contracting authority reserves the right to award contracts combining lots or groups of lots.

Additional Information:
This property contains information about the Lots concerned.
This property is required by the regulation (EU)-2015-1986 (modeled in the TED Standard Forms).

WG approval 23/08/2022”

  • V.2.4.1 (It is the same as II.2.6)

    • The value in section II is used only when we have a call for competition.

    • The value in section V is used in all other cases.

    • They do not appear at the same time

    • In case we have different values between contract notice and contract award notice we need to provide another predicate.

    • Created the predicate epo:hasRestatedEstimatedValue. “A forecast of the value of the procurement before competition, which is repeated in the contract award notice.

Additional Information:
This property should be equivalent to the epo:hasEstimatedValue. It is created, however because the existent data model two different fields (with the same conceptual meaning) and therefore the values may differ.

This property is required by the regulation (EU)-2015-1986 (modeled in the TED Standard Forms).

WG Approval 23/08/2022”

  • In all Contract Awarded Notices, in section V, we should use epo:hasRestatedEstimatedValue and in section II, we should use epo:hasEstimatedValue

  • In the next meeting should be discussed which metadata should be included as part of the content.

Working Group meeting 16/08/2022

Date: 16/08/2022
Participants: Peter Borresen, Cecile Guasch, Natalie Muric
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • eOrdering development.

eOrdering discussion

  • Present the proposed eOrdering model.

  • Between epo:Order and epo:Item should be a reification. There are properties that are dependent on the item. (e.g. delivery conditions).

  • Introducing epo:OrderLine. In version 2.0.2 OrderLine existed.

  • The constraint on epo-ord:containsOrderLine should be kept open in order to not lose valid use cases.

  • There is a framework contract with a set of items that have been agreed upon. This contract can be used to create a system. The buyer starts a process asking the supplier to provide an optimal configuration.

  • The request might be a vague order line which gets refined in the process.

  • For an order line to be correct it must either provide an item description or specify an item.

  • There are things that are described but they do not exist in a catalogue.

  • Some attributes from epo-cat:CatalogueItem are common and they are moved to epo:Item.

  • To be discussed in a future eCatalogue meeting.

eFulfilment discussion

  • A proposed UML model for despatch advice logistics is presented.

  • Providing use cases as github issues are preferred.

  • There are no requirements for primary and secondary parties.

  • The definitions of the entities should be provided as well.

  • The proposed UML diagrams should be used. === Roles in Despatch advice

  • The scope is to align the concepts from PEPPOL ordering and despatch advice with what there is already in ePO. ==== epo:Deliveree

  • Comparing all definitions from PEPPOL Ordering, PEPPOL Despatch and from ePO.

  • Renaming epo-ord:Deliveree to epo-ord:Consignee and keep the definition from Deliveree because the term Consignee is a more used term in PEPPOL. (inform Pieter as well)


  • Comparing all definitions from PEPPOL Ordering, PEPPOL Despatch and from ePO.

  • The name Beneficiary gives more information.

  • Need → Initiation of Need fulfilment request → Provision of the need fulfilment means.

  • Changing the definition for epo-ord:Originator

  • When the Buyer creates a framework contract, it does not catch the real Originator.

  • Creating epo:Beneficiary with the following definition: “The role of an agent that consumes the goods and on whose behalf makes the purchase.

Additional Information:
The Beneficiary is the end-user and is often the Consignee and the Originator.

  • Adding as a requirement that the Buyer can also originate the order.

  • epo-ord:Originator should be moved to epo:Originator in the core module. To be discussed in the future meeting.

Working Group meeting 09/08/2022

Date: 09/08/2022
Participants: Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Discuss Concession concept in the context of standard form mappings. === Discussion

  • Added new class epo:ConcessionEstimate with the following particularities:

    • The attribute epo:hasCalculationMethod was moved to epo:ConcessionEstimate.

    • The predicate epo:foreseesConcession has target class epo:Tender and source class epo:ConcessionEstimate.

    • The predicates epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue and epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue have target class epo:ConcessionEstimate and source class epo:MonetaryValue.

  • Added predicate epo:definesConcessionDuration between epo:ContractTerm and epo:Duration.

  • Added predicate epo:definesConcessionPeriod between epo:ContractTerm and epo:Duration.


Working Group meeting 02/08/2022

Date: 02/08/2022
Participants: Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • eNotice development



  • Separate the Notice systematisation (Notice module) from the Notice content (NoticeContent module)

  • In the Notice module we have instances created from the values of CV like in the example below:

  • We are constraining a class to a specific value of a property (Directive 23 in the image above)

  • There is a controlled list for all notice subtypes in eForms.

  • Restricting cardinalities for epo:hasNoticeType

  • The namespace prefix to be used should be epo-not:

  • The notice package from ePO core should be moved to the Notice module.

  • Check all attributes from epo:Document and decide what namespace should be used (epo:hasPublicationDate) and if they should be moved at the Notice level.

  • For the moment what is in the Document class should stay there and decide what can be moved in the future.

  • The package notice classes seem ok. Check and validate this package.

  • Creating pmc:at-voc:notice-type with a comment that this value is not part of the notice type controlled vocabulary yet.

  • If it is a D24, then it is a Prior Information Notice.

  • If it is a D25, then it is a Periodic Indicative Notice.

Working Group meeting 26/07/2022

Date: 26/07/2022
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Add missing definitions for eCatalogue


eCatalogue missing definitions

Added new definitions for the following:

  • epo-cat:Certifier “A role of an agent that assesses the conformance of an Item to a set of requirements and grants the certificate as a proof of conformance.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:CertificationLabel “Concept that stands for a set of norms, expectations, standards and policies.

Additional Information:
Such standards may relate to social, ethical and quality etc.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:ItemDescription “Construct meant to represent the association between an attribute defined in an external classification scheme and the value ascribed to it.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:ItemCertificate “”

  • epo-cat:hasPricePercentage “The factor relative to the price charged in addition.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:hasCertificationNumber “The unique identifier of the certificate.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:hasAttributeType “Construct meant to represent the association between an attribute defined in an external classification scheme and the value ascribed to it.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:hasFixedAmount “The predetermined monetary value charged in addition to the price.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • Added epo-cat:hasReferenceURI attribute on the class epo-cat:CertificationLabel with the following definition: “A reference to where the label specification (norms, expectations, standards and policies) can be found.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo:hasValidityPeriod “The property indicating when the ItemCertificate is in force.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:issuedByCertifier “Relation indicating the Certifier responsible for providing the ItemCertificate.

Additional Information:
Certifier is a role played by an organisation.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:attestedByLabel “Relation indicating the conformance subject represented by a CertificationLabel.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:hasCertification “The property providing the proof of conformance.

WG approval 26/07/2022”

  • epo-cat:hasBaseQuantity should be mandatory, so the cardinality was set to 1.

  • epo-cat: hasLeadTime changed to epo-cat:hasExpectedDeliveryTime with the following definition: _“The expected amount of time between the order and delivery of an item. _

WG approval 26/07/2022”

Working Group meeting 19/07/2022

Date: 19/07/2022
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Cecile Guasch
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Close eCatalogue GH issue 343

  • Start discussing eOrdering


Environmental/Social labels for items

  • There is a collection of requirements and there are several labels. Each of these associations provide certification schemes.

  • It is not good to look at that only from the label perspective.

  • There is a connection between the requirement set and the procurement criteria, and some of the labels can serve as a fulfilment as a procurement criteria.

  • CCCEV might be used in these circumstances. Might complement these labels.

  • Some subtypes of criteria can constitute a requirement for a particular label.

  • Directive 2014/24 mentions the following:

    • (75) Contracting authorities that wish to purchase works, supplies or services with specific environmental, social or other characteristics should be able to refer to particular labels, such as the European Eco-label, (multi-)national eco-labels or any other label provided that the requirements for the label are linked to the subject-matter of the contract, such as the description of the product and its presentation, including packaging requirements. It is furthermore essential that those requirements are drawn up and adopted on the basis of objectively verifiable criteria, using a procedure in which stakeholders, such as government bodies, consumers, manufacturers, distributors and environmental organisations, can participate, and that the label is accessible and available to all interested parties. It should be clarified that stakeholders could be public or private bodies, businesses or any sort of non-governmental organisation[…​].

    • (23) ‘label’ means any document, certificate or attestation confirming that the works, products, services, processes or procedures in question meet certain requirements;

    • (24) ‘label requirements’ means the requirements to be met by the works, products, services, processes or procedures in question in order to obtain the label concerned.

  • CCCEV should be revised and compared with the actual modelling of Environmental/Social labels.

  • Information Concept (CCCEV) seems to be a Label concept, based on the definition.

  • To the currently proposed model of Item labels we should add concepts from CCCEV as presented in the diagram below:

  • Certification is on the item.

  • The eCatalogue module developed is only for the exchange of information between catalogue providers and receivers.

  • Any additional requirement for other use cases should be added as a github issue.

  • The GitHub ticket can now be closed.

Action Points

  1. Create an issue for CCCEV: Evidence should not be a subclass of dcat:Dataset.

Working Group meeting 12/07/2022

Date: 12/07/2022
Participants: Georgia Lodi, Natalie Muric
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Discuss Status Information GH issues 357 and 358.


Status Information

  • We made considerable changes between the beta release and the final release. This discussion will have an impact on the model.

  • Having a status seems reasonable, but if we commit to a status we also need to commit to a process, to the status of phases, etc.

  • Then why not add the epo:isTerminated boolean at the level of Competition notice or DPS?

  • Are Procurement Relaunch BT-634 and PIN Competition Termination BT-756 mutually exclusive? Probably not. We can not see that from the eForms mapping.

  • We should choose the minimum for this release.

  • Should we add a boolean at the procurement object level?

  • But in the future we need to refer to that procurement object.

  • Relaunch and recurrence information are about the rules of succession of procedure. The difference is that the recurrence information is announced at the beginning of the procedure, and the relaunch is in the end.

  • We don’t need to distinguish if it is a termination of the competition or DPS. We can infer this based on the previous notice reference. (see standard form F03, section IV.2)

  • We need to create a proper systematisation of techniques and classes.

Decision taken:

  • Change StatusInformation to ProcurementProcessInformation

  • Add specific booleans for Competition and DPS

  • Create a link to a previous notice

  • This should be refactored in a future release.

Working Group meeting 05/07/2022

Date: 05/07/2022
Participants: Georgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Reka Markovich
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • VAT ontology

  • Discuss feedback on ePO version 3.0.0

    • GitHub issue 357

    • CV buyer legal type

    • Joint venture and Organisation Group === Discussion

VAT ontology

  • This is a new specific ontology project coming from the University of Luxembourg.

  • Judgement cases will be used for this project.

  • The model can emerge from the already existing data. Some requirements that are important for the modelling come from the data.

  • This can be linked to eOrdering and eCatalogue ( see GH 355)

Feedback on ePO version 3.0.0

Gihub issue 357
  • The attribute epo:isCompetitionTermination is already deleted in version 3.0.0 beta.

  • Now we have two predicates from epo:CompetitionTerminationInformation:

    • epo:concernsProcedureCompetitionTermination

    • epo:concernsLotCompetitionTermination

  • Renaming the above predicates to:

    • epo:concernsProcedure

    • epo:concernsLot

  • We need to create a class that hold both information about relaunch and termination (Procurement Relaunch BT-634)

  • The Dynamic Purchase System (DPS) should link to Lot and Procedure (epo:DynamicPurchaseSystemTechnique).

  • A procedure should use a technique (from the current standard forms), also a lot (from eForms).

  • The technique is merely a controlled list.

  • At the moment ePO provides the following path: epo:Lot epo:usesTechnique epo:Technique.

  • This aspect should be addressed with the current standard forms mappings.

  • BT-119 DPS Termination is the same concept as lot/procedure competition termination.

  • A DPS legally has no end date until it is terminated.

  • It is not the DPS technique that should have the termination attribute, but the DPS. One option is to create a DPS class and an EAuction class, and move all attributes from technique classes to those newly created classes.

  • Also, a technique should not have a validity period (epo:Technique epo:hasValidityPeriod epo:Period)

  • In 2.0.1 the attribute epo:hasMaximumParticipantsNumber was on epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm.

  • Is the period redundant?

  • The usage for eAuction or DPS should not be at the technique level.

  • We can have a framework agreement that uses EAuction.

  • The dps-usage codelist should probably be associated with the notice class, because it is about the notice.

  • If we say that a procedure uses a DPS technique, it means that the specific procedure is a DPS.

  • The CV legal type for the buyer is not really appropriate. The buyer is just a role, while if you see the CV there are values like Regional Authority. Regional Authority is a type of the organisation not of the role.

Joint venture and Organisation Group
  • Should an OrganisationGroup be an Organisation?

    • Yes, it should be implemented like this.


Action Points

  • Revise techniques diagram:

    • Procedure and Lot should use a technique.

    • Remove attributes from the technique classes.

    • The at-voc:usage codelist should not be at the EAuction technique level.

    • Also see where at-voc:dps-usage should be.

    • Create classes for DPS and EAuction.

    • Get rid of validity period

      • They belong to instances and not techniques

  • Revise CompetitionTerminationInformation and RelaunchInformation modelling.

  • Procedure should have a period.

Working Group meeting 21/06/2022

Date: 21/06/2022
Participants: Georgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Work on eCatalogue Github issues

  • Discuss VAT Ontology === Discussion

  • The work needed for eCatalogue module development is in the Github issue 339. ==== VAT Ontology

  • Start from the written Law and provide the conceptual mapping

  • To serve as a conceptual map for judges and lawyers

  • Lightweight ontology, no axiomatic underpinning

  • Instance texts:

    • judgement cases to be annotated ( ~ few thousands cases),

    • identify concepts in the texts

    • Core Legal Ontology is something to look into

Working Group meeting 14/06/2022

Date: 14/06/2022
Participants: Georgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Discuss ePO 3.0.0 beta release === Discussion

  • Buyer responsibilities

  • TED-SWS notices transformation pipeline:

    • Present the conceptual mappings

    • RML mappings

    • SHACL validation report

Action Points

  • Develop competency questions and sparql queries based on ePO 3.0.0

Working Group meeting 07/06/2022

Date: 07/06/2022
Participants: Georgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • ePO 3.0.0. beta release

  • Preparing an worksheet with the new definitions for classes and attributes === Discussion


  • The request is to change the name of predicate epo:involvesBuyer to a more representative naming, like epo:isResponsabilityOfBuyer.

  • Also, the boolean attribute epo:isResponsibleForProcedure won’t help in the case of knowing which is the procedure that the specific buyer is responsible for.

Indeed if we used a boolean attribute, it allowed for the possibility to have multiple buyers involved, none of which were responsible for the procedure. Using two relations, however, enables us to enforce that at least one buyer MUST be responsible for the procedure.



  • Investigating how the ECLASS classification system describes items in a structured manner.

  • We should treat this as an additional custom description of an item.


  • The relation dct:requires replaces epo-ecat:hasRequirementItem.

  • The relation dct:hasPart replaces epo-ecat:hasComponent.


A Catalogue is provided by a CatalogueProvider, which is playedBy an Organisation, which has an Address.


Working Group meeting 24/05/2022

Date: 24/05/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Natalie Muric, Georgia Lodi
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Collect feedback on the refactored model

  • Present the Glossary

  • ConcessionContract added

  • Discuss the new definitions === Discussion

  • Checking alignment to Core Vocabularies (namespaces and definitions)

  • Check for Business class in Core Organisation (?)

  • Discussion on CoreCriterion and ESPD: === Action points

    1. Publish html Glossary for review

    2. Check alignment to Core Vocabularies (namespaces and definitions)

      1. Update attributes names to any core classes, including cpv:Person

    3. Revise the Criterion module

      1. Check according to eForms

      2. Check CCCEV

      3. epo:hasPersonalSituationCondition attribute is an instance of cccev:InformationRequirement (it may be removed ???) but it has to be mapped from StandardForms

      4. Separate threshold and weight : weight is in criterion and threshold is on constraint

    4. Import Core vocabularies into ePO ontology

      1. CPV

      2. CPOV

      3. Create a configurable import specifications for model2owl (Dragos)

Working Group meeting 17/05/2022

Date: 17/05/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Natalie Muric, Georgia Lodi
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Collect feedback on the refactored model === Discussion

  • Presenting the document from CPSV: comparison between the CPSV-AP approach and the ePO approach.

    • A Concession Contract is a new specific type of Contract.

    • Adding this as a new class in the ePO model, epo:ConcessionContract.

    • The definition can be taken from the Directive 2014/23/EU ==== Overview diagrams for the ePO model

  • Overview

  • Phase views

  • Monetary values

  • Aspect views for:

    • Procurement objects

    • Techniques

    • Strategic procurement

    • Criterion

    • Terms

    • Agents

    • Location

    • Roles

    • Documents

    • Contextual information

    • Notice description

    • Data types

  • The Glossary is under development and will be available in the HTML format.

  • Planning to publish 3.0.0 beta by July 2022

  • Revise, collect and implement the feedback

  • Publish 3.0.0 by mid-July 2022

  • We might not have all the definitions in place yet.

  • Proposing to put all epo classes in a flat list when publishing the model.

  • The Lot is not subject to the Contract Term; it foresees the Contract Term.

  • Contract terms are foreseen in the Lot and in the Contract they are used.


On extending the core vocabularies

  • If we are sure that the concepts in the Core Vocab cover everything that we have in the ePO model we can use it directly.

  • If we need additional things typical to the domain we should extend the model.

Action points

  1. The Glossary is under development and will be available in the HTML format.

  2. We might not have all the definitions in place yet.

    1. Propose definitions and review them in a future working group meeting.

    2. Propose definitions for new classes

    3. Propose definitions for new attributes

    4. Propose definitions for relations

    5. Prepare an inventory worksheet for the WG to easily discuss

  3. The ePO model should be able to directly use CCCEV.

    1. Revise the model with Natalie

  4. Check alignment to Core (namespace, definitions)

    1. Follow the rule of thumb: reuse if identical meaning and extend if the meaning is slightly changed (i.e. new attributes or relations)

    2. Check:

      1. Location

      2. Person

      3. Organisation

      4. CCCEV

  5. Create a new epo:Term subclass, epo:ContractSpecificTerm which is a generalisation for epo:ContractTerm.

  6. Create a new epo:ConcessionContract.

    1. Copy from CPSV-AP V3.0

Working Group meeting 10/05/2022

Date: 10/05/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Collect feedback on the refactored model === Discussion

  • The upper level of the chain can not be accessed and there might have been relationships at the upper level (how the Tender is involved in the submission process).

  • Creating a Glossary for procuring it at the european level.

  • Takes time to familiarise with the model

Publication: asserts inventory

  • EAP model

  • OWL core, OWL restrictions, SHACL shapes,

  • HTML generated by EA with diagrams

  • Glossary of terms (classes, properties, attributes)

  • Documentation explaining where the assets are and how to navigate them ==== Publication plan:

  • Revise in the WG narrower

    • Collect feedback

    • Implement or plan for the future

  • Revise in the WG broader

    • Collect feedback

    • Implement or plan for the future

  • Publish ==== Feedback

  • Need Tenderer and Submission view

  • DOLCE in Core vocabularies might be inconsistent

  • The objects over time view is valuable ==== User experience

  • Main objects over time

  • Unfold phases

  • Unpack what is relevant for each phase ( which objects/types? ) === Action points

  • Prepare and publish a glossary of classes and properties/attributes

    • An HTML page sorted with an index (A, B, C)

  • Find a way to make the model easily presentable

    • Creating easily to navigate diagrams

  • Contextual information hierarchies/relation diagrams needs reworking

    • Dangling objects?

    • What keeps them together?

    • Award

  • Add connections between roles and objects

    • Tenderer tender

    • Lot/Procedure buyer

  • Make sure that the roles have the context clearly indicated

    • Which objects may be valid contexts for each role

  • Make a diagram for

    • Submission

    • Award

    • Contract

  • Finally put all the classes in a flat list

  • Hide links to objects that are not part of the core

    • E.g. upper level

    • E.g. diagrams from other modules

  • Model the Award Decision

    • An AwardDecision can capture outcomes of awarding multiple Lots

      • Rename the LotAwardOutcome into “LotAwardDecision”

    • The AwardDecision is not a document it is a ProcurementObject

    • A Procedure can have multiple AwardDecisions

    • An AwardDecision has identifier

    • A Tender and an AwardDecisions are at the same level

  • Show how terms are associated to a Procedure, Lot, Contract

  • Presenting the FIBO model with agent-in-role pattern.

  • epo:Contract - epo:LotAwardDecision: rename the relation from epo:includesLotAwardOutcome into epo:isResultOfLotAwardDecision

  • epo:ContractTerm should be connected to the epo:Contract and not the epo:Lot (?)

    • Shall we consider the epo:TemplateContract / epo:DraftContract

Working Group meeting 12/04/2022

Date: 12/04/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre



  • How is the refactored version reflected in the owl model?

  • We should stick to the domain ontology and not include the upper level ontology layer. This should be used only to guide us into ePO modelling.

  • Descriptions appear at the moment; they are not phase specific. They can be updated in other phases.

  • Provide a temporal view of the procurement objects.

  • Consider renaming LotCompletionInformation since ePO does not provide any Completion class.

  • epo:Stipulation is the superclass that unifies all the term classes.

    • This might be a good class to keep in the core to have the epo:isSubjectToTerm predicate linked directly to it.

    • Rename it into epo:Term with the following definition: “A Governing condition or stipulation.”

  • Conceptualise the document as something that has an AccessURL.

  • For example, a Tender has all the data and also can have an AccessURL where the document can be downloaded.

  • The epo:Document is under epo:InformationRealization which is the file.

  • Is the perspective to describe the document or to describe the object of the document?


  • Agreeing to keep separate the ePO core elements from the notice elements.

  • Getting the model refactored within the next two weeks, including ePO conceptual model UML, OWL model and SHACL shapes and restrictions.

  • Publish on the TED documentation website where all the files can be found.

  • Deadline to provide the files in the github: 29th of April

  • Send email to the ontology working group with the link to the documentation on the TED website.

  • Next meeting should be on the 10th of May, in order to provide a week for review within the working group.

  • Mention in the documentation all the alignments to DUL and the context organised notice content (to be delivered after this deadline).

ePO conceptual backbone



  • Upper level ontology

  • Phase/contex organised notice content

Object Description


Agent in Role


Social reality


Working Group meeting 05/04/2022

Date: 05/04/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Show WG how the Diagrams Values are currently transposed from the sandbox into the ePO model:

    • Show the Information classes

    • Show the AwardResult situation

    • Show completion values

  • In eForms (Rethink Tender/TenderLot, Tender as something englobing a group of lots)

    • Tender is perLot or group of lot, which is not necessarily the same as a LotGroup;

    • A contract is per Tender

  • Show proposed Review model.

  • We can look into Roles.

  • (Situations shall still be revised first)


Roles overview

Proposed model is to use Role as a class that is played by an Agent.


We have three types of Roles:

  • Procurement role is directly involved in the procurement process;

  • Procurement subrole is secondary to the procurement process;

  • Related role is not involved in the procurement process.

Proposed renaming epo:Role in epo:AgentInRole:


Discussing an instance diagram example for a submission phase:


We just need to have the situation where organisation is already implied for the role of Tenderer.
In this case we will have all the URIs of the Organisation + all the URIs for roles + all the URIs for the submission.


Presenting Award Decision Situation diagram:


To revise which values go to LotAward and which ones go to Assignation.

Renaming the epo:AgentInRole subclasses to epo:PrimaryRole, epo:SecondaryRole and epo:TertiaryRole.


Working Group meeting 22/03/2022

Date: 22/03/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Show WG how the Diagrams Values are currently transposed from the sandbox into the ePO model:

    • Show the Information classes

    • Show the AwardResult situation

  • In eForms (Rethink Tender/TenderLot, Tender as something englobing a group of lots)

    • Tender is perLot or group of lot, which is not necessarily the same as a LotGroup;

    • A contract is per Tender

  • We can look into Roles

  • (Situations shall still be revised first)


Tender and Values

  • There are multiple types of values:

    • Award related values

    • Submission related values

    • Estimated related values

  • The BTs should not be mentioned in the ePO definitions. Proposing to remove these in another place. Maybe as notes in the diagrams.

  • The value-type document should be saved somewhere in the github.

Diagram for estimation related values:


Diagram for submission related values:

  • A tender is usually composed of documents, one of them being a financial offer. The document that is the financial offer contains the financial offer value.

  • Should we remove the source of the epo:hasFinancialOffer relation from epo:Tender to epo:FinancialOffer?

  • When modelling the ESPD response we will need the epo:FinancialOffer class.

  • The goal is to make sure that ePO covers at best the eForms and standard Forms.

  • The ESPD should be a module itself and eOffer as well.

  • Moving epo:TechnicalOffer and epo:FinancialOffer to eOffer module.

  • Moving epo:ESPDResponse and epo:ESPDRequest to ESPD module.

  • The StatisticalInformation classes should remain in the ePO module.

Diagram for award related values:


The LotAwardDecision is the Result.
In the end, the value is associated with the Lot.
An Award Decision can not have a value.


  • In the ePO module we aim at covering the eForms and standardForms.

  • The BDTI AP should be modified since we renamed the ContractAwardNotice class into ResultNotice

Working Group meeting 15/03/2022

Date: 15/03/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Continue discussing current issues and old decisions related to Amount and related classes.

    • Continue discussing the List of values:

      • BT-161

      • BT-118

      • BT-156

      • BT-709

      • BT-660

      • BT-710

      • BT-711

    • *Decide LotGroup model: *final version of Lot/LotGroup/SubmissionTerm/Tender

      • Tender is always submitted on a Lot (never on a LotGroup)

      • Tender may be subject to grouping by a LotGroup (at most one)

    • Consider SubmissionResult situation

    • Consider AwardResult situation

      • framework agreement is not interchangeable with award results even if some values may be the same.

    • What is the proper way to assign __phase dependent information to Lot_ / TenderLot and other Rigid (OntoClean meaning) classes? This brings us back to the value assignments as estimates, awardings. This relates to a large extent to the idea of situations and the reason they were evoked in the first place._

  • Discuss Roles and Situations.


Decide LotGroup model

(proposed model)


This proposed model is in agreement with the WG members.

Below we have an example of grouping Lots:


AwardResult situation

(proposed model)


An Evaluation Result that leads to an Award Decision.

SubmissionResult situation

Creating an instance example for tender submission:


Should we represent parallel ranking or keep it at the level of Lot?


It is decided to keep T B G 1&2 outside of the model.

Business terms that indicate values

BT-161 and BT-118 are just computed data.
StatisticalInformation is only good after the contract has been awarded.

Discussion about epo:StatisticalInformation:

  • Replace TenderLot with Tender in all attributes: check epo:StatisticalInformation.

  • We need epo:StatisticalInformation at the Result Notice level and Lot level.

  • This information is published only in Result, DAP and Completion Notices.



  • LotGroup is defined in ProcedureTerm.

  • Tender is always submitted on a Lot (never on a LotGroup)

  • Tender may be subject to grouping by a LotGroup (at most one)

  • /!\ This means that we still need to think about how to represent the financial offer for a LotGroup in the context of a LotGroup Tender submission.

Working Group meeting 08/03/2022

Date: 08/03/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Continue discussing current issues and old decisions related to Amount and related classes.

    • Continue discussing the List of values.

    • What is the proper way to assign phase dependent information to Lot / TenderLot and other Rigid (OntoClean meaning) classes? This brings us back to the value assignments as estimates, awardings. This relates to a large extent to the idea of situations and the reason they were evoked in the first place.


Business terms that indicate values

  • What is the proper way to assign phase dependent information to Lot / TenderLot and other Rigid (OntoClean meaning) classes? This brings us back to the value assignments as estimates, awardings.

  • Renamed the relationship in BT-27 from epo:hasInitialEstimatedValue to the already existing one in the model, epo:hasEstimatedValue. This is because the predicate is attached to the Lot/Procedure it implies that it is the initial value and no temporal reference is necessary.

  • Rename epo:hasTotalFrameworkValue to epo:hasTotalFrameworkAgreementValue

  • All relationships to epo:MonetaryValue that contains the word “Framework” should be renamed so that we add “Agreement” as well.

  • Rename relationship for eForms BT-156, Group Framework Value, to epo:hasFrameworkAgreementValue.

  • Presenting the example for the lot award decision situation:

  • Proposing to have a ProcedureObject as a superclass for Lot and LotGroup:

  • We need to connect the LotGroup with some Term classes in the ePO model.

  • Presenting a new example of Tender Submission:

  • Presenting an example of the awarding:


Working Group meeting 01/03/2022

Date: 01/03/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Continue discussing current issues and old decisions related to Amount and related classes.

    • Tender was merged into TenderLot:

      • show the result

      • ask about “isSubjectTo” submission term

    • Continue discussing the List of values:

    • What is the proper way to assign phase dependent information to Lot / TenderLot and other Rigid (OntoClean meaning) classes? This brings us back to the value assignments as estimates, awardings. This relates to a large extent to the idea of situations and the reason they were evoked in the first place.

  • Discuss Documents diagram.


Tender & TenderLot merging

  • There were two isSubjectTo relations:

    • epo:Tender epo:isSubjectTo epo:SubmissionTerm

    • epo:TenderDocument epo:isSubjectTo epo:SubmissionTerm

  • These two seem redundant after merging Tender with TenderLot.

  • The attributes from the SubmissionTerm class are mixed between Tender and Submission related attributes.

  • The guarantee and the electronic Signature are not at the Submission level.

  • We might need to create a TenderTerms class.

  • The bi-directional epo:attaches/epo:isAttachedIn relation between Tender and TenderDocument does not seem right as well.

  • A document may attach another document.

  • Removed any epo:attaches/epo:isAttachedIn relations from subclasses of epo:Document and create an unidirectional relation epo:attaches/epo:isAttachedTo at the epo:Document level.

  • Changing the definition for epo:Document with the following:

  • epo:RequestForClarification is on the EO side, but has nothing to do with the Tender (not a Tender Document).

This is a diagram for a future Application Profile:

  • The RequestForClarification, RequestForParticipation and ExpressionOfInterest are not generalisations of TenderDocument.

  • TenderDocument is no longer needed.

  • The association attaches / isAttachedTo should be replace by associatedWith.

  • The attaches predicate between Tender and ESPD response, Technical Offer and Financial Offer should be subproperties of associatedWith within any AP that will be created.

*Decisions: *

  • Investigate whether we need to create a TenderTerms class. (to distinguish between the action of submission and the content of submission)

Working Group meeting 22/02/2022

Date: 22/02/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Continue discussing current issues and old decisions related to Amount and related classes.

    • What is the proper way to represent Lots & LotGroup and Tender/TenderLot & TenderLot group? Continue modelling the Tender/TenderLot example in the sandbox.

    • In deciding the above how do awarding, selection and exclusion criteria interplay in the case of Lots and LotGroups. This is important to understand how the TenderLots (and eventually TenderLotGroups) relate to the Lots.

    • What is the proper way to assign phase dependent information to Lot / TenderLot and other Rigid (OntoClean meaning) classes? This brings us back to the value assignments as estimates, awardings. This relates to a large extent to the idea of situations and the reason they were evoked in the first place.

    • List of values:


Lot and LotGroup

  • When (In which situations) LotGroup is relevant and when it is not?

    • Is the TenderLot relevant for competition/submission/evaluation only and it disappears in the contracts?

  • Does the LotGroup have its own award criteria or reuses those of the composing lots?

  • Is the LotGroup a subclass of Lot? They seem to share lots of attributes in common, and for this reason a common super-class would come in handy for good modelling. For example both of them may have FrameworkAgreementTerms, various criteria, estimatedValues, etc.

  • Then the same applies to TenderLotGroup, if such a class is necessary at all?

Page 11 of F2F-WGM 9th (from 14 of June 2019)

  • It was noted that the award criteria are not dependent upon a group of lots because the award criteria are applied before grouping the lots.

  • The Working Group had troubles understanding the Directive and the eForms concerning the Group of Lots value. It looks like the market could do synergies combining groups of lots but still the award criteria are set for the individual lots. An issue could be raised to eForms once the WG has clarified its findings especially concerning BG 330 Group award which seems to be in contradiction with recital 79 of Directive 2014/24/EU. It was also noted that the ontology covers scenarios that may not exist in all Member States.

Consequence for the model (?):

  • LotGroup is merely a grouping of lots, without many attributes of its own, or …​

  • LotGroup is (almost) like a Lot, which overrides the properties of composing lots. For example, Lot "estimated values" will be overridden by the LotGroup values.

  • SelectionCriteria of a LotGroup can override (take precedence on the sum of the two) the SelectionCriteria of individual Lots or keep the SelectionCriteria of the individualLots.

  • LotGroup is a collection, it is not another type of Lot. It is a mechanism to group lots and differentiate selection criteria.

TenderLot and TenderLotGroup

  • What is the connection between TenderLots to Lots and Groups? Is there a better way of calling the TenderLot?

Current definitions:

  • TenderLot: Part of the tender that applies to the related lot. Additional Information: See also the definitions for Tender and Lot for a complete understanding. (apparently no longer needed)

  • Tender: Information submitted by the economic operator to specify its offer regarding one or more lots or the whole procedure, in response to the call for tender. (WG approval 07/11/2018)

    • The common part that is submitted, in the case of multiple submissions by the same tenderer, is moved elsewhere (i.e. ESPD response, which has to be submitted anyway each time including the exclusion ground) and therefore we no longer need this generalisation. Thus we can merge the Tender and TenderLot classes.

Decision: Investigate if/how we can delete the TenderLot class?
Decision: no need for TenderLotGroup.

Business terms that indicate values

Additional notes:

Presenting the instance example for tender with selection criterion.

With the new ESPD they have to reuse the same exclusion criteria for each TenderLot.

Exclusion Grounds are at the level of Procedure.

The financial and technical Award Criteria are to be set at the level of each Lot.

LotGroup can have the same kind of characteristics as Lots. The cardinalities are different.

One Lot has just one offer per each Selection Criteria.

A LotGroup can have its own Selection Criteria that overrides the SelectionCriteria for each of the Lots or keep the ones from each Lot.

AwardCriteria will be the same for LotGroup as the ones for each Lot.

We will need to go for a different granularity for ESPD in the case of FinancialOffer.

Award Criteria are actually questions.

The Financial Offer is per Lot.

Presenting a real world example of a tender at instance level.


Delivery example diagram


Competition diagram:


epo:hasEstimatedValue should be the same in all procurement phases.

  1. Corrigendum: The estimated value might change only if a corrigendum notice is instantiated.

  2. Should we accept to extend the definition of an object previously announced? (for example Lot) It’s a good practice that once an object is instantiated they should not be modified, but only referred to. (ex: Lot hasEstimatedValue and Lot hasAwardedValue; awarded value should not be a property of a lot but of something else)

Decision: Put all the BGs in the value type spreadsheet.


Working Group meeting 15/02/2022

Date: 15/02/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Natalie Muric


  • Discuss current issues and old decisions related to Amount and Value classes

Approved implemented changes

  • Rename epo:Value class to epo:MonetaryValue class.

  • Maximum and Minimum attributes were proposed to be used as predicates: epo:hasMinimumAmount and epo:hasMaximumAmount; and epo:hasOverallAmount.

  • Delete epo:Amount class and use epo:MonetaryValue class instead which has amount number and currency attributes.

  • The source of the relations epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue and epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue have been moved from epo:Lot to epo:TenderLot. This is in accordance with eForms Regulation (BT-160 and BT-162).

  • Attributes from epo:StatisticalInformation, epo:hasLowestReceivedTenderLotValues and epo:hasHighestReceivedTenderLotValues, become relations to epo:MonetaryValue. (BT-710 & BT-711)

  • Contract class has no value(s). This is in line with the eForms regulations. Note: It is the ContractTerm and Framework Agreement Term classes that may have specified monetary values. (BG-310 does not require value) Note: The contracts have values in some datasets (to be investigated which ones and to be decided at a later stage: e.g. tender lot awarded value becomes the contract awarded value).

  • Subcontract class is deleted because current forms and eForms do not require it.

Old model:


New model:



Introduction of discussions last June on Monetary value and previous discussions on subcontract
Presenting how the sandbox implements Monetary value.
It is agreed with the WG the RevenueConcession concepts are transformed into predicates

Statistical information is looked at and the plurals are to be made into singular.
It is agreed to have a predicate hasHighestReceivedTenderlotValue from StatisiticalInformation to MonetaryValue (the same for LowestReceived….)
This was agreed as the Tender is specifically mentioned in the Notice.

It seems that Contract is not specifically mentioned in the eForms. It should be checked with DG GROW if this is because it can be implied from the TenderValue.

Discussion whether the aggregate of contract values in the notice should be considered in the ontology

It should be noted that the consumption of the Contract will need to be shown in future versions of the ontology.

In Italy:
HasEstimatedValue is in planning
HasMaximumValue is in the tendering
HasAwardedValue is in Awarding
Has MaximumEstimatedValue in Contract (not sure if correct)

This shows we should pay attention to situations, without meaning that process modelling is needed.

This is represented in the SubcontractingEstimate class that the WG accepts along with the removal of the subcontract class that can be reintroduced if a use case is provided at a later stage.
It is noted furthermore that the subcontract is not mentioned in the contract (though this should be confirmed by other MS).

Working Group meeting 08/02/2022

Date: 08/02/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Hilde Kjølset, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Present overview of the refactored model.


  • We started grouping all classes from the ePO model, like in the image below:

  • Provide a narrative for all the packages in order to make it more understandable by the business people.

  • Short discussion regarding the documents diagram which was also discussed last time.

    • Kept only the top level of notices in the model: planning, competition, DAP, result, completion and contract modification.

    • Predicates epo:relatesToNotice and epo:relatedToNotice are from the 2.0.1 version:

      • Why not include them at the class level?

      • epo:refersToResultNotice is a specific type of the predicate epo:relatesToNotice? This can be deleted because this relation exists at the level of an epo:Notice class. But this has a different cardinality (mandatory 1) so we can keep it and use it for an AP of notices.

  • Discussion about the structure of phases in the Procurement domain.

  • Is it valuable to have a Result Notice or just a Contract Award Notice?

    • Mentioning that a Result Notice contains CAN general, CAN social and also design.

    • It is good to have this classification.

  • Showing the situation usage example for Winner BG:

  • If we decide that we don’t want to keep the Notice subclasses in the model, we should find a way to move the attributes from some of them.

  • Prepare a list with all the problems that we found while doing the mappings of the content to eForms notices. (publish a future agenda; maybe as a GH issue, with priority if possible.)

Working Group meeting 01/02/2022

Date: 01/02/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Hilde Kjølset, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Update HTML version of model-refactoring branch with new diagrams of documents and present them to the WGM.


  • Do we have abstract classes or not? Because abstract classes are not instantiated, it is ok to have them since they won’t generate new URIs. Do we really need all these classes for the requirements (standard forms)?

  • Requirement:

    • It should cover eForms, and current forms if possible

    • It should cover notices, eOrdering and eCatalogue.

  • Nothing regarding the payment or submission in the data. Only regarding the result of these actions.

  • A request for providing some more information regarding the new proposed model was made.

  • Besides eForms and standard forms, there is some BDTI data from the Italian and Norwegian side.

  • We concentrate on stabilising this for eForms and Notices and then challenge the model to include some use cases that are not there.

  • There are some use cases where the roles are not defined that well.

  • We should find a small set of data that fit most of the use cases.

  • We don’t know yet if every info from the current forms can be mapped to eForms.

Notice core module

  • epo:hasLegalBasis is for the Procedure or for the Notice?

  • It is the content of the document that matters, so the Procedure should have a legal basis.

  • If we have this at the PRocedure level we could assure a robust approach.

  • There is an exception if we have only a PIN and not a Procedure, so we will talk about a project.

  • The fact that notice types belong to a legal basis is something that is part of the internal system that has to choose the notice type.

  • It is good to analyse which notice type is needed where but it is not needed to express the public procurement information.

  • Presenting the eForms mappings.

  • The mappings to the Notice content should not be part of the ePO. We are doing this low-level exercise to discover if the current model can express everything.


  • If we have a project and it changes the legal basis in between what can we do?

  • What happens to fields that are not mandatory based on the country?

    • We should provide the best cardinalities in order to avoid this.

Documents hierarchy

  • It appears that the way Notices are currently defined are not directly mappable to the eForms or Standard Forms.

  • We advise to revise the level of granularity at which these concepts are defined.

  • For example, in eForms and Standard forms there are two types of ContractAwardNotice whereas in EPO only one.

  • More notice types are missing.

Discussion on PIN subclasses:

  • In the NoticeType PIN the acronym is used with two meanings:

    • Prior Information Notice

    • Periodic Indicative Notice

  • We shall be careful when each is used and modelled accordingly in Ontology.

  • In notice-type controlled vocabulary, the BuyerProfile is considered a PIN:


Discussion on CallForCompetition class:

  • In the current model this is a procurement document, but in notices it is a notice type.

  • epo:CompetitionNotice class is an epo:ProcurementDocument as well, and not epo:ClassForCompetition. === Questions:

  • Should epo:Notice be a subclass of epo:ProcurementDocument?

    • From the directive:


Call for competition is a procurement document.

  • Shouldn’t BuyerProfile be a subclass of PIN?

Working Group meeting 25/01/2022

Date: 25/01/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, HK, Natalie Muric
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Present HTML version of model-refactoring branch and present Buyer role and Agents diagrams. Role dependencies included.


On branch feature/model-refactoring we have a common model for both models.
The HTML format is on[]
In the eProcurement Ontology section we have the Working Group meetings. We provide the meeting minutes in two formats: one long text or meeting by meeting.
In the epo-docs section we have two versions of the documentation: dev and 2.0.0.

In the dev version we have the HTML reports based on models existing in various active branches.
We could create a 2.0.1 version and add the HTML report for the feature/frozen-2.0.1 branch.
The epo:Purpose class could be included in the procurement objects.


We will make sure to add diagrams that reflect the model properly.

Buyer Role diagram


The Procurement Service Provider Role can act on behalf of the Buyer. Both roles can be played by a Central Purchasing Body.

Central Purchasing Body should be a type of Role and not an Organisation.

epo:actsOnBehalfOf and epo:delegatesAncillaryActivitiesTo relations are now at the Role level, and not at the Organisation level like in the 2.0.1 version.

Based on the definition of the buyer role, the Buyer is a conflation of both Awarder and Acquirer.

By being so specific with the roles, we may add complexity to the model.

If we specify just the Central Purchasing Body, it should be enough to cover all data.

Discuss the BuyerProfile class. It has only an attribute, epo:hasURL. We could add this attribute in the epo:Buyer class in order to simplify the model. We need to further discuss this issue in order to clarify.


  • Add link to the new epo-docs on the ePO wiki

  • Create 2.0.1 version of the documentation (HTML report of 2.0.1 version)

  • Make CPB a subtype of Buyer

  • epo:hasContractingEntity should be epo:isContractingEntity


  • Can the Awarder role be played by a Procurement Service Provider?

  • Should we rename Acquirer to Purchaser?

Working Group meeting 18/01/2022

Date: 18/01/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Hilde Kjølset, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • A new branch from sept 2021 was created to host a frozen version of the ePO model at that time, including Reg2015 and BDTI AP modules. The later APs are removed from the dev version of ePO (master branch).

  • Present the DEV version of the ePO documentation.

  • Some epo:Indicator attributes are missing. We recommend adding the indicators where possible.

  • Document on explaining modelling roles

    • Finished implementing Subroles

Discuss indicator attributes:

  • The use case for BT - 634 Procurement Relaunched is the announcement that a Procedure should be relaunched.

    • An option is to add it to the Contract Award Notice phase.

    • Can we use epo:announcesToBeRelaunched instead of this?

    • This is related to epo:hasNonAwardJustification .

    • A procedure can be cancelled before Awarding.

  • New definition for epo:hasAdditionalNonAwardJustification attribute on epo:LotAwardDecisionSituation class:

“Further justification for the non award.

Additional Information:
This is generally used when the non award reason code is set to “Other”.

WG 18/01/2022”

  • The procurement process is per Lot.

  • epo:announcesProcedureWillBeRelaunched relations were added from epo:ContractAwardNotice to epo:Procedure and epo:Lot in order to map BT-634.

  • At the Procedure level we created a relation epo:isProcedureToBeRelaunched attribute as epo:Indicator on the epo:ContractAwardNotice class.

  • At the Lot level we created a relation epo:announcesCancelledLotToBeRelaunched between epo:ContractAwardNotice and epo:Lot.

  • Added a new definition for epo:isProcedureToBeRelaunched: “Indicates whether a whole procedure or only a part of it shall be relaunched.

Additional Information:

If it’s True it means either the Procedure or Lot shall be relaunched.
This indicator should be used in tandem with the relation announcesCancelledLotToBeRelaunched if it concerns one or more lots.
If, however, no link to the lots is specified, then it indicates that the whole procedure shall be relaunched.

WG approval 18/01/2022”

Composition & specification relations between Procedure and Lot

  • We recommend using composition type of relation between Procedure and Lot and delete specification relations.

  • Changed epo:isComposedOf to epo:hasComponent.

  • Procedure does not exist without Lots.

Inclusion relation between Tender and TenderLot

  • A Tender does not exist without TenderLots.

  • Changed the inclusion relation between Tender and TenderLots to a composition. === Subroles implementation

The subroles were initially modelled as relations from Buyer and Reviewer role classes to Lot class. All these relations have been reified into either Terms or Situations, i.e. deleted and the appropriate relational class created or augmented.

Initial state


Final state


Working Group meeting 11/01/2022

Date: 11/01/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugen Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Extension management methodology (for CEN needed soon)

  • Need for having notices published in RDF format in Cellar

  • Discussion regarding at-voc:nuts and other options that can be used instead

  • Document on explaining modelling roles

  • Core Location alignment - go through the open issues labelled Location and close where possible

  • GitHub structure presentation - branches & documents

Extension management methodology

  • In CEN working will be discussed process models, needing to refer to the EPO.

  • Extension of EPO (as APs or models) with specific attributes and relations is foreseen.

  • Potential issue: redundant extension; therefore EPO governance is needed.

  • Need: asset governance formalisation for EPO.

  • Guidance document needed before Q2.

Core location implementation

Agents diagram:

  • epo:Location has been removed

  • epo:Address has been changed to locn:Address (with specific attributes and definitions)

  • All predicates from epo classes to epo:Location were moved to locn:Address and renamed to epo:hasAddress and epo:hasRegisteredAddress

Competition diagram:

  • Replaced epo:LocationCoordinate with dct:Location (with specific attributes and definitions)

  • Added locn:Geometry class (with specific attributes and definitions)


  • epo:hasLocationCoordinate should be deleted

  • locn:Address should be linked to locn:Geometry

  • Should we move epo:hasOpeningPlace to dct:Location? Double check if epo:OpeningTerm is a spatial object

  • It seems that epo:Location class was not removed; it should be removed

  • In eForms we use L3 NUTS code, but if we align to core location they provide locn:adminUnitL1 and locn:adminUnitL2

  • Should we consider INSPIRE instead of Core Location or ask Core Location to make changes in order to be more flexible

  • Should locn:adminUnitL1 link to at-voc:country instead of at-voc:nuts?

  • What can we do with locn:adminUnitL2? Keep it linked to at-voc:nuts.

  • We miss level 3 of at-voc:nuts. We could add a predicate for L3.

  • Ask Core Location for details on how we can go to L3 NUTS.

  • Change the model to the following diagram and test it with real data.


GitHub structure - branches & documents:

  • Renamed branches to better reflect the development:

    • feature/sandbox-roles

    • feature/notice-systematisation

    • feature/model-refactoring

  • Created specific GitHub issues for branches: #333 and #334

  • Generated HTML reports for master branch and model-refactoring branch; added them to epo-docs repository in order to be displayed on

  • Created automated owl generation when publishing on master, along with a conformance check.


  • Delete the sandbox folder from master branch.

Any comments on the documentation?