Cumulative content of Working Group Meetings in 2023

Working Group meeting

Date: 14/12/2023
Participants: Pietro Palermo, Ivan Willer, Thomas Pettersen
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Natalie Muric


  • Order data model update


Definitions were added for the following concepts:

Project reference identifier The identifier of the project the order refers to.

Order validity period

A group of business terms providing information on the validity period of an Order.

Order validity end date

The date at which the order validity period ends.

Order validity end time

The time at which the order validity period ends.

Offer reference

A group of business terms providing information on a preceding Offer.

Offer reference identifier

The identifier of the Offer.

Offer reference issue date

The date of formal issuance of the Offer.

Offer reference issue time

The time of formal issuance of the Offer.

Offer issuer identifier

to be taken from eCatalogue

Order reference

A group of business terms providing information on the Order being referenced to.

Order reference identifier

The identifier of the referenced Order.

Order reference issue date

The date of formal issuance of the referenced Order.

Order reference issue time

The time of formal issuance of the referenced Order.

Originator document reference

A group of business terms providing information on a document in which the originator describes his needs.

Originator document reference identifier

The identifier of the referenced originator document.

Originator document reference issue date

The date of formal issuance of the originator document.

Originator document reference issue time

The time of formal issuance of the originator document.

Catalogue reference

to be taken from eCatalogue

Catalogue reference identifier

to be taken from eCatalogue

Catalogue reference issue date

to be taken from eCatalogue

Catalogue reference issue time

to be taken from eCatalogue

Additional documents reference

A group of business terms providing information on one or more referenced documents.

Additional document reference identifier

The identifier of the referenced document.

Additional document reference issue date

The date of formal issuance of the referenced document.

Additional document reference issue time

The time of formal issuance of the referenced document.

Attached document

An attached document embedded as binary object or sent together with the Order.

Attached document Mime code

The Mime code of the attached document.

Allowed mime codes: - application/pdf - image/png - image/jpeg - text/csv - application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument. spreadsheetml.sheet - application/

Attached document filename

The file name of the attached document.

External document URI

The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that identifies where the external document is located.

Contract information

To be taken from Pre-Award

Contract identifier

To be taken from Pre-Award

Contract issue date

To be taken from Pre-Award

Contract issue time

To be taken from Pre-Award

Contract description

To be taken from Pre-Award

Buyer information

A group of business terms providing information on the agent that awards a contract and/or purchases items.

Party information

Buyer party electronic address

The identifier of the Buyer’s electronic address from which the Order is sent.

Scheme identifier

The identification scheme identifier.

Party identification

Buyer party identification

An identifier of the Buyer.

Scheme identifier

The identification scheme identifier.

Party name

Buyer name

The full name of the Buyer.

Buyers legal registration identifier The identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Buyer as a legal entity or person.

Scheme identifier

The identification scheme identifier.

  • Order hasValidityPeriod to be added to the model (column FGH) - need to find a solution for date and datetime

  • Quotation changed to Offer to align with the ontology

  • Offer issuer is changed to Offer issuer identifier

  • All BG descriptions have been harmonised to start with: "A group of business terms providing information on ……"

  • Originator Request: Definiton taken from ontology

  • Attached document, Attached document Mime code, Attached document filename not covered by ontology but will give an external document URI.

Action Points

  • Add epo:Order epo:hasValidityPeriod epo:Period as following:

epo-ord:Order / epo:Period / xsd:dateTime ?this epo:hasValidityPeriod / epo:hasEnd ?value . The date and time at which this period ends.

epo-ord:Order / epo:Period / xsd:dateTime

?this epo:hasValidityPeriod / epo:hasEnd ?value .

The date and time at which this period ends.

  • Investigate a possible solution for date and time implementation in ePO.

Working Group meeting

Date: 12/12/2023
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Klaus Nielsen, Laurent Schoojans, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom, Cristian Vasquez
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Natalie Muric


  • Questions whilst addressing the ESPD Request

  • Review eAccess diagrams to be published in the release candidate

  • eAccess concept definitions


Questions whilst addressing the ESPD Request

  • epo-acc:includesNationalCriteria changed to epo:includesNationalCriteria to be aligned with epo:QualificationCriterion.

  • ProcurementCriterion epo:hasConstraint can probably be removed as it is probably not the ProcurementCriterion that has a Constraint and we need to check in the modelling of the notices. This relation is used for standard form mappings:


It was decided to keep epo:ProcurementCriterion epo:hasConstraint cccev:Constraint because removing it would create a major release.
Review eAccess diagrams to be published in the release candidate

  • epo-acc:ESPDRequest epo-acc:concernsProcedure predicate looks redundant since we have epo:Notice epo:refersToProcedure However, the ESPD Request does not have to be associated to a notice so it was decide to keep
    epo-acc:ESPDRequest epo-acc:concernsProcedure predicate:

  • A clean-up of the eAccess diagrams has been done, resulting in the removal of redundancies such as:

  • epo:QuestionSubgroup epo:containsQuestion

  • epo:QuestionGroup epo:containsQuestion

  • epo:QuestionGroup does not have to have a QuestionSubgroup, so the cardinality of epo-acc:containsQuestionSubgroup is changed to 0.* instead of 1..*.

  • In an ESPD-Request, a Procurement Criterion must be initiated by a RequirementGroup or a QuestionGroup. Therefore, although both have a cardinality of 0..* from the Procurement Criterion, only one of the two concepts must be present.

The resulting diagram is depicted below:


eAccess concept definitions

  • The following definition was added for epo-acc:Requirement:

“Data that a Buyer requests from a Tenderer.

Additional information:
The Requirement often has a Constraint.

WG approval 12/12/2023”

  • The following definition was added for epo-acc:RequirementGroup:

“A concept that contains one or more related Requirements or Requirement Subgroup.

WG approval 12/12/2023”

  • A proposal to replace the group and subgroup concepts with the use of identifiers was suggested and implemented as depicted below:


Action Points

  • Create instance diagram using group and subgroups identifiers instead of the concepts.

Working Group meeting

Date: 28/11/2023
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom, Cristian Vasquez
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Requirements and Questions


The models that were requested at the end of the last WGM were presented:

  • Model that includes RequirementGroup, QuestionGroup and QuestionSubgroup concepts:


At instance level:

  • Model without groups and subgroups:


At instance level:


The final proposal during the WG meeting was the following:


Action Point

  • Create a model based on the final proposal of this meeting.

Working Group meeting

Date: 21/11/2023
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Eugeniu Costetchi, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom, Cristian Vasquez
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Natalie Muric


  • Requirements and Questions


Definitions of CCCEV concepts and concepts in the ESPD were discussed.


Definition for epo-acc: Requirement was proposed:

"Data that a Buyer requests of a Tenderer."

In the actual ESPD-EDM Technical Overview model there is no difference in the definitions between the requirement, question and caption. However, the name of the Business element changes in each case.

How the CCCEV deals with entitlement to marriage with regard to legal age was used as an example of the CCCEV works:


In was stated that in the ESPD-EDM model, the Group tags are used to gather information based on semantics. Therefore, we should either specialise everything or nothing at all.

It was noted that in the ESPD-EDM documentation, a Requirement does not need an answer but a question requires an answer.

The ESPD-EDM technical documentation defines the code list CriterionElementType with the following values:

  • REQUIREMENT-→ Remark, rule, restriction or additional information to which the Economic Operator needs to conform or comply with

  • QUESTION-→ A question that requires an answer (a specific datum) from the Economic Operator

We need to write down how the questions are related to a specific set of requirements and can be sequential.

The Requirement Group are "needs", whereas the Question Group is how the "needs" are fufilled.

In the ESPD-EDM there seems to be two dimensions:

  • data representation

  • how the data is used in an application.

However the ontology should just look at the data and not the application.
Therefore, we need to have an XML example of data, both for a given request and its corresponding response.

Examples to be provided for General Yearly Turnover and OTHER-EO-SME Selection Criteria.
The reason behind choosing these two Criteria is because the first one contains Requirement Group that gathers Requirements, Question Subgroups and Questions, while the second one contains only Question Groups and Questions.

Action Point

  • ESPD team will provide an example of general yearly turnover with different data results

  • ePO team will provide a model without CCCEV alignment:

    • 2 instantitations with groups and without group

    • realised request and realised response

Working Group meeting

Date: 07/11/2023
Participants: Asma Adala, Paloma Arillo, Guillaume Jacquet, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom, Cristian Vasquez
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Natalie Muric


  • Modelling of ELI

  • eAccess:

    • Subcriterion

    • Information Requirement: Requirements and questions

Modelling of ELI

The modelling of ELI was presented. It was noted that ELI includes Manifestation concept, which is not required within eAccess.
It was discussed that ELI will be imported into the ontology and the concepts required will be reused and not customised:


Since the concepts in the ELI model can be used even if ELI is not implemented in the given Member State the following concepts were removed: cccev:ReferenceFrankework epo-acc:Legistion epo-acc:Article.



As the subcriterions ar only used for National Criterion it was decided to change the predicate epo-acc:hasSubcriterion to epo-acc:includesNationalCriterion.

Information Requirement: Requirements and questions

To simplify the reading of the model for business people, it was decided to create specialisations of the CCCEV concepts.
If an entity needs to exist you need explicity to show it. An entity should be a whole.


It was suggested to add a composition relation (the idea of one concept containing another) between:

  • RequirementGroup and Requirement

  • QuestionGroup and Question

However, the composition relation type is not foreseen in model2owl.

Action Point

  • Definitions of all the subclasses added to cccev:InformationRequirement should be discussed

  • Discuss about implementing composition in model2owl

  • Constraints still needs to be modelled

Working Group meeting

Participants: Paloma Arillo, Peter van Borresen, Laurent Schoonjans, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • eFulfilment

  • General Yearly Turnover



  • Sent to Peter the spreadsheet example from Ordering data model. He will change his spreadsheets and get back to us to schedule a meeting.

Natural Language Statements (NLS)

Continuing with the NLS:


The Selection Criterion can have a Requirement with an identifier provided. epo:SelectionCriterion / cccev:InformationRequirement / adms:Identifier / rdf:PlainLiteral ?this epo-acc:specifiesProcurementCriterion / cccev:hasRequirement / adms:identifier / skos:notation ?value .

The Requirement for the Selection Criterion is not mandatory in ESPD version 3.


An ESPD Request has to should specify an Exclusion Ground. epo-acc:ESPDRequest / epo:ExclusionGround ?this epo-acc:specifiesProcurementCriterion ?value .
  • In the ePO the epo:ExclusionGroundSummary is at the epo:Procedure level, and epo:ExclusionGround is at the epo:Lot level. In the ESPD Request, the Exclusion Grounds are defined per all Lots, meaning per Procedure, even though there is no direct link between a Criterion and the Procedure (check diagram below):


Changing the NLS below to reflect what was mentioned above:

The Exclusion Ground is related to a Lot Procedure. epo:Lot / epo:ExclusionGround ?this epo:specifiesProcurementCriteriaSummary ?value .

The Exclusion Ground is related to a group of Lots.

epo:LotGroup / epo:ExclusionGround

?this epo:specifiesProcurementCriterion ?value .

The Exclusion Ground has a type code. epo:ExclusionGround / at-voc:criterion ?this dct:type ?value .

But epo:ExclusionGroundsSummary is directly a subclass of cccev:Requirement, and not of cccev:Criterion (which is linked to at-voc:criterion) and that is why in ePO we can not provide a type for epo:ExclusionGroundsSummary:


We have 3 option for fixing this in ePO:

  1. Either changing the generalisation relation from cccev:Requirement to cccev:Criterion

  2. Replicate the at-voc:criterion usage at the epo:ExclusionGroundsSummary level (need to see if epo:ExclusionGroundsSummary can be used for the ESPD Request Exclusion Ground use cases).

  3. Create a link epo:Procedure epo:specifiesExclusionGround epo:ExclusionGround as we had in ePO 3.1.0.


Next on:

The Exclusion Ground can have a Requirement with a description provided. epo:ExclusionGround / cccev:InformationRequirement / rdf:PlainLiteral ?this epo-acc:specifiesProcurementCriterion / cccev:hasRequirement / dct:description ?value .

General Yearly Turnover

  • Presenting the General Yearly Turnover instantiation diagram with modification at Information Concept skos:prefLabel


Action Points

  • Add definitions for all concepts within the Procurement Criteria Summary diagram

Working Group meeting

Participants: Paloma Arillo, Ansgar Mondorf, Laurent Schoonjans, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Discuss ESPD future OUC presentation

  • Present eAccess user stories and natural language statements


ESPD OUC presentation

Paloma presents the calendar of the future ESPD and ePO meetings.
The General Yearly Turnover slides where then worked on for the ESPD-EDM OUC Meeting.
It was noted that the question to ask during the presentation should be: Where is the Threshold per year checkbox in the mock-ups from the ESPD-EDM repository GitHub issue 44?
Pascaline showed that in the ESPD-EDM technical handbook there is another mock-up which seems more up-to-date:

eAccess user stories

EG_misrepresentation is used to check if the Tenderer has been misrepresented, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure.

All {ADDITIONAL_DESCRIPTION_LINE} tags need to be answered by the Tenderer.

This should not be in the ePO model, but as part of the definition of the misrepresentation element code (exclusion ground) used.
Below is a screenshot from the Belgian ESPD service:

Natural language statements [NLS]

Going through the NLS one by one:

  • As an open question: is this the contact point of the role or of the Organization?

The Buyer must have a contact point. epo-acc:ESPDRequest / epo:Procedure / epo:Buyer / org:Organization / cpov:ContactPoint ?this epo-acc:concernsProcedure / epo:isResponsabilityOfBuyer / epo:playedBy / epo:hasPrimaryContactPoint ?value .

This is an open question since in ePO we provide both ways.
An email is sent by Lorent to Marc Christopher to ask this question. To be confirmed with GROW.

  • It is not mandatory for a Procurement Service Provider to be involved in an ESPD Request.

The Buyer specified in an ESPD Request may use a Service Provider to offer a platform that can be used by both the Buyer and Economic Operator. epo-acc:ESPDRequest / epo:Procedure / epo:Buyer / epo:ProcurementServiceProvider ?this epo-acc:concernsProcedure / epo:isResponsabilityOfBuyer / epo:delegatesAncillaryActivitiesTo ?value .
  • Is there an use-case where an ESPD Request does not provide both Exclusion Grounds and Selection Criteria? In an ESPD Request only the Exclusion Grounds are mandatory, and generally specifies Selection Criteria.

An ESPD Request should may specify a Selection Criterion. epo-acc:ESPDRequest / epo:SelectionCriterion ?this epo-acc:specifiesProcurementCriterion ?value .
  • Can an Exclusion Ground have a REQUIREMENT tag? In general, no, but there might be one or two. (see tax-pay in EG_Contributions)

Action points

  • Update Natural language statements with Requirements for Exclusion Grounds and complete US-EG-27 and then send a copy of the requirements spreadsheet.

  • Discuss about the Exclusion ground that are at the Lot Level in ePO, and the summary at the Procedure level.

Working Group meeting

Participants: Lamya Rafes, Pietro Palermo, Thomas Pettersson, Giovanni Paolo Sellito
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Natalie Muric


  • eOrdering


How to represent the different concepts and their usage.

Andreea presented the first 50 terms where she has put the ePO class path and the ePO property path.
Cbc:identifier has multiple usages, such as in contract or in catalogue. However, in ePO we need to add the adms:identifier property to each class.

How to number the different business terms and groups was discussed. For example, for the Order data model we can have the following:


It was suggested that the example above should implemented in the other phases. Whereby, if something is missing then the numbering jumps in the given phase.

Usage note clarifies how the concept is to be used.

Specification identification and Business type process type identifier are not part of ePO. It is not clear whether eOrdering will use it. It has been kept so far to be aligned with eInvoicing.

Sales order reference is needed maybe in the response so the seller can give its own identifier to the order.

The predicate hasSellerOrderID is created between epo-ord:Order and adms:Identifer. There is an argumentation that this should not be within the Order Group as it is added later by the Seller, but for ease it is left here for the time being:

Definition: The identifier of the Order given by the Seller.
Additional Information: This identifier is different than the identifier of the Order given by the Buyer and it is useful for internal purposes.
WG approval 12/10/2023

The ontology needs to address the problem of Order issue date and order issue time the first being mandatory and the secondary being optional. This is the same problem as in notices.

The order itself does not have a currency, but the different monetary values associated to the order do have. Therefore there is no mapping between the order and currency but rather through the individual monetary values.

The Buyer contact is the Buyer Contact point in the ontology. More detailed information on the Buyer is used later, so here the dct:description will be applied.

The ontology will provide the overall map of the concepts used. In the ordering it is not part of the ontology project to provide a model for the different transactions within the ordering phase.  The same can be applied to the other modules

The next business term discussed was:


The identifier of the Order given by the Seller.

Additional Information:
This identifier is different than the identifier of the Order given by the Buyer and it is useful for internal purposes.

WG approval 12/10/2023

Working Group meeting

Participants: Ansgar Mondorf, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Overview of the eAccess

  • Continue discussing the General Yearly Turnover Selection Criteria instantiation


eAccess overview

The predicate epo-acc:refersToNotice was added between epo-acc:ESPDRequest and epo:Notice


There is an idea in the ESPD community to remove certain data from the ESPD, since the data is already in the Notice, so the ESPD Request can focus only on the Qualification Criteria.

It was decided that docref-content-type controlled vocabulary is not needed in the ePO.

We should take a decision on whether to remove the epo-acc:concernsProcedure predicate between epo-acc:ESPDRequest and epo:Procedure:


Why are there two relations between cac:TenderingCriterion and cac:ProcurementProjectLot?
They are used to express the different cardinalities between Selection Criterion and Exclusion Ground.
Exclusion Ground is at the Procedure level and not at the Lot level.

The cac:TenderingCriterion concept includes the attribute ProcurementProjectLotReference, but has also links to cac:ProcurementProjectLot class as depicted below:


This should be handled by the ESPD team.

The Legislation concept is only a reference to the actual legislation, so it should not be treated as a Document.


A question once again came up about the Criterion versus Subcriterion. Pascaline asked why don’t we create a special class for SubCriterion or for REQUIREMENT_GROUP. After that it was said that Subcriterion might not really be used in ESPD Request.

It was mentioned that at the ePO level a Subcriterion is just another Criterion and we don’t need to create it. It was decided that at the moment we will keep the model as it is, without differentiating between ProcurementCriterion and Subcriterion.

General Yearly Turnover

The first QUESTION_SUBGROUP for the General Yearly Turnover use-case was discussed:


The proposed instantiation for the above QUESTION_SUBGROUP is:


The second QUESTION_SUBGROUP is presented:


with its proposed instantiation:


Pascaline will look at the rest of 3 question subgroups for the next time.
Continued with presenting where the documentation for the ePO exists.

Action points

  • We need to represent the class – subclass relationships in the ePO glossary.

Working Group meeting
Date: 05/10/2023
Participants: Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • CCCEV explanatory example presentation

  • General yearly turnover


Neither in the ESPD Request nor in the ESPD Response is the Evidence mandatory.
It is the same with CCCEV, as all cardinalities are [0..*].

Reference Framework

Since cccev:ReferenceFramework represents the legislative part in CCCEV, epo-acc:Legislation and epo-acc:Article were added as subclasses of cccev:ReferenceFramework.

This implies that we no longer need epo:ProcurementCriterion epo-acc:implementsLegislation epo-acc:Legislation and epo:ProcurementCriterion epo-acc:implementsArticle epo-acc:Article.

These two relations are deleted and _cccev:Requirement cccev:isDerivedFrom cccev:ReferenceFramework _is implemented instead.


From the explanatory example, we can see that CCCEV uses ELI for the Reference Framework, making them able to point directly to an article by using an URI.


The ESPD Request does not have an use case for providing the issuer of the Criterion.

Question: In the ESPD Request does the LEGISLATION apply to all the concepts nested within a given CRITERION tag?

The only link that the ESPD provide is the link between the CRITERION and LEGISATION. They do not need to represent the links between LEGISLATION and REQUIREMENT or QUESTION.


Question: What is the difference between cccev:InformationRequirement and cccev:InformationConcept?

Definition for Information Requirement is: "Requested data that is to be proven by Evidence."
Definition for Information Concept is: "Piece of information that the Evidence provides or the Requirement needs."


Based on the diagram above, the InformationConcept will be used to link to the SupportedValue of the Evidence in the ESPD Response.



In the ESPD Request, cac::TenderingCriterionPropertyGroup is defined as "the sets of properties that can be used to fulfil the tendering criterion."

Financial ratio criterion (finan-rat) has a REQUIREMENT_GROUP with a cardinality of [1..n], meaning that we should have an additional layer between the instance of epo:SelectionCriterion and cccev:InformationRequirement instances. This instance will only provide an Identifier and will group together all the InformationRequirement instances for that specific Criterion.


After discussing the REQUIREMENTS from the ESPD Request side, all the related InformationRequirement instances have been moved at the level of the Group instance as per the diagram below:


The meeting ended with presenting the first QUESTION_SUBGROUP from the General Yearly Turnover:


Working Group meeting
Date: 03/10/2023
Participants: Peter van Borresen, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Fulfilment discussion about the data model spreadsheet for eFulfilment

  • General yearly turnover modelling for the ESPD Request


eFulfilment: Spreadsheet to be updated by Peter

eAccess: General yearly turnover

The discussion started around the github issue on the ESPD-EDM github repository.
The resolution of the GH ticket above is unclear therefore it is decided to open a new issue taking into consideration the discussion at the end of the last meeting (26/09/2023). To model correctly we need to know whether there is a requirement to specify different values per year.
The difference between the General Yearly Turnover and the General Average Turnover is that the first one provides a Threshold per year requirement..
The difference between a General Turnover and a Specific Turnover is that the Specific Turnover is for a particular business domain and it does not have a threshold per year.
This means that in a Specific Yearly Turnover the Buyer requires the same minimum amount for each fiscal year.
General Yearly Turnover:


General Average Turnover:


Specific Yearly Turnover:


Specific Average Turnover:


Question: What is the difference between Specific Yearly Turnover and Specific Average Turnover?
For Specific Yearly Turnover, the EO is required to provide the amount for all the fiscal years defined in the requirement.


For the Specific Average Turnover, the EO is required to provide the average amount for all the fiscal years defined in the requirement.


This also applies to the General Turnover.
Based on ESPD-EDM GitHub issue 44, the figure below illustrates a possible user interface from the Buyer’s point of view with the modifications discussed above:


A discussion around the REQUIREMENT_GROUP concept from ESPDRequest has emerged. There is a request to add REQUIREMENT_GROUP as a concept in ePO as well since there might be use-cases when a Criterion can have multiple Requirement Groups.
We might need to add a new InformationRequirement instance between the SelectionCriterion and all the other InformationRequirement instances.

Action Point:

  • Proposal to add an GH issue on this repository asking for more. (

  • Look at all the criterions and check for multiple Requirement Groups within the same Criterion (also cardinality 1..n for REQUIREMENT_GROUP).

    • Check how to model this use-case based on CCCEV.

Working Group meeting

Date: 26/09/2023
Participants: Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Natalie Muric


  • Presentation of the draft model with regard to CCCEV (core criterion and core evidence vocabulary.

  • Discussion on the Instantiation of General Yearly Turnover to check the viability of the model.


The ESPD Request draft was presented following the comments below.
The ESPDRequest announcesProcurementCriterion is changed to ESPDRequest specifiesProcurementCriterion. "Announces" is for the notices whilst the ESPD Request provides the more detailed information on the ProcurementCriterion

The ESPD Request announcesExclusionGrounds is removed as Exclusion Grounds inherit from ProcurementCriterion and the announces should be replaced by specifies.

It is confirmed that the issuedBy in the CCCEV which is the dct:publisher is not need in the ESPDRequest

The draft at the end of the meeting is:


The CCCEV model is:


The instantiation of General Yearly Turnover was presented to check the viability, using as a source the criterion excel used by the ESPD Request and the example xml:


During the meeting the subcriterion, question group, requirements and requirement group were discussing.

  • The instantiation of the subcriterion seems to be correct at this stage.

  • Concerning the Question Group:

** ** ** ** Name Description Value(example) Cardinality PropertyDataType



General yearly turnover

Its general yearly turnover for the number of financial years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or the ESPD is as follows:


[Name of the National Criterion]

[Description of the National Criterion ]





[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]




Your Answer





It would appear that the Question group is the cbc:TenderingCriterionProperty.
The Question is not included in the ESPDRequest as it is implicit due to the fact that the ESPDResponse will indicate the answer.

  • Concerning the Legislation foreseen in the ESPD Request:

** ** ** ** ** Name Description Value(example) Cardinality



General yearly turnover

Its general yearly turnover for the number of financial years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or the ESPD is as follows:



The cccev foresees a ReferenceFramework which could be reused by the ESPDRequest for Legislation. However the Reference Framework is missing the attributes required by the ESPD Request, one solution would be to create the ePO Legislation as a subclass of the FrameworkReference. Alternatively, we could use the identifier foreseen in ELI as the adms:identifier used between the FrameworkReference and the adms:Identifier for countries that have implemented ELI class, whilst for other countries parts of the ELI ontology could be reused in the ePO. Andreea will look into this further and get back to the working group.

  • Concerning the Requirements in the Requirement Group

** ** ** ** ** Name Description Value(example) Cardinality



General yearly turnover

Its general yearly turnover for the number of financial years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or the ESPD is as follows:




Number of fiscal years




Threshold per year




Minimum requirement



The use cases need to be made clear. The minimum requirement has a cardinality of 1..n but it is not clear how this should be used. How are the multiple minimum requirements to be implemented? It would be logical that the requirements would be associated to given years? Is it implicit that the first minimum requirement is year 1 and the second year two and so forth?

It had been understood up until this point that the check box implied that either the minimum requirement applied to the number of fiscal years or to each of the years in the given period.

The requirements of the stakeholders should be checked as to whether the minimument requirement is actually multiple or whether this is an error and whether the initial interpretation was correct as depicted below.


Action Point

  1. AP to look into how to map legislation

  2. Check the use case for General yearly turnover with ESPD OUC and in the quarterly meeting

  3. Once the instantiation of General yearly turnover is agreed check the model works for other criteria.

Working Group meeting

Date: 21/09/2023
Participants: Peter Borresen, Veit Jahns, Wim Kok, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Natalie Muric


  • eCatalogue Github issues

  • eFulfilment - Receipt Advice

  • Any other business


eCatalogue - Github issues

The following github issues were discussed, the resulting discussions and solutions are listed below:

#463 To link GoodsItem and Item
GoodsItem and Item could be linked via their Ids epo-ful:GoodsItem epo-ful:hasTraceID and epo-cat:Item has epo:hasSerialID.


Definition for epo-ful:hasTraceID:
The identifier used for tracking the goods item

Additional information:
An example is the EPC number used in RFID.

WG approval 21/09/2023

The origin of the ticket was that Veit had investigated information about the GoodsItem and was wandering why there is no link between the Item and GoodsItem.

Peter questioned whether you can know the packaging in the Catalogue because it does not exist at the time of the catalogue

It is decided to have epo-cat:Item epo-cat:foreseesPackage epo-ful:Package.
As a consequence the epo-ful:Package epo-ful:containsGoodsItem epo-ful:GoodsItem needs to be less restrictive and the cardinality is changed to 0..* rather than 1..* as the eCatalogue will not use the GoodsItem.
The Quantity is on the epo-fulAbstractContainer so it can also be used by the Catalogue.
It was decided that it was more appropriate to put the association of the Package to the Catalogue Line rather than the Item. The model created:


#426 Validity periods for Catalogues and Catalogue Items
Validity period for the Catalogue Item exists, however it is missing for the Catalogue. It existed in v3.1.0 but somehow it has been lost, it was reintegrated in the meeting.
The definition in v4.0.0 for hasValidityPeriod (it is used for different domains and ranges) is an improvement on that used in v3.1.0, therefore the definition already in v4.0.0 is kept:

epo:hasValidityPeriod: the relation indicating until when a given instance of a concept is applicable. WG approval 30/05/2023

The epo-cat:hasCatalogueLineValidity has no definition the following is agreed:
The relation indicating until when a Catalogue Line instance is applicable.

WG approval: 21/09/2023

#453 This ticket provides the basic model for the Catalogue Response. Veit gave a quick overview and the Package was created in the conceptual model.

The outcome of the discussion was the following model:


This will be reviewed and rediscussed at a later date.

eFulfilment - Receipt Advice

The model created in the last meeting (12/09/2023) was discussed.

There seems to be no link between epo-ful:DespatchLine and the epo-cat:Item. It is shown that it exists as the epo-ful:DespatchLine is a specialisation of epo-cat:Line


The following diagram shows how a document can be associated to the DespatchLine.


Any other business

It was agreed that Peter would provide a list of the business terms used in the eFulfilment use cases so that the mappings to the ontology could be inserted and then checked together at a later date.
Veit will provide a similar file for eCatalogue for information as the mappings have already been done.

Action Points

  1. Map ontology to eFulfilment

  2. Update the definitions of the IDs as per the last quarterly meeting

Working Group meeting

Date: 12/09/2023
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom, Natalie Muric, Peter Borresen
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Alexandros Vassiliades


  • ESPD Request – Evidence Template

  • eFulfilment – Receipt Advice


The discussion from previous meetings was continued as to whether and how the Evidence Template is implemented. To have a clear view on this, it was decided to ask the participants from the different Member States in the next ESPD Open User Community (OUC) on 21/09/2023.

It was also noted that an Evidence is not necessarily a Document, it can also be provided via a URL.

It was decided to continue the discussion on the ESPD Request after the ESPD OUC when more input would be available.

The meeting continued on the topic of the Receipt Advice within eFulfilment

The following model was drawn using the Peppol documentation:


This model will be reviewed and discussed in a future meeting.

It was also noted that in eFulfilment there is the use case whereby the Order Response is not linked to an Order therefore the cardinality between the Order and Order Response should be reviewed.

Action Point:

  • Working group to review the Receipt Advice model

  • Investigate the cardinality between order response and order, because in some cases the order response may be submitted without an order.


Working Group meeting

Date: 05/09/2023
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Natalie Muric and Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Alexandros Vassiliades


  • Publication of RDF Contract Award Notices in RDF

  • eAccess


Publication of RDF Contract Award Notices in RDF

Since 28/08/2023 the Contract Award Notices (except those for Defence) are available in rdf format from the Publications Office. It was presented how to visualise the triples of a given notice in Cellar:

Via the link

The text in the Query Text

prefix cdm: select * where {?s ?p ?o} limit 100
is replaced by the following query

SELECT * WHERE { graph {?s ?p ?o } }

And then press “Run Query”.

Where 519294-2023 can be any valid Contract Award Noice published on the TED website based on standard forms and not eForms and excluding eForms.


Due to the code freeze for the v.4.0.0 it was decided to concentrate on the user stories for the ESPD Request.

  • To set the context the involvement of different stakeholders was agreed:

  • The Activity description was reviewed and agreed:

  • Three new use cases were defined:

    • Creating the ESPD Request,

    • Providing the ESPD Request and

    • Consulting the ESPD Request:

Use case Description Actors Flow

1. Creating the ESPD Request

The Buyer creates an ESPD Request to ensure that the Tenderers are eligible and capable to participate in a Procurement Procedure by defining the Exclusion Grounds and Selection Criteria.


The Buyer creates an ESPD Request on an ESPD platform.

2. Publishing the ESPD Request

The Buyer publishes the ESPD request to provide the Exclusion Grounds and Selection Criteria to potential Tenderers.


The Buyer publishes the ESPD Request at the same time as the Notice (it is a Procurement Document).

3. Consulting the ESPD Request

The Economic Operators consult the ESPD request to understand whether they are eligible to participate in the procedure.

Economic Operator

An Economic Operator consults the ESPD request.

Exclusion Ground is a Criterion that describes a legal requirement to be met by the Economic Operator to be a Candidate in the Procurement.

Selection Criterion is a Criterion that describes a capacity Requirement that the Economic Operator needs to fulfill to participate in the procurement.
Selection criteria may relate to:
(a) suitability to pursue the professional activity;
(b) economic and financial standing;
(c) technical and professional ability.

The user stories were reviewed and developed:

Code Role User Story



As a Buyer, I want to know that the Economic Operator substantiates the non-existence of the exclusion grounds and fulfils all qualitative selection criteria, so I can select it as a Candidate for the Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I need to define my Selection Criteria, therefore I would like to see the Selection Criteria my Organisation has previously used.



As a Buyer, I need to define my Selection Criteria, therefore I would like to see the Selection Criteria which were previously used by other Organisations in my country.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know the Selection Criteria I need to fulfil, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know the Exclusion Ground I need to substantiate, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know which evidence needs to be supplied by relied upon entities, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know for which Criterion I need to provide information on a relied upon entity, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know which evidence needs to be supplied by potential subcontractors, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know for which Criterion I need to provide information on a potential subcontractor, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the required number of fiscal years of the general yearly turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the required threshold per year of the general yearly turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the minimum required amount of the general yearly turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the required number of fiscal years of the general average turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the minimum required amount of the general average turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the required number of fiscal years of the specific average turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the required business domain of the specific average turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the minimum required amount of the specific average turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the required number of fiscal years of the specific yearly turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the required business domain of the specific yearly turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the minimum required amount of the specific yearly turnover, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the financial ratio type, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the definition of the financial ratio, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the minimum required amount of the financial ratio, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the applicable period of the financial ratio, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the type of the professional risk indemnity insurance, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know what is the minimum required amount of the professional risk indemnity insurance, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to see in which countries national exclusion grounds are included in the Procedure, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.



A Buyer wants to see if any Procedure has been processed without Exclusion Grounds, and if so, what type of Procedure was it.



As a Buyer, I want to see if the Economic Operator was convicted for participating in a criminal organisation, the reason and the period.

  • Discussion over the epo:EvidenceTemplate came to the surface again, further input from the ESPD Open User Community is required in order to exactly define what this concept is..

Action Points:

  • A further investigation of the usage of cac:TemplateEvidence in the ESPD Request is required to understand its purpose in the request.

  • A list of the concepts that are used in the ESPD Request were requested to the ESPD project.

Working Group meeting

Date: 29/08/2023
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Giovanni Paolo Selitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Alexandros Vassiliades/Andreea Pasăre


  • Review Monetary values in ePO core


All the properties that go to epo:MonetaryValue were extracted and checked if they respect the requirements for standard forms and eForms.

The following predicates were presented:

  • epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue replaces epo:hasFrameworkAgreementEstimatedValue.

The estimated value to be spent within the Framework Agreement(s).

Additional information:
In the case of an Award Decision for a Lot, this relation represents the estimated value for the awarded Framework Agreement.
In the case of a Notice, this relation represents the estimated value for all Framework Agreements covered by the Notice.

Domain, Range and Cardinality:
epo:LotAwardOutcome → epo:MonetaryValue [0..1]
epo:NoticeAwardInformation → epo:MonetaryValue [0..1]

eForms – BT 660

  • epo:hasAwardedEstimatedValue was DELETED since it is the same concept as epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue.

  • epo:hasLaunchFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue moved from epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm level to epo:ProcurementObject level.

The highest value that can be awarded to a Framework Agreement. Additional information:
This relation can be used for a Procurement Object or a Group of Lots.
In the case of the Group of Lots, this information can be provided when the maximum value of the Group of Lots is lower than the sum of maximum values of individual Lots in this group (e.g. when the same budget is shared for several Lots).

Domain, Range and Cardinality:
epo:ProcurementObject → epo:MonetaryValue [0..1]

eForms – BT-271

  • epo:hasLaunchGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue was changed to epo:hasLaunchFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue (this way we align with epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue which can be used both at the Lot level and Notice level) and was moved at the Lot Group level.

The highest value that can be awarded to a Framework Agreement.

Domain, Range and Cardinality:
epo:ProcurementObject → epo:MonetaryValue [0..1]

eForms – BT-157

  • epo:hasTotalValue - changed cardinality between Tender Group and Monetary Value from 1 to [0..1].

  • epo:hasEstimatedValue was added at the Lot Group level.

A forecast of the value of the procurement before competition. Additional Information:
Different cases of estimated values may refer to a lot, the global value of the procedure, or of a combinatorial value of a group of lots.
The forecast is calculated by the buyer and covers all revenues whether coming from the buyer or third parties.
See for example recital (19), Article 5 of Directive 2014/24/EU and other articles from the rest of Directives about procurement. In the case of framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems this refers to the maximum estimated value. This property corresponds to BT-27 in eForms (for Lot and Procedure) and can be used for BT-157 (for LotGroup). WG Approval 05/12/2019

Domain, Range and Cardinality:
epo:LotGroup → epo:MonetaryValue [0..1]

eForms – BT-27

The UML diagrams related to Monetary Values below were presented:


Working Group meeting

Date: 22/08/2023
Participants: Peter Borresen, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Selitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Alexandros Vassiliades


  • Present 1st draft of eAccess

  • Discuss use cases and user stories for eAccess


1st Draft of eAccess

  • Question: Does the procurement service provider take part in the ESPDRequest or only in the ESPDResponse? Answer: The procurement service provider offers a platform that can be used by both the Buyer and Economic Operator.

  • The relation between epo-acc:ESPDRequest and epo:ProcurementCriterion was named as epo:announcesProcurementCriterion with a cardinality of 1..*.

  • Legislation has an official language. It was suggested to consider Legislation as a Document, this would imply that many of the properties could be inherited from Documen:

    • dct:title

    • dct:description

    • epo:hasURL

    • epo:hasOfficialLanguage However, this needs to be looked into more depth to see the correctness of this idea.

  • epo:ProcurementSubcriterion was deleted from the proposed draft because it is a redundancy of the epo:Criteria.

  • Based on the ESPD data model Criterion has one or many requirement groups, according to CCCEV a Criterion is a type of Requirement (see below the CCCEV model).


An Instance diagram showing the modeling of a requirement for a epo:ProcurementCriterion, by using the epo:hasRequirement property defined in the cccev:Requirement.

  • The ESPDRequest is partly reused as a template for the ESPDResponse. The following model that includes criteria and evidences was proposed:


How the ESPD is used

The ESPD resquester request an ESPD from the ESPD provider. The request is partly reused as a template for the response.

  1. The Buyer publishes the ESPD Request at the same time as the notice. The ESPD Request is a Procurement Document.

  2. An economic operator consults the ESPD Request. ==== Use cases and user stories for eAccess

A first use case was defined below, concerning the ESPD Request


The first user stories were defined:


Similar user stories to the ones of relied upon entities can be defined for subcontractors.

Action point:

  • Discuss the difference/similarities between Document and Legislation.

  • Discuss evidence template with the ESPD team.

Working Group meeting

Date: 01/08/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Arillo Aranda Paloma, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom,
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Alexandros Vassiliades


  • Present first draft of eAccess module



Can the ESPD Business Handbook (ESPD Request part only) be considered as requirements for eAccessalong with the documentation of ○%09https:/[ESPDint]?


Is it necessary for Buyers and Economic Operators to create a new ESPD document for each procedure? Instead, is it possible to re-use an ESPD in different procurement procedures, facilitating the tasks of users.

Reuse in the previous sentence implies partial reuse of the content in the xml file. Paloma will ensure the ESPD documentation reflect the meaning of the re-use more accurately.

Requirements of ESPD and eAccess should not be considered the same. We should consider the ESPD Request as part of eAccess. The ESPD Response should be considered part of eSubmission.


Is it necessary for Buyers and Economic Operators to create a new ESPD document for each procedure? Instead, is it possible to re-use an ESPD in different procurement procedures, facilitating the tasks of users.


The Lot is defined at the ESPDResponse level as depicted in the image below:


It would appear that each ESPDRequest has a different identifier for each Procedure concerned which implies that the ESPDRequest as a whole cannot be reused across procedures.

Decision on the first draft of eAcess which was based on the ESPD-EDM

  • A new property from ESPDResponse to ESPDRequest was created (epo-sub:relatesToESPDRequest):

  • ReferenceNumber does not need to be covered in ePO

  • DocumentVersionIdentifier exists as epo:hasVersion at the Document level in ePO

  • The epo:hasPublicationDate at the Document level, but the data type does not permit the time, which is required by the ESPD Request. How to treat dates and times needs to be further looked into.

  • CopyIndicator is not necessary and is not to be implemented in the ePO.

  • The relation between epo:ESPDRequest and epo:Buyer seems an overkill as they are related through the epo:Procedure, therefor this relation was removed.

  • The ESPD requires an identifer for the criteria, which implies cccev:Requirement should be connected through a relation with adms:Identifier. However, CCCEV provides identifiers as a literal therefore it needs to be discussed if CCCEV and ADMS concepts can be implemented in this way.

  • The legislation part for Criterion is implemented as depicted in the image below. However it is necessary to see if there is a better way of modelling for example through ELI (European Legislation Identifier) or as a Document.


Action point:

  • Discuss how to treat dates when we have have differing requirements ie epo:hasPublicationDate with the date data type for the notices, however the ESPD requires datetime data type. No dummy dates can be used in the notices as this could have legal consequences.

  • Check if the cccev:InformationConcept and adms:Identifier can be connected. Can 2 external concepts be connected within another ontology. See below:

    • (cccev:InformationConcept) and (adms:Identifier

    • cccev:Requirement and adms:identifier

  • Review modelling of the Legislation

Working Group Meeting

Date: 04/07/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Ansgar Mondorf, Eugen Costezki, Fred van Blommestein, Jostein Fromry, Peter, Pietro Palermo, Roschkowski Gregor, Wim Kok.
Model Editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note Editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Discuss ePO Glossary


It was noted that the next steps of ePO development will be eAccess and ESPD models. It was mentioned that the data model in ESPD is represented using UML with non-specific relations between concepts.

During the meeting, the glossary for each module was presented. Each glossary contains all the related concepts, attributes, predicates (relations), and definitions. It was mentioned that when we have an external relation, it indicates a relation from an external module.


The alignment between PEPPOL business term requirements and ePO was also discussed. It was suggested to carry out this alignment during the Working Group Meetings, preferably every other Thursday, with a deadline set for the end of 2023.

To do this alignment, it was proposed to link ePO concepts that correspond to each BT, and the description of the BT would be the definition of the concept in ePO. It was clarified that a Business Term (BT) is the concept name in the business domain, while in ePO, it can refer to a concept, attribute, or predicate.

Examples from ePO were presented, such as the "Order" concept, which is a document with an identifier.

It was pointed out that to align concepts appropriately, the entire path of concepts should be mentioned, including inheritances. For example, the "Street Name" term should always be mapped to the street of an organization that is playing the agent in role.

The meeting also covered the issue date and issue time of an order. The dct:issued has a data type of rdfs:Literal which has been implemented as a xsd:dateTime datatype in ePO. rdfs:Literal includes xsd:dateTime.
During the meeting, it was noted that the ePO ontology, along with the glossary and documentation, will be published in the next couple of weeks.

Action Points

  • Alignment with PEPPOL business term requirements (suggested time line end 2023)

Working Group meeting

Date: 20/06/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric,
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Revise new eForms BTs in the extended Annex.


The participants validated the new concepts in relation to the BTS found in the extended Annex of eForms. The BTs were mapped to the ePO ontology as follows, where the main bullet represents the BTs and the sub-bullets represent the corresponding ePO mapping:

  • BT-803: Notice Dispatch Date eSender

    • epo:Notice epo:hasESenderDispatchDate in epo:Notice.

  • BT-738: Notice Preferred Publication Date

    • epo:hasPreferredPublicationDate in epo:PublicationProvision

  • BT-578: Security Clearance

    • epo:isSecurityClearanceRequired property was created in epo:SecurityClearanceTerm

  • BT-801: Non-Disclosure Agreement

    • epo:NonDisclosureAgreementTerm class was created.

    • epo:isNonDisclosureAgreementRequired:boolean property was created on epo:NonDisclosureAgreementTerm.

  • BT-802: Non-Disclosure Agreement Description

    • dct:description on epo:NonDisclosureAgreementTerm concept.

  • BT-1371: Previous Planning Lot Identifier

    • This BT refers to the identifier of the Lot in the current Notice. The mapping for this BT should be coupled with the mapping from BT-1251. We also need to add a link between epo:PlannedProcurementPart and the epo:ProcurementObject (by using epo:foreseesProcurementObject relation).

  • 1251: Previous Planning Lot Identifier

    • This refers to the identifier of the Previous PLannedProcurementPart; that will become the Lot from BT-1371.

    • Example of Implementation in ePO: (it was noted, this can be implemented in other ways).

      • epo-not:CompetitionNotice epo:refersToPrevious epo-not:PlanningNotice. epo-not:PlanningNotice epo:announcesPlannedProcurementPart epo:PlannedProcurementPart. epo:PlannedProcurementPart adms:identifier adms:Identifier.


During the meeting, the participants validated the definitions of the following terms:

  • epo:hasPublicationDate: Date of formal public issuance of the document.

  • dct:issued: Date of formal issuance of the resource. Additional information: This is generally used for modules other than eNotice.

Action Point

  • Change back Lot Award Decision concept to Lot Award Outcome and also change back related relations.

Working Group meeting

Date: 13/06/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giampaolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Revise all Monetary Values with respect to Framework Agreement.


The participants validated the monetary values in relation to the BTs in the extended Annex of eForms. The BTs were mapped to the ePO ontology as follows, where the main bullet represents the BTs and the sub-bullets represent the corresponding ePO mapping:

  • BT-27: Framework Maximum Value

    • epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm epo:hasLaunchFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-157: Group Framework Maximum Value

    • epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm epo:hasLaunchGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue epo:MonetaryValue

    • epo:hasEstimatedValue was changed to epo:hasLaunchGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue

  • BT-644: Prize Value

    • epo:Prize po:hasPrizeValue / epo:hasAmountValue epo:MonetaryValue .

  • BT-161: Notice Value

    • epo:NoticeAwardInformation epo:hasTotalAwardedValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-118: Notice Framework Maximum Value

    • epo:NoticeAwardInformation epo:hasTotalAwardedValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-1118: Notice Framework Approximate Value

    • epo:NoticeAwardInformation epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-156: Group Framework Re-calculated Maximum Value

    • epo:LotGroupAwardInformation epo:hasGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue epo:MonetaryValue

    • epo:hasGroupFrameworkAgreementAwardedValue was changed to epo:hasGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue

  • BT-1561: Group Framework Re-estimated Value

    • epo:LotGroupAwardInformation epo:hasApproximateGroupFrameworkAgreementValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-709: Framework Re-calculated Maximum Value

    • epo:LotAwardDecision epo:hasFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-660: Framework Re-estimated Value

    • epo:LotAwardDecision epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue epo:MonetaryValue

    • epo:hasFrameworkAgreementEstimatedValue was changed to epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue

  • BT-710: Tender Value Lowest

    • epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation epo:hasLowestReceivedTenderValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-711: Tender Value Highest

    • epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation epo:hasHighestReceivedTenderValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-720: Tender Value

    • epo:Tender epo:hasFinancialOfferValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-779: Tender Payment Value

    • epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation epo:providesContractTotalPaymentValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-782: Tender Penalties

    • epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation epo:providesContractTotalPenaltyValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-162: Concession Revenue User

    • epo:ConcessionEstimate epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-160: Concession Revenue Buyer

    • epo:ConcessionEstimate epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-553: Subcontracting Value

    • epo:SubcontractingEstimate epo:hasSubcontractingEstimatedValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-793: Review Remedy Value

    • epo:ReviewDecision epo:hasRemedyValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-795: Review Request Fee

    • epo:ReviewRequest epo:hasReviewRequestFee epo:MonetaryValue

    • epo:paidReviewRequestFee was changed to epo:hasReviewRequestFee

Working Group meeting

Date: 01/06/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Glan Luigi Albano, Giovanna Filippone, Goncalo Negrao, Martina Pititto, Paolo De Lazzaro, Peter, Thomas Pettersson
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • ePO module harmonisation

  • Discuss eContract model


ePO module harmonisation

It was noted that the models had become easier to work with after the changes made during the previous post-award meeting. In the updated models, each line can now have a description and specify an item. The Information Hub has a direct link to the line, and the AllowanceChargeInformation could be defined at both the Document and Line levels.


The participants then discussed modeling virtual locations for service deliveries it was decided to use location based on coordinates, indicating a geographical location where the delivery could take place.
It was noted after the WGM that a virtual delivery location should be represented as a URL and further discussion is needed on this matter.



The Contract model was presented whereby a Contract is a Document and is subject to Contract Terms. It is signed by both the Contractor and the Buyer(s). It has reference to the Lot(s).
The contract model requirements were mapped to the ePO ontology as follows, where the main bullet represents the requirement, and the sub-bullets represent the corresponding ePO mapping:

  • Contract

    • epo:Contract

  • Contract identifier

    • epo:Contract adms:identifier adms:identifier

  • Contract issue date:

    • Dct:issued in epo:Document

  • Contract issue time

    • Dct:issued in epo:Document

  • Contract type

    • At-voc:contract-nature codelist. But it was noted that, it does not cover for FA or DPS needs to be checked. Also, Reference number of the contract needs to be checked.

  • Process control

    • In the meeting, it was noted that Process control is not applicable in data-oriented modelling (ePO)

  • Contracting body

    • epo:Buyer

  • Economic operator

    • epo:Contractor

  • Procurement project name

    • Dct:title on epo:Contract

  • Procurement project description

    • Dct:description on epo:Contract

  • Procurement project type

    • uses contract-nature on ContractTerms

  • Estimated total value

    • is at the ProcurementObject level.

  • Description of extension and options:

    • epo:hasOptionsDescription on ContractTerms

  • CPV

    • at-voc:cpv codelist at Contract level

  • CPV

    • supplementary is not included in ePO

  • Procurement project location NUTS code

  • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesPlaceOfPerformance dct:Location

  • dct:Location epo:hasNutsCode at-voc:nuts

  • Period start date

    • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesContractPeriod epo:Period

  • Period start time

    • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesContractPeriod epo:Period

  • Period end date

    • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesContractPeriod epo:Period

  • Period end time

    • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesContractPeriod epo:Period

  • Lot identifier

    • epo:Contract epo:hasLotReference epo:Lot

  • Award criterion type

    • epo:Lot epo:specifiesProcurementCriterion epo:AwardCriterion epo:hasAwardCriterionType at-voc:award-criterion-type

  • Legal references

    • epo:Lot epo:hasLegalBasis at-voc:legal-basis OR epo:hasLegalBasisDescription on epo:ProcurementObject

  • Tender identifier

    • epo:Contract epo:includesTender epo:Tender

  • Tender digest

    • epo:hasElectronicDigest

  • Tender signature

    • epo:hasElectronicSignature

  • Tender total amount:

    • epo:Tender epo:hasFinancialOfferValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • Tender total taxes amount:

    • epo:Tender epo:hasTaxInformation epo-ord:TaxInformation epo-cat:hasAmount

    • It was noted a conflict in the definitions of Tender total taxes amount and Tender total amount in the in contract model requirements.

      • Tender total amount: The total amount of the offered deliverables in the tender excluding all taxes payable by the contracting authority.

      • Tender total taxes amount: The total amount of taxes included in the total amount.

  • Award identifier:

    • epo:AwardDecision adms:identifier adms:Identifier

  • Award date

    • epo:hasAwardDecisionDate (by using xsd:dateTime attribute)

  • Award time

    • epo:hasAwardDecisionDate (by using xsd:dateTime attribute)

  • Winner economic operator

    • epo:Winner

  • Economic operator name

    • dct:title on the foaf:Agent

  • Economic operator identifier:

    • adms:identifier on the foaf:Agent

  • Economic operator registration country code:

    • org:Organization epo:hasRegistrationCountry at-voc:country.

  • Documents:

    • epo:Document epo:associatedWith epo:Document

    • epo:Contract is an epo:Document

  • Attachment identifier:

    • adms:identifier on epo:Document

  • Attachment description:

    • dct:description on epo:Document

  • Attached document

    • We do not provide the binary object, only URL (epo:hasAccessURL on the epo:Document)

  • Deliverable offered

    • epo:Contract epo:specifiesDeliverable epo:Item

  • Deliverable name

    • dct:title on the epo:Item

  • Deliverable description

    • dct:description on the epo:Item

  • Delivered quantity

    • epo:Deliverable epo-cat:hasQuantity epo:Quantity

  • Deliverable total amount

    • epo:Deliverable epo:hasTotalValue epo:MonetaryValue The model below was validated.


The property epo:hasAccessURL has been removed from the Contract class because it was inherited from the Document class.
The property epo:hasHomePage was changed to epo:hasInternetAddress in cpov:ContactPoint class.
It was noted that epo:hasInternetAddress is used in various places

  • cpov:ContactPoint epo:hasInternetAddress

  • Org: Organization epo:hasInternetAddress

  • Org: Organization epo:hasPrimaryContactPoint cpov:ContactPoint The epo:hasInternetAddress was defined:
    epo:hasInternetAddress: The main webpage used by the instance of the concept.
    It was noted that the Contract class needs to have its own estimated value, as it is not considered a Procurement Element. This is to distinguish between the Tender value and the Contract value. As a result, the Contract now includes the relation epo:hasContractValue to capture the value associated with the contract. This property is linked to the epo:MonetaryValue class. Additionally, the Contract has a lot reference through the property "epo:hasLotReference" which connects it to the epo:Lot class.
    Further discussion is needed to determine how to model Monetary Values with respect to both Contract and Tender.

The Contract class has an Amended Contract subclass. The Amended Contract class inherits all attributes from the Contract class.


The following Notices were discussed, and it was suggested to update the Notice modules accordingly to implement them.

  • Contract Completion Notice Announcement of the completion of a contract The main purpose of this notice is to understand if the contract was completed as set out in the contract award notice (to be published on 2023-06-14 in EU Vocabularies) It was noted that the Completion Notice announces the completion of the Contract, not the Contract itself. Therefore: epo:announcesContract was changed to epo:announcesCompletionOfContract.

  • Pre-Market Consultation Notice Announcement of a pre-market consultation. A pre-market consultation is not a call for competition, and no procurement documents are available at the time of consultation. A consultation may or may not be followed by a future competition (to be published 2023-06-14 in EU Vocabularies).


Action Points

  • Points to be followed up

    • What is the Reference number of the contract

    • The conflict in the definitions of Tender total taxes amount and Tender total amount needs to be addressed.

      • Tender total amount: The total amount of the offered deliverables in the tender excluding all taxes payable by the contracting authority.

      • Tender total taxes amount: The total amount of taxes included in the total amount.

    • Contract type is mapped to at-voc:contract-nature codelist (works, service and supplies) in ePO. However in the contract model requirements contract type can also be FA and DPS it should be checked if there is a valid reason for this?

    • Update the Notice modules to implement Contract Completion Notice and Pre-Market Consultation Notice.

Date: 30/05/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giampaolo Sellitto.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Continue discussing Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) model

  • Relations and properties definition harmonisation.

  • epo-cat:hasAmount

  • epo:hasValidityPeriod

  • dct:title

  • skos:prefLabel

  • dct:Description


During the WGM meeting, the modeling of Award Decisions within the Framework Agreement and Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) ontology following the previous meeting. Based on this discussion, the following updates were made:

  • epo:announcesLotAwardOutcome was changed to epo:announcesLotAwardDecision.

  • epo:ResultNotice epo:announcesLotAwardDecision epo:AwardDecision should be visible in Notice module

  • epo:comprisesLotAwardOutcome was changed to epo:comprisesLotAwardDecision

The participants defined the following terms and relations:

  • epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation: Statistical information about submissions on a given competition, either at Lot level or Mini-Competition level.

  • epo:MiniCompetitionAwardDecision: Result concerning the Mini-Competition attributed by the Awarder

  • epo:summarisesInformationForAwardDecision: Relates to submission for the given competition, either at Lot level or Mini-Competition level.

The model below was validated:


Framework Agreement

The participants reviewed and validated the following model:


A Framework Agreement results from a Lot Award Decision, which concerns a specific Lot that uses the framework technique. The Lot Award decision which is used to establish the Framework Agreement specifies the different Qualification Criterion and Award Criterion (Procurement Criterion) to be used. The Mini Competition that may be launched within the Framework Agreement follows the rules set by the Framework Agreement and involves specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.
During the meeting, it was confirmed that technique is used at lot level.
The relation epo:indicatesAwardOfLotToWinner was changed to epo:indicatesAwardToWinner to accommodate the award of mini-competitions.
Furthermore, the participants defined the following terms:
epo:MiniCompetition: A process where multiple winners or candidates of previous stages of a procedure bid for a specific procurement. Additional Information:
It is typically used in framework agreements where the suppliers have already been pre-selected, and the mini competition is used to determine which supplier is best suited for a particular project or contract. It is also used in a Dynamic Purchasing System where the suppliers come from a list of Candidates.
epo:QualificationCriterion: Criterion used in the first stage of procurement.
epo:ParticipationCondition: Criterion that describes a Requirement to take part in a procurement.


The DPS diagram below was reviewed and validated by the participants:


A DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) uses a DPS Technique. In the first stage, the different Qualification Criterion are specified and there is no Award Decision, however a Candidate List is created which lists the economic operators that are admitted to subsequent Mini-Competitions. The subsequent Mini Competitions involve specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.

During the WGM, a question was raised regarding whether "epo:DynamicPurchasingSystem" should be a subclass of "epo:system." The decision was to leave it for the time being and if the need became apparent this would be implemented.

  • Additionally, epo:CandidateList was changed to epo:SelectedCandidateList and its definition is updated to the following definition: Record of Candidates admitted to take part in award phases of procurements.

  • epo:Candidate: The Role of an Agent that has sought an invitation or has been invited to take part in a restricted Procedure, in a competitive Procedure with negotiation, in a negotiated Procedure without prior publication, in a competitive dialogue or in an innovation partnership.

Relation and property definition harmonisation.

The following relations and properties occur in the ontology with more than one definition the participants therefore agreed on a common definition for each
epo-cat:hasAmount: The predetermined monetary value charged in addition to the price.

  • epo:hasValidityPeriod: The relation indicating until when a given instance of a concept is applicable.

  • epo:hasCertification: Relation to the proof of conformance.

  • dct:description: An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include, but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.

  • dct:title: A name given to the resource.

  • skos:prefLabel: The preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language. (it has been added as issue into GitHub)

  • For the relation epo-cat:has Amount one of the relations had a definition and the others not so the one existing definition was pasted in all: The predetermined monetary value charged in addition to the price. After meeting note: however this definition should be further reviewed.

Add the following changes to the ticket titled "Review changes that affect the standard form mappings."

  • epo:announcesLotAwardOutcome was changed to epo:announcesLotAwardDecision.

  • epo:comprisesLotAwardOutcome was changed to epo:comprisesLotAwardDecision

  • epo:indicatesAwardOfLotToWinner was changed to epo:indicatesAwardToWinner.

Working Group meeting 23/05/2023

Date: 23/05/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giovanna Filippone, Martina Pititto, Giampaolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Discuss Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) model

  • Is there an actual Award Decision in the DPS after the Qualification Stage, even if there is no Contract Award Notice?


The WGM started by introducing the participants to the scope of the ePO ontology, which aims to provide a formal representation of the concepts, relationships, and entities within the eProcurement domain. It aims to facilitate the exchange of procurement-related information between different systems and organizations, and to support the automation and optimization of procurement processes. The ontology covers various aspects of procurement, such as procurement notification, tendering, contracting, and invoicing and is data oriented.
The modeling of Framework Agreement and Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) within the ontology was presented.

Framework Agreement

A Framework Agreement results from a Lot Award Decision, which concerns a specific Lot that uses the framework technique. The Lot Award decision which is used to establish the Framework Agreement specifies the different Qualification Criterion and Award Criterion (Procurement Criterion) to be used. The Mini Competition that may be launched within the Framework Agreement follows the rules set by the Framework Agreement and involves specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.
The model below was validated:



A DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) uses a DPS Technique. In the first stage, the different Qualification Criterion are specified and there is no Award Decision, however a Candidate List is created which lists the economic operators that are admitted to subsequent Mini-Competitions. The subsequent Mini Competitions involves specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.
The model below was validated:


Award Decision:

To ensure Award Decisions exist for both the Framework Agreement and the Mini Competitions the Award Decision has become a superclass of Lot Award Decision and Mini Competition Award Decision allowing for the different instantiations required for different use cases. The Award Decision comprises Tender Award Outcome which indicates award of Lot to a winner. These relations are inherited by the Lot Award Decision and Mini Competition Award Decision. See diagram below.


After meeting note: as the Mini Competition inherits from the Award Decision the relation “indicatesAwardOfLotToWinner” needs to be reviewed maybe to “indicatesAwardToWinner”
During the WGM, the relations describesLot and describesMiniCompetition were changed to concernsLot and concernsMiniCompetition respectively. Additionally, the relations, epo:hasRestated AwardedValue and epo:hasRestatedEstimatedValue were removed from the model.


During the meeting, the participants defined the following terms:

  • epo:hasBargainPrice: The value of procured supplies that have used a particularly advantageous opportunity available for a very short time at a value considerably lower than normal market prices.

  • DPS: An electronic System that is set up by a Buyer which lists the Economic Operators that satisfy the Qualification Criteria, which may later be put into competition via a Mini-Competition in view of awarding a Purchase Contract.

  • DynamicPurchaseSystemTechniqueUsage: A Technique that allows the selection of Candidates throughout the Procedure via the Qualification Criteria, followed by individual Mini-Competitions for the Award of Purchase Contracts.

  • ListCanditate: A list of Candidates considered to take part in a restricted Procedure, in a competitive Procedure with negotiation, in a negotiated Procedure without prior publication, in a competitive dialogue or in an innovation partnership.

Action points:

Include the changes made to the "epo:hasRestatedAwardedValue" and "epo:hasRestatedEstimatedValue" relations in the ticket titled "Review changes that affect the standard form mappings."

Working Group meeting 16/05/2023

Date: 16/05/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Pietro Palermo, Peter Borresen, Thomas Pettersson.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


Harmonization of modules for eCatalogue, eFulfilment, and eOrdering Modules

  • Charge Information - Item Level or Line Level?

  • Item and Batch IDs

  • Organisation and Person Certificates

  • Remodelling epo-ord:DeliveryTerm


The working group began by reviewing previous agreements related to eCatalogue, eOrdering, and eFulfilment modules reached in meetings held on April 25, 27, and May 3, 2023.The participants confirmed their consensus on the proposed changes.

  • Removal of epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification property in the epo-cat:item in Catalogue module

  • Standardised namespace prefix for ePO Model (Note: in the text and diagrams in this report the standardised namespace of epo: has not been used as the standardized namespace is to implemented with all other changes.)

  • Renaming epo-cat:ItemDescription to epo:ItemProperty.

  • Replacing epo-ful:hasBaseAmount property with epo:isCalculatedOn in epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation and epo-ord:TaxInformation . Replace epo-cat:specifiesItem relationship between epo:Deliverable and epo-cat:Item by inheritance of epo-cat:Item by epo:Deliverable.

  • epo:Contractor and epo-ord:Seller are the same concepts in a Public Procurement.

  • epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation will have 3 subclasses: epo-ord:AllowanceInformation, epo-ord:ChargeInformation, and epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation, because epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation is an epo-cat:InformationHub, and it is directly connected to the Line and Document.

  • The VAT rate value will be modeled through epo-ord:TaxInformation epo-cat:hasPercentage and epo-ord:TaxInformation epo-cat:hasTaxCategory. The working group then continued to discuss the points that were seen as contentious previously:

Charge Information - Item Level or Line Level?

During the discussion, participants debated whether the Charge Information should be at the Item level or Line level. To illustrate the point an example of countries where certain charges are associated with food items containing sugar. For instance, if an item is priced at 1 euro, the actual amount paid might be 1.7 euros due to the sugar charge. This charge is applied at the price level.
One suggestion put forward was to have the price at the item level, establishing a direct association between the item and its price. However, after further deliberation, the decision was made to maintain the price at the line level while establishing a reference between the line and the item.


In PEPPOL the price is specified based on the location, and the order reflects the price based on quantities. There are two types of discounts: line-level discounts and price-level discounts. Line-level discounts can be defined as a specific amount per line, such as a discount of 100 euros per line. Price-level discounts, on the other hand, are expressed as a certain amount per unit, such as cents per orange.
As a result of the discussion, it was decided to remove the epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation element and introduce new associations for enhanced clarity and consistency. The new associations are epo-ord:hasPriceDiscountInformation between epo-cat:Price and epo-ord:isSpecificToOrderLine, as well epo:hasPriceSurchargeInformation between epo-cat:Price and epo-cat:ChargeInformation.


Modeling of Item and Batch IDs

The participants agreed to replace the relation adms:identifier with epo:hasBatchID to improv clarity and consistency. The epo: hasCatalogueItemID is replaced by epo:hasSellerItemID
As part of the discussion, it was agreed to add definitions for all epo:Item and epo:Batch IDs:

  • epo:hasManufacturerItemID: The general identifier assigned to the concept as defined by the manufacturer.

  • epo:hasBuyerItemID: The general identifier assigned to the concept as defined by the Buyer.

  • epo:hasBatchID: The identifier assigned to a specific batch of the produced Item.

  • epo:hasSellerItemID: The general identifier for the concept as defined by the seller.

  • epo:hasSerialID: The identifier assigned to the specific instance of the produced concept.


To illustrate these concepts, an example was discussed: when purchasing a new mobile phone, the seller ID and the manufacturer ID may differ, but a generic buyer ID would be used.
Organisation and Person Certificates
It was agreed upon by the participants to introduce the epo:hasCertification relation between epo:Certificate and epo:Organization, epo:Person, and epo:Item. This new relation allows for the association of certifications with these entities.
Furthermore, the definitions for the following concepts were updated as follows:

  • epo:Certifier: A Role of an Agent that issues a Certificate.

  • epo:Certificate: Proof of conformance of the instance of the concept to a defined set of criteria, ensuring credibility, trust and transparency.


Remodelling epo-ord:DeliveryTerm

During the working group meeting, it was agreed by the participants to rename the entity epo-ord:DeliveryTerm to epo-ord:DeliveryAgreement. By changing the name of the concept there is no conflict with the Term hierarchy of the ontology and the original modelling can be reused. The update was made directly in the meeting.


Revising Definitions

The participants revised the definitions with respect to the concepts that were discussed during the meeting.

  • epo-ord:DeliveryAgreement: Term applying to the delivery of goods, services and works. Additional Information: Delivery terms identifier can normally be Incoterms accompanied by the description of specific conditions related to the delivery.

  • epo-cat:InformationHub: Grouping of data that may be associated to various concepts. Additional Information: For example, AllowanceChargeInformation may be associated to the Order or the Catalogue (either at the Line level or at the Document level), amongst others.

  • epo-cat:ChargeInformation: Information about tax, fee or duty imposed. Additional Information: Charge category indicates the nature of the tax/duty/fee, for example VAT, CAR, etc. Charge category modifier may be used in case different levels, exemptions or other modifications apply. The charge can be fixed or relative to the price.

  • epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation: Information about discounts, taxes, duties and fees imposed.

  • epo-ord:AllowanceInformation: Information about the discounts imposed.

Action Points:

  • Remove epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation and introduce new associations:

  • epo-cat:Price epo-ord:hasPriceDiscountInformation epo-ord:isSpecificToOrderLine

  • epo-cat:Price epo:hasPriceSurchargeInformation epo-cat:ChargeInformation.

  • Update definitions for all epo:Item and epo:Batch IDs

  • Organisation and Person Certificates:

  • Update the definition of epo:Certifier and epo:Certificate.

  • Introduce new associations:

  • epo:Person epo:hasCertification epo:Certificate

  • org:Organization epo:hasCertification epo:Certificate

  • epo:Item epo:hasCertification epo:Certificate

Working Group meeting

Date: 01/08/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Arillo Aranda Paloma, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom,
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Alexandros Vassiliades


  • Present first draft of eAccess module



Can the ESPD Business Handbook (ESPD Request part only) be considered as requirements for eAccessalong with the documentation of ○%09https:/[ESPDint]?


Is it necessary for Buyers and Economic Operators to create a new ESPD document for each procedure? Instead, is it possible to re-use an ESPD in different procurement procedures, facilitating the tasks of users.

Reuse in the previous sentence implies partial reuse of the content in the xml file. Paloma will ensure the ESPD documentation reflect the meaning of the re-use more accurately.

Requirements of ESPD and eAccess should not be considered the same. We should consider the ESPD Request as part of eAccess. The ESPD Response should be considered part of eSubmission.


Is it necessary for Buyers and Economic Operators to create a new ESPD document for each procedure? Instead, is it possible to re-use an ESPD in different procurement procedures, facilitating the tasks of users.


The Lot is defined at the ESPDResponse level as depicted in the image below:


It would appear that each ESPDRequest has a different identifier for each Procedure concerned which implies that the ESPDRequest as a whole cannot be reused across procedures.

Decision on the first draft of eAcess which was based on the ESPD-EDM

  • A new property from ESPDResponse to ESPDRequest was created (epo-sub:relatesToESPDRequest):

  • ReferenceNumber does not need to be covered in ePO

  • DocumentVersionIdentifier exists as epo:hasVersion at the Document level in ePO

  • The epo:hasPublicationDate at the Document level, but the data type does not permit the time, which is required by the ESPD Request. How to treat dates and times needs to be further looked into.

  • CopyIndicator is not necessary and is not to be implemented in the ePO.

  • The relation between epo:ESPDRequest and epo:Buyer seems an overkill as they are related through the epo:Procedure, therefor this relation was removed.

  • The ESPD requires an identifer for the criteria, which implies cccev:Requirement should be connected through a relation with adms:Identifier. However, CCCEV provides identifiers as a literal therefore it needs to be discussed if CCCEV and ADMS concepts can be implemented in this way.

  • The legislation part for Criterion is implemented as depicted in the image below. However it is necessary to see if there is a better way of modelling for example through ELI (European Legislation Identifier) or as a Document.


Action point:

  • Discuss how to treat dates when we have have differing requirements ie epo:hasPublicationDate with the date data type for the notices, however the ESPD requires datetime data type. No dummy dates can be used in the notices as this could have legal consequences.

  • Check if the cccev:InformationConcept and adms:Identifier can be connected. Can 2 external concepts be connected within another ontology. See below:

    • (cccev:InformationConcept) and (adms:Identifier

    • cccev:Requirement and adms:identifier

  • Review modelling of the Legislation

Working Group meeting

Date: 13/06/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giampaolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Revise all Monetary Values with respect to Framework Agreement.


The participants validated the monetary values in relation to the BTs in the extended Annex of eForms. The BTs were mapped to the ePO ontology as follows, where the main bullet represents the BTs and the sub-bullets represent the corresponding ePO mapping:

  • BT-27: Framework Maximum Value

    • epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm epo:hasLaunchFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-157: Group Framework Maximum Value

    • epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm epo:hasLaunchGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue epo:MonetaryValue

    • epo:hasEstimatedValue was changed to epo:hasLaunchGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue

  • BT-644: Prize Value

    • epo:Prize po:hasPrizeValue / epo:hasAmountValue epo:MonetaryValue .

  • BT-161: Notice Value

    • epo:NoticeAwardInformation epo:hasTotalAwardedValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-118: Notice Framework Maximum Value

    • epo:NoticeAwardInformation epo:hasTotalAwardedValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-1118: Notice Framework Approximate Value

    • epo:NoticeAwardInformation epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-156: Group Framework Re-calculated Maximum Value

    • epo:LotGroupAwardInformation epo:hasGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue epo:MonetaryValue

    • epo:hasGroupFrameworkAgreementAwardedValue was changed to epo:hasGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue

  • BT-1561: Group Framework Re-estimated Value

    • epo:LotGroupAwardInformation epo:hasApproximateGroupFrameworkAgreementValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-709: Framework Re-calculated Maximum Value

    • epo:LotAwardDecision epo:hasFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-660: Framework Re-estimated Value

    • epo:LotAwardDecision epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue epo:MonetaryValue

    • epo:hasFrameworkAgreementEstimatedValue was changed to epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue

  • BT-710: Tender Value Lowest

    • epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation epo:hasLowestReceivedTenderValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-711: Tender Value Highest

    • epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation epo:hasHighestReceivedTenderValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-720: Tender Value

    • epo:Tender epo:hasFinancialOfferValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-779: Tender Payment Value

    • epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation epo:providesContractTotalPaymentValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-782: Tender Penalties

    • epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation epo:providesContractTotalPenaltyValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-162: Concession Revenue User

    • epo:ConcessionEstimate epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-160: Concession Revenue Buyer

    • epo:ConcessionEstimate epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-553: Subcontracting Value

    • epo:SubcontractingEstimate epo:hasSubcontractingEstimatedValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-793: Review Remedy Value

    • epo:ReviewDecision epo:hasRemedyValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • BT-795: Review Request Fee

    • epo:ReviewRequest epo:hasReviewRequestFee epo:MonetaryValue

    • epo:paidReviewRequestFee was changed to epo:hasReviewRequestFee

Working Group meeting

Date: 01/06/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Glan Luigi Albano, Giovanna Filippone, Goncalo Negrao, Martina Pititto, Paolo De Lazzaro, Peter, Thomas Pettersson
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • ePO module harmonisation

  • Discuss eContract model


ePO module harmonisation

It was noted that the models had become easier to work with after the changes made during the previous post-award meeting. In the updated models, each line can now have a description and specify an item. The Information Hub has a direct link to the line, and the AllowanceChargeInformation could be defined at both the Document and Line levels.


The participants then discussed modeling virtual locations for service deliveries it was decided to use location based on coordinates, indicating a geographical location where the delivery could take place.
It was noted after the WGM that a virtual delivery location should be represented as a URL and further discussion is needed on this matter.



The Contract model was presented whereby a Contract is a Document and is subject to Contract Terms. It is signed by both the Contractor and the Buyer(s). It has reference to the Lot(s).
The contract model requirements were mapped to the ePO ontology as follows, where the main bullet represents the requirement, and the sub-bullets represent the corresponding ePO mapping:

  • Contract

    • epo:Contract

  • Contract identifier

    • epo:Contract adms:identifier adms:identifier

  • Contract issue date:

    • Dct:issued in epo:Document

  • Contract issue time

    • Dct:issued in epo:Document

  • Contract type

    • At-voc:contract-nature codelist. But it was noted that, it does not cover for FA or DPS needs to be checked. Also, Reference number of the contract needs to be checked.

  • Process control

    • In the meeting, it was noted that Process control is not applicable in data-oriented modelling (ePO)

  • Contracting body

    • epo:Buyer

  • Economic operator

    • epo:Contractor

  • Procurement project name

    • Dct:title on epo:Contract

  • Procurement project description

    • Dct:description on epo:Contract

  • Procurement project type

    • uses contract-nature on ContractTerms

  • Estimated total value

    • is at the ProcurementObject level.

  • Description of extension and options:

    • epo:hasOptionsDescription on ContractTerms

  • CPV

    • at-voc:cpv codelist at Contract level

  • CPV

    • supplementary is not included in ePO

  • Procurement project location NUTS code

  • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesPlaceOfPerformance dct:Location

  • dct:Location epo:hasNutsCode at-voc:nuts

  • Period start date

    • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesContractPeriod epo:Period

  • Period start time

    • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesContractPeriod epo:Period

  • Period end date

    • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesContractPeriod epo:Period

  • Period end time

    • epo:ContractTerm epo:definesContractPeriod epo:Period

  • Lot identifier

    • epo:Contract epo:hasLotReference epo:Lot

  • Award criterion type

    • epo:Lot epo:specifiesProcurementCriterion epo:AwardCriterion epo:hasAwardCriterionType at-voc:award-criterion-type

  • Legal references

    • epo:Lot epo:hasLegalBasis at-voc:legal-basis OR epo:hasLegalBasisDescription on epo:ProcurementObject

  • Tender identifier

    • epo:Contract epo:includesTender epo:Tender

  • Tender digest

    • epo:hasElectronicDigest

  • Tender signature

    • epo:hasElectronicSignature

  • Tender total amount:

    • epo:Tender epo:hasFinancialOfferValue epo:MonetaryValue

  • Tender total taxes amount:

    • epo:Tender epo:hasTaxInformation epo-ord:TaxInformation epo-cat:hasAmount

    • It was noted a conflict in the definitions of Tender total taxes amount and Tender total amount in the in contract model requirements.

      • Tender total amount: The total amount of the offered deliverables in the tender excluding all taxes payable by the contracting authority.

      • Tender total taxes amount: The total amount of taxes included in the total amount.

  • Award identifier:

    • epo:AwardDecision adms:identifier adms:Identifier

  • Award date

    • epo:hasAwardDecisionDate (by using xsd:dateTime attribute)

  • Award time

    • epo:hasAwardDecisionDate (by using xsd:dateTime attribute)

  • Winner economic operator

    • epo:Winner

  • Economic operator name

    • dct:title on the foaf:Agent

  • Economic operator identifier:

    • adms:identifier on the foaf:Agent

  • Economic operator registration country code:

    • org:Organization epo:hasRegistrationCountry at-voc:country.

  • Documents:

    • epo:Document epo:associatedWith epo:Document

    • epo:Contract is an epo:Document

  • Attachment identifier:

    • adms:identifier on epo:Document

  • Attachment description:

    • dct:description on epo:Document

  • Attached document

    • We do not provide the binary object, only URL (epo:hasAccessURL on the epo:Document)

  • Deliverable offered

    • epo:Contract epo:specifiesDeliverable epo:Item

  • Deliverable name

    • dct:title on the epo:Item

  • Deliverable description

    • dct:description on the epo:Item

  • Delivered quantity

    • epo:Deliverable epo-cat:hasQuantity epo:Quantity

  • Deliverable total amount

    • epo:Deliverable epo:hasTotalValue epo:MonetaryValue The model below was validated.


The property epo:hasAccessURL has been removed from the Contract class because it was inherited from the Document class.
The property epo:hasHomePage was changed to epo:hasInternetAddress in cpov:ContactPoint class.
It was noted that epo:hasInternetAddress is used in various places

  • cpov:ContactPoint epo:hasInternetAddress

  • Org: Organization epo:hasInternetAddress

  • Org: Organization epo:hasPrimaryContactPoint cpov:ContactPoint The epo:hasInternetAddress was defined:
    epo:hasInternetAddress: The main webpage used by the instance of the concept.
    It was noted that the Contract class needs to have its own estimated value, as it is not considered a Procurement Element. This is to distinguish between the Tender value and the Contract value. As a result, the Contract now includes the relation epo:hasContractValue to capture the value associated with the contract. This property is linked to the epo:MonetaryValue class. Additionally, the Contract has a lot reference through the property "epo:hasLotReference" which connects it to the epo:Lot class.
    Further discussion is needed to determine how to model Monetary Values with respect to both Contract and Tender.

The Contract class has an Amended Contract subclass. The Amended Contract class inherits all attributes from the Contract class.


The following Notices were discussed, and it was suggested to update the Notice modules accordingly to implement them.

  • Contract Completion Notice Announcement of the completion of a contract The main purpose of this notice is to understand if the contract was completed as set out in the contract award notice (to be published on 2023-06-14 in EU Vocabularies) It was noted that the Completion Notice announces the completion of the Contract, not the Contract itself. Therefore: epo:announcesContract was changed to epo:announcesCompletionOfContract.

  • Pre-Market Consultation Notice Announcement of a pre-market consultation. A pre-market consultation is not a call for competition, and no procurement documents are available at the time of consultation. A consultation may or may not be followed by a future competition (to be published 2023-06-14 in EU Vocabularies).


Action Points

  • Points to be followed up

    • What is the Reference number of the contract

    • The conflict in the definitions of Tender total taxes amount and Tender total amount needs to be addressed.

      • Tender total amount: The total amount of the offered deliverables in the tender excluding all taxes payable by the contracting authority.

      • Tender total taxes amount: The total amount of taxes included in the total amount.

    • Contract type is mapped to at-voc:contract-nature codelist (works, service and supplies) in ePO. However in the contract model requirements contract type can also be FA and DPS it should be checked if there is a valid reason for this?

    • Update the Notice modules to implement Contract Completion Notice and Pre-Market Consultation Notice.

Date: 30/05/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giampaolo Sellitto.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Continue discussing Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) model

  • Relations and properties definition harmonisation.

  • epo-cat:hasAmount

  • epo:hasValidityPeriod

  • dct:title

  • skos:prefLabel

  • dct:Description


During the WGM meeting, the modeling of Award Decisions within the Framework Agreement and Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) ontology following the previous meeting. Based on this discussion, the following updates were made:

  • epo:announcesLotAwardOutcome was changed to epo:announcesLotAwardDecision.

  • epo:ResultNotice epo:announcesLotAwardDecision epo:AwardDecision should be visible in Notice module

  • epo:comprisesLotAwardOutcome was changed to epo:comprisesLotAwardDecision

The participants defined the following terms and relations:

  • epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation: Statistical information about submissions on a given competition, either at Lot level or Mini-Competition level.

  • epo:MiniCompetitionAwardDecision: Result concerning the Mini-Competition attributed by the Awarder

  • epo:summarisesInformationForAwardDecision: Relates to submission for the given competition, either at Lot level or Mini-Competition level.

The model below was validated:


Framework Agreement

The participants reviewed and validated the following model:


A Framework Agreement results from a Lot Award Decision, which concerns a specific Lot that uses the framework technique. The Lot Award decision which is used to establish the Framework Agreement specifies the different Qualification Criterion and Award Criterion (Procurement Criterion) to be used. The Mini Competition that may be launched within the Framework Agreement follows the rules set by the Framework Agreement and involves specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.
During the meeting, it was confirmed that technique is used at lot level.
The relation epo:indicatesAwardOfLotToWinner was changed to epo:indicatesAwardToWinner to accommodate the award of mini-competitions.
Furthermore, the participants defined the following terms:
epo:MiniCompetition: A process where multiple winners or candidates of previous stages of a procedure bid for a specific procurement. Additional Information:
It is typically used in framework agreements where the suppliers have already been pre-selected, and the mini competition is used to determine which supplier is best suited for a particular project or contract. It is also used in a Dynamic Purchasing System where the suppliers come from a list of Candidates.
epo:QualificationCriterion: Criterion used in the first stage of procurement.
epo:ParticipationCondition: Criterion that describes a Requirement to take part in a procurement.


The DPS diagram below was reviewed and validated by the participants:


A DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) uses a DPS Technique. In the first stage, the different Qualification Criterion are specified and there is no Award Decision, however a Candidate List is created which lists the economic operators that are admitted to subsequent Mini-Competitions. The subsequent Mini Competitions involve specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.

During the WGM, a question was raised regarding whether "epo:DynamicPurchasingSystem" should be a subclass of "epo:system." The decision was to leave it for the time being and if the need became apparent this would be implemented.

  • Additionally, epo:CandidateList was changed to epo:SelectedCandidateList and its definition is updated to the following definition: Record of Candidates admitted to take part in award phases of procurements.

  • epo:Candidate: The Role of an Agent that has sought an invitation or has been invited to take part in a restricted Procedure, in a competitive Procedure with negotiation, in a negotiated Procedure without prior publication, in a competitive dialogue or in an innovation partnership.

Relation and property definition harmonisation.

The following relations and properties occur in the ontology with more than one definition the participants therefore agreed on a common definition for each
epo-cat:hasAmount: The predetermined monetary value charged in addition to the price.

  • epo:hasValidityPeriod: The relation indicating until when a given instance of a concept is applicable.

  • epo:hasCertification: Relation to the proof of conformance.

  • dct:description: An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include, but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.

  • dct:title: A name given to the resource.

  • skos:prefLabel: The preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language. (it has been added as issue into GitHub)

  • For the relation epo-cat:has Amount one of the relations had a definition and the others not so the one existing definition was pasted in all: The predetermined monetary value charged in addition to the price. After meeting note: however this definition should be further reviewed.

Add the following changes to the ticket titled "Review changes that affect the standard form mappings."

  • epo:announcesLotAwardOutcome was changed to epo:announcesLotAwardDecision.

  • epo:comprisesLotAwardOutcome was changed to epo:comprisesLotAwardDecision

  • epo:indicatesAwardOfLotToWinner was changed to epo:indicatesAwardToWinner.

Working Group meeting 23/05/2023

Date: 23/05/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giovanna Filippone, Martina Pititto, Giampaolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Discuss Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) model

  • Is there an actual Award Decision in the DPS after the Qualification Stage, even if there is no Contract Award Notice?


The WGM started by introducing the participants to the scope of the ePO ontology, which aims to provide a formal representation of the concepts, relationships, and entities within the eProcurement domain. It aims to facilitate the exchange of procurement-related information between different systems and organizations, and to support the automation and optimization of procurement processes. The ontology covers various aspects of procurement, such as procurement notification, tendering, contracting, and invoicing and is data oriented.
The modeling of Framework Agreement and Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) within the ontology was presented.

Framework Agreement

A Framework Agreement results from a Lot Award Decision, which concerns a specific Lot that uses the framework technique. The Lot Award decision which is used to establish the Framework Agreement specifies the different Qualification Criterion and Award Criterion (Procurement Criterion) to be used. The Mini Competition that may be launched within the Framework Agreement follows the rules set by the Framework Agreement and involves specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.
The model below was validated:



A DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) uses a DPS Technique. In the first stage, the different Qualification Criterion are specified and there is no Award Decision, however a Candidate List is created which lists the economic operators that are admitted to subsequent Mini-Competitions. The subsequent Mini Competitions involves specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.
The model below was validated:


Award Decision:

To ensure Award Decisions exist for both the Framework Agreement and the Mini Competitions the Award Decision has become a superclass of Lot Award Decision and Mini Competition Award Decision allowing for the different instantiations required for different use cases. The Award Decision comprises Tender Award Outcome which indicates award of Lot to a winner. These relations are inherited by the Lot Award Decision and Mini Competition Award Decision. See diagram below.


After meeting note: as the Mini Competition inherits from the Award Decision the relation “indicatesAwardOfLotToWinner” needs to be reviewed maybe to “indicatesAwardToWinner”
During the WGM, the relations describesLot and describesMiniCompetition were changed to concernsLot and concernsMiniCompetition respectively. Additionally, the relations, epo:hasRestated AwardedValue and epo:hasRestatedEstimatedValue were removed from the model.


During the meeting, the participants defined the following terms:

  • epo:hasBargainPrice: The value of procured supplies that have used a particularly advantageous opportunity available for a very short time at a value considerably lower than normal market prices.

  • DPS: An electronic System that is set up by a Buyer which lists the Economic Operators that satisfy the Qualification Criteria, which may later be put into competition via a Mini-Competition in view of awarding a Purchase Contract.

  • DynamicPurchaseSystemTechniqueUsage: A Technique that allows the selection of Candidates throughout the Procedure via the Qualification Criteria, followed by individual Mini-Competitions for the Award of Purchase Contracts.

  • ListCanditate: A list of Candidates considered to take part in a restricted Procedure, in a competitive Procedure with negotiation, in a negotiated Procedure without prior publication, in a competitive dialogue or in an innovation partnership.

Action points:

Include the changes made to the "epo:hasRestatedAwardedValue" and "epo:hasRestatedEstimatedValue" relations in the ticket titled "Review changes that affect the standard form mappings."

Working Group meeting 16/05/2023

Date: 16/05/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Pietro Palermo, Peter Borresen, Thomas Pettersson.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


Harmonization of modules for eCatalogue, eFulfilment, and eOrdering Modules

  • Charge Information - Item Level or Line Level?

  • Item and Batch IDs

  • Organisation and Person Certificates

  • Remodelling epo-ord:DeliveryTerm


The working group began by reviewing previous agreements related to eCatalogue, eOrdering, and eFulfilment modules reached in meetings held on April 25, 27, and May 3, 2023.The participants confirmed their consensus on the proposed changes.

  • Removal of epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification property in the epo-cat:item in Catalogue module

  • Standardised namespace prefix for ePO Model (Note: in the text and diagrams in this report the standardised namespace of epo: has not been used as the standardized namespace is to implemented with all other changes.)

  • Renaming epo-cat:ItemDescription to epo:ItemProperty.

  • Replacing epo-ful:hasBaseAmount property with epo:isCalculatedOn in epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation and epo-ord:TaxInformation . Replace epo-cat:specifiesItem relationship between epo:Deliverable and epo-cat:Item by inheritance of epo-cat:Item by epo:Deliverable.

  • epo:Contractor and epo-ord:Seller are the same concepts in a Public Procurement.

  • epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation will have 3 subclasses: epo-ord:AllowanceInformation, epo-ord:ChargeInformation, and epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation, because epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation is an epo-cat:InformationHub, and it is directly connected to the Line and Document.

  • The VAT rate value will be modeled through epo-ord:TaxInformation epo-cat:hasPercentage and epo-ord:TaxInformation epo-cat:hasTaxCategory. The working group then continued to discuss the points that were seen as contentious previously:

Charge Information - Item Level or Line Level?

During the discussion, participants debated whether the Charge Information should be at the Item level or Line level. To illustrate the point an example of countries where certain charges are associated with food items containing sugar. For instance, if an item is priced at 1 euro, the actual amount paid might be 1.7 euros due to the sugar charge. This charge is applied at the price level.
One suggestion put forward was to have the price at the item level, establishing a direct association between the item and its price. However, after further deliberation, the decision was made to maintain the price at the line level while establishing a reference between the line and the item.


In PEPPOL the price is specified based on the location, and the order reflects the price based on quantities. There are two types of discounts: line-level discounts and price-level discounts. Line-level discounts can be defined as a specific amount per line, such as a discount of 100 euros per line. Price-level discounts, on the other hand, are expressed as a certain amount per unit, such as cents per orange.
As a result of the discussion, it was decided to remove the epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation element and introduce new associations for enhanced clarity and consistency. The new associations are epo-ord:hasPriceDiscountInformation between epo-cat:Price and epo-ord:isSpecificToOrderLine, as well epo:hasPriceSurchargeInformation between epo-cat:Price and epo-cat:ChargeInformation.


Modeling of Item and Batch IDs

The participants agreed to replace the relation adms:identifier with epo:hasBatchID to improv clarity and consistency. The epo: hasCatalogueItemID is replaced by epo:hasSellerItemID
As part of the discussion, it was agreed to add definitions for all epo:Item and epo:Batch IDs:

  • epo:hasManufacturerItemID: The general identifier assigned to the concept as defined by the manufacturer.

  • epo:hasBuyerItemID: The general identifier assigned to the concept as defined by the Buyer.

  • epo:hasBatchID: The identifier assigned to a specific batch of the produced Item.

  • epo:hasSellerItemID: The general identifier for the concept as defined by the seller.

  • epo:hasSerialID: The identifier assigned to the specific instance of the produced concept.


To illustrate these concepts, an example was discussed: when purchasing a new mobile phone, the seller ID and the manufacturer ID may differ, but a generic buyer ID would be used.
Organisation and Person Certificates
It was agreed upon by the participants to introduce the epo:hasCertification relation between epo:Certificate and epo:Organization, epo:Person, and epo:Item. This new relation allows for the association of certifications with these entities.
Furthermore, the definitions for the following concepts were updated as follows:

  • epo:Certifier: A Role of an Agent that issues a Certificate.

  • epo:Certificate: Proof of conformance of the instance of the concept to a defined set of criteria, ensuring credibility, trust and transparency.


Remodelling epo-ord:DeliveryTerm

During the working group meeting, it was agreed by the participants to rename the entity epo-ord:DeliveryTerm to epo-ord:DeliveryAgreement. By changing the name of the concept there is no conflict with the Term hierarchy of the ontology and the original modelling can be reused. The update was made directly in the meeting.


Revising Definitions

The participants revised the definitions with respect to the concepts that were discussed during the meeting.

  • epo-ord:DeliveryAgreement: Term applying to the delivery of goods, services and works. Additional Information: Delivery terms identifier can normally be Incoterms accompanied by the description of specific conditions related to the delivery.

  • epo-cat:InformationHub: Grouping of data that may be associated to various concepts. Additional Information: For example, AllowanceChargeInformation may be associated to the Order or the Catalogue (either at the Line level or at the Document level), amongst others.

  • epo-cat:ChargeInformation: Information about tax, fee or duty imposed. Additional Information: Charge category indicates the nature of the tax/duty/fee, for example VAT, CAR, etc. Charge category modifier may be used in case different levels, exemptions or other modifications apply. The charge can be fixed or relative to the price.

  • epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation: Information about discounts, taxes, duties and fees imposed.

  • epo-ord:AllowanceInformation: Information about the discounts imposed.

Action Points:

  • Remove epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation and introduce new associations:

  • epo-cat:Price epo-ord:hasPriceDiscountInformation epo-ord:isSpecificToOrderLine

  • epo-cat:Price epo:hasPriceSurchargeInformation epo-cat:ChargeInformation.

  • Update definitions for all epo:Item and epo:Batch IDs

  • Organisation and Person Certificates:

  • Update the definition of epo:Certifier and epo:Certificate.

  • Introduce new associations:

  • epo:Person epo:hasCertification epo:Certificate

  • org:Organization epo:hasCertification epo:Certificate

  • epo:Item epo:hasCertification epo:Certificate

Working Group meeting 04/05/2023

Date: 04/05/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Peter Borresen, Thomas Pettersson
Model editor: *Andreea Pasăre
*Note editor:
Jana Ahmad


Goal: Discuss the current status and any potential improvements/harmonisations needed for the eCatalogue, eFulfilment, and eOrdering modules.

  • Discuss removing "postAward" objects and considering them as a document.

  • Also, consider "epo-cat:announcesPostAwardObject."

  • Revise "epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification" property in the "epo-cat:item" object and consider deleting it since we have added "epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification" association between "epo-cat:Item" and "epo:Document."

  • Change eCat:Item to epo:Item

  • Discuss adopting "epo" as a uniform namespace prefix in the ePO model.

  • Revise the naming of "epo-cat:ItemDescription" to align it between modules.

  • Discuss aligning VAT and other tax categories between modules.

  • Propose using "TaxInformation" instead of "hasVATRate" and "hasVATCategory."

  • What is the difference between TaxInformationSchema and TaxInformation?

  • Discuss if "epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation" and "epo-cat:ChargeInformation" are the same and align them across modules.

  • Propose changing "epo-cat:specifiesItem" to "epo:specifiesDeliverable."

  • Propose adopting "epo-cat:Deliverable" into all modules.

  • Discuss the difference between "epo:Contractor" and "epo-ord:Seller" for all modules.

  • Decide whether "epo:hasSerialID" should be at the Item level or the Batch level.

  • A party should have authorization. This needs to be modeled. Take into account the Certificate as well.

  • Discuss epo-ord:TaxInformation definition.

  • Discuss removing epo-ord:DeliveryTerm.

  • Discuss the proposal to change epo-cat:ItemDescription to 'epo-cat:ItemProperty

  • Considering the possibility of moving 'TaxInformation' to 'epo-cat:Item', but further investigation is required

  • What is the Difference between epo:hasManufacturerItemID and epo:hasSerialID


  • The participants has approved the removal of the "postAwardObject" class and instead considers "postAward" objects as documents for the eOrdering, eCatalogue, and eFulfilment modules.

  • The participants approved to Remove "epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification" property in the "epo-cat:item" in Catalogue class

  • The participants has agreed upon the use of 'epo' as the standardized namespace prefix in the ePO model.

  • The participants has approved changing from 'epo-cat:ItemDescription' to 'epo:ItemProperty'

  • The participants approved that "epo:Contractor" and "epo-ord:Seller" are the same for all modules. However, it still needs to be determined how to incorporate this into the model."

  • epo:hasBatchId, epo:SerialId are different, and they are in Item instances. (TBD 16)

  • The participants discussed the need for parties to have authorization.

    • The relation between person and epo:Certificate should be added

  • The participants discussed removing if removing epo-ord:DeliveryTerm​ will affect eFulfulment model.

    • epo:hasGeneralDeliveryTerm​, epo:hasDeliveryTermDescription​ ​ properties will be added to epo-ord:DeliveryInformation

    • epo:specifiesDeliveryTermLocation​ relatin will be added between epo-ord:DeliveryInformation and dct:Location

  • The participants discussed the ReceiptAdvice

  • There are three type of rejection for recipet

  • In ReceiptLine livel

  • In Consignment Delivery Shipment.

  • TransportHandlingUnit

Action points:

  • "epo:Contractor" and "epo-ord:Seller" are the same for all modules. However, it still needs to be determined how to incorporate this into the model.

  • ReceiptAdvice modeling in eFulfilment epic

Working Group meeting 02/05/2023

Date: 02/05/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Ivan Willer, Sellitto Giovanni Paolo
Model editor: *Andreea Pasăre
*Note editor:
Jana Ahmad


  • Review Criteria model modifications

  • Review Channel and Contact Point

  • Review Place of Performance: GH 364

  • Review metadata requirements for RDF notices


The WG discussed the Criteria model for standard forms and eforms mappings.

  • at-voc:applicability codelist has been relocated from epo:ParticipationCondition to epo:Contract.

  • A model for instantiating selection criteria has been created to map the conditions for participation and conditions related to contract in a standard form.

  • To ensure that ePO mode meets the requirements for pursuing professional, economic, and technical abilities in the standard form, the epo:ProfessionalSuitabilitySummary, epo:EconomicStandingSummary, and epo:TechnicalAbilitySummary objects have been added to the epo:SelectionCriteriaSummary.

  • The objects epo:ProfessionalSuitabilitySummary, epo:EconmicStandingSummary, epo:TechnicalAbilitySummary are added to epo:SelectionCriteriaSummary to meet suitability to pursue the professional, economic standing and technical ability requirements in the standard form.

  • The properties epo:hasSelectionCriteriaStatedInProcurementDocuments and epo:describesMinimumLevelOfStandards have been added to the epo:SelectionCriteriaSummary object to address the economic and financial standing requirements.

  • The properties epo:describesProfessionRelevantLaw and epo:hasServiceReservedToParticularProfession have been added to the epo:ProfessionalSuitabilitySummary object to provide a list and brief description of the relevant conditions that need to be fulfilled.

  • The property epo:describesObjectiveParticipationRules has been added to fulfill the objective rules and criteria for participation requirement.

  • The property epo:describesDepositsAndGuaranteesRequired has been added to address the requirement for deposits and guarantees.

  • epo:hasPaymentArrangementand epo:hasEPayment properties is in epo:ContractTerm which satisfy main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them.

  • epo:hasOrganisationGroupType is added to epo:ContractTerm to fulfil information abut staff responsible for the performance of the contract.

  • epo:hasReservedExecution in epo:Contract satisfies the execution of the contract is restricted to framework of sheltered employment programmes

  • epo:describesDepositsAndGuaranteesRequired and epo:describesVerificationMethod: properties are added to the epo:ParticipationConditionsSummary object to satisfy Qualification for the system requirement.


Working Group meeting 27/04/2023

Date: 27/04/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Christian Mondini Consrzio, Ivan Willer, Pietro Palermo, Sellitto Giovanni Paolo, Wim Kok. Thomas Pettersson
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


Goal: Discuss the current status and any potential improvements/harmonisations needed for the eCatalogue, eFulfilment, and eOrdering modules.

  • Discuss removing "postAward" objects and considering them as a document.

  • Also, consider "epo-cat:announcesPostAwardObject."

  • Revise "epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification" property in the "epo-cat:item" object and consider deleting it since we have added "epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification" association between "epo-cat:Item" and "epo:Document."

  • Change eCat:Item to epo:Item

  • Discuss adopting "epo" as a uniform namespace prefix in the ePO model.

  • Revise the naming of "epo-cat:ItemDescription" to align it between modules.

  • Discuss aligning VAT and other tax categories between modules.

  • Propose using "TaxInformation" instead of "hasVATRate" and "hasVATCategory."

  • What is the difference between TaxInformationSchema and TaxInformation?

  • Discuss if "epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation" and "epo-cat:ChargeInformation" are the same and align them across modules.

  • Propose changing "epo-cat:specifiesItem" to "epo:specifiesDeliverable."

  • Propose adopting "epo-cat:Deliverable" into all modules.

  • Discuss the difference between "epo:Contractor" and "epo-ord:Seller" for all modules.

  • Decide whether "epo:hasSerialID" should be at the Item level or the Batch level.

  • A party should have authorization. This needs to be modeled. Take into account the Certificate as well.

  • Discuss epo-ord:TaxInformation definition.

  • Discuss removing epo-ord:DeliveryTerm.

  • Discuss the proposal to change epo-cat:ItemDescription to 'epo-cat:ItemProperty

  • Considering the possibility of moving 'TaxInformation' to 'epo-cat:Item', but further investigation is required

  • What is the Difference between epo:hasManufacturerItemID and epo:hasSerialID


  • The WG has approved the removal of the "postAwardObject" class and instead considers "postAward" objects as documents for the eOrdering, eCatalogue, and eFulfilment modules, at least for now. Further discussion is required for the eOrdering module.

    • The proposal is to consider po-ord:OrderResponse as the type of epo-ord:Order, but further discussion is required.

  • The WG approved to Remove "epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification" property in the "epo-cat:item" in Catalogue class

  • The WG has agreed upon the use of 'epo' as the standardized namespace prefix in the ePO model.

  • The WG has approved changing from 'epo-cat:ItemDescription' to 'epo:ItemProperty', but we need to check the inheritance with 'epo-elementDescription'.

  • Discuss aligning VAT and other tax categories between modules.

    • Change the property from "epo-ful:hasBaseAmount" to "epo:isCalculatedOn" in both "epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation" and "epo-ord:TaxInformation".

  • Allowance Charge Information and related information to be discussed later

    • epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation epo-ord:LineAllowanceInformation, ord:LineChargeInformation at line and header level

    • epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation in price level.

  • The WG approved that "epo:Contractor" and "epo-ord:Seller" are the same for all modules. However, it still needs to be determined how to incorporate this into the model."

The WG discussed the Difference between epo:hasManufacturerItemID and epo:hasSerialID​

  • Manufacturer Item Id is the Identifier of item in manufacture side.

  • Serial Id is the Identifier of instance of item.

  • The WG proposed to have epo:hasBatchId in item instance level.

  • The WG discussed the need for parties to have authorization.

    • The WG has approved the proposal to have a certificate for organizations, but further discussion is needed for Items.

  • Discuss Removing epo-ord:DeliveryTerm​

    • We should keep DeliveryTerm in contract

    • For eOrdering: we should consider the following diagram

    • epo:hasGeneralDeliveryTerm​, epo:hasDeliveryTermDescription​ ​ properties will be added to epo-ord:DeliveryInformation

    • epo:specifiesDeliveryTermLocation​ relatin will be added between epo-ord:DeliveryInformation and dct:Location

    • epo-ord:DeliveryTerm needs further discussion.


Action points:

  • The WG has approved changing from 'epo-cat:ItemDescription' to 'epo:ItemProperty', but we need to check the inheritance with 'epo-elementDescription'.

  • Change the property from "epo-ful:hasBaseAmount" to "epo:isCalculatedOn" in both "epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation" and "epo-ord:TaxInformation".

  • Create a diagram for Allowance Charge Information and related information

  • Draw tables for all terms and definitions for Batch, Item, Identifier.

Working Group meeting 25/04/2023

Date: 25/04/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Veit Jahns
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


Goal: Discuss the current status and any potential improvements/harmonisations needed for the eCatalogue, eFulfilment, and eOrdering modules.

  • Discuss removing "postAward" objects and considering them as a document.

  • Also, consider "epo-cat:announcesPostAwardObject."

  • Revise "epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification" property in the "epo-cat:item" object and consider deleting it since we have added "epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification" association between "epo-cat:Item" and "epo:Document."

  • Change eCat:Item to epo:Item

  • Discuss adopting "epo" as a uniform namespace prefix in the ePO model.

  • Revise the naming of "epo-cat:ItemDescription" to align it between modules.

  • Discuss aligning VAT and other tax categories between modules.

  • Propose using "TaxInformation" instead of "hasVATRate" and "hasVATCategory."

  • What is the difference between TaxInformationSchema and TaxInformation?

  • Discuss if "epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation" and "epo-cat:ChargeInformation" are the same and align them across modules.

  • Propose changing "epo-cat:specifiesItem" to "epo:specifiesDeliverable."

  • Propose adopting "epo-cat:Deliverable" into all modules.

  • Discuss the difference between "epo:Contractor" and "epo-ord:Seller" for all modules.

  • Decide whether "epo:hasSerialID" should be at the Item level or the Batch level.

  • A party should have authorization. This needs to be modeled. Take into account the Certificate as well.

  • Discuss epo-ord:TaxInformation definition.

  • Discuss removing epo-ord:DeliveryTerm.


  • The WG Discussed removing "postAward" objects and considering them as documents, and also consider removing the 'epo-cat:announcesPostAwardObject' relation in the following modules.

    • ​ eNotice ​​

    • eOrdering ​​

    • eCatalogue ​​

    • eFulfilment

  • The definition of epo-cat:Catalogue is changed to: A Document describing a set of Items offered for purchase that can be processed in an electronic way.

  • It is noted that Catalogue is part of the Contract

  • The WG approved to Remove "epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification" property in the "epo-cat:item" in Catalogue class

  • The WG has agreed upon the use of 'epo' as the standardized namespace prefix in the ePO model.

  • The WG has proposed a change from 'epo-cat:ItemDescription' to 'epo-cat:ItemProperty'.

  • Should we retain both 'epo-cat:ChargeInformation' and 'epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation', or are they identical in meaning?

    • The WG discussed the validity or appropriateness of using "epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation" in the context of epo-cat:Price level.

      • The WG has agreed to keep 'epo-ord:PriceDiscountInformation' as part of the 'epo-cat:Price' level.

    • The WG deliberated on whether epo-cat:ChargeInformation aligns with the "epo-cat:Price" or "epo-cat:Line or epo-cat:Item level components.

      • The WG is considering the possibility of moving 'TaxInformation' to 'epo-cat:Item', but further investigation is required

  • The WG has agreed to the proposal of using 'TaxInformation' as an alternative to 'hasVATRate' and 'hasVATCategory'.

  • The WG has reached an agreement to eliminate 'epo-cat:specifiesItem' between 'epo-cat:Item' and 'epo:Deliverable', and to consider 'epo:Deliverable' as a type of 'epo-cat:Item'.

  • The WG discussed the optimal location of 'epo:hasSerialID' at Item or Batch Level.

    • The WG has proposed to remove epo:hasSerialID and use epo:hasManufacturerItemID.

  • The definition of epo-ord:TaxInformation is changed to Information about the imposition of mandatory levies required by law.

Action Points:

  • Replace 'epo-ord:concludesContract' between 'epo:Contract' and 'epo-ord:OrderResponse' with 'epo-ord:implementsContract'.

  • We need to create a model that encompasses all the documents that form part of the Contract.

  • Revise 'Deliverable' in the context of eContract

Working Group meeting 11/04/2023

Date: 11/04/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Sellitto Giovanni Paolo
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


Continue discussing 1st draft of eContract Model with respect to the initial contract information requirements.

  • To continue from Award of the contract


The WG continued to discuss and model the Award of the Contract in the eContract module, specifically in relation to the requirements for initial contract information. Our methodology involves assessing whether the following requirements are already covered by ePO. If they are, the working group will map them to ePO. If they are not covered, they will be implemented as follows. The bullet points represent the initial contract information requirements, while the sub-bullets indicate their mapping to ePO.

Award of the contract

  • Award identifier:

    • adms:identifier of the epo:AwardDecision

  • Award date

    • epo:hasAwardDecisionDate (type is changed to xsd:dateTime)

  • Award time

    • epo:hasAwardDecisionDate (type is changed to xsd:dateTime)

  • Winner economic operator

    • epo:Winner

  • Economic operator name

    • dct:title on the foaf:Agent

  • Economic operator identifier

    • epo:hasRegistrationCountry from org:Organization to at-voc:country

  • Documents

    • epo:Contract epo:associatedWith epo:Document

  • Attachment identifier

    • adms:identifier on epo:Document

  • Attachment description code

    • At-voc-new:document-type

  • Attached document

    • we do not provide the binary object, only URL (epo:hasAccessURL on the epo:Document)

  • Deliverable offered

    • epo:specifiesDeliverable epo:Item

  • Deliverable name

    • dct:title on the epo:Item

  • Deliverable description

    • dct:description on the epo:Item

  • Delivered quantity

    • epo-cat:hasQuantity from epo:Deliverable to epo:Quantity

  • Deliverable total amount:

    • epo:hasContractValue relation is created between epo:Contract and epo:MonetaryValue

  • epo-con:ContractAmendment object is created with:

    • epo:emendsContract relation with epo:Contract.

    • epo:hasContractAmendmentDate property.

    • epo:providesUpdatedContractValue relation with epo:MonetaryValue

    • epo:hasContractAmendment relation with epo:Contract

  • Contract Roles class is created to specify all roles that participant in Contact



  • Change xsd:date to xsd:dateTime.

  • proposal to adopt epo-cat:Deliverable into all modules

  • What’s the difference between a epo:Contractor and a epo-ord:Seller for all modules?

Working Group meeting 04/04/2023

Date: 04/04/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Sellitto Giovanni Paolo
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


Present 1st draft of eContract Model


The WG revised the order, catalogue, fulfilment modules from the document level perspective.
The WG continued to discuss and model the eContract module, specifically in relation to the requirements for initial contract information. Our methodology involves assessing whether the following requirements are already covered by ePO. If they are, the working group will map them to ePO. If they are not covered, they will be implemented as follows. The bullet points represent the initial contract information requirements, while the sub-bullets indicate their mapping to ePO.

The WG decided to consider Contract as a Document

  • Legal references:

    • epo:haslegalBasis

    • epo:hasLegalReferenceDescription is added

  • Award criterion type:

    • epo:Lot specifies Procurement Criterion (epo:specifiesProcurementCriterion) epo:AwardCriterion

  • Criterion sandbox is created to clarify the relationship between procedure, lot, criterion, at-voc:legal-basis. at-voc:legal-basis, epo:legal-regime are moved to epo:ProcurementObject

  • epo:PlannedProcurementPart is not epo:ProcurementObject.

  • epo:foreseesProcurementObject relation is added between epo:PlannedProcurementPart and epo:ProcurementObject.

  • Tender identifier

    • epo:includesTender from epo:Contract to epo:Tender

    • epo:hasLotReference

  • Tender digest

    • epo:hasElectronicDigest relation is created between documents.

  • Tender signature

    • epo:ElectronicSignature object is created with epo:hasElectronicSignature relation to epo:Document.

    • dct:description property is added to epo:ElectronicSignature object

  • Tender total amount:

    • epo-ord:hasTotalTaxInclusiveAmount

  • Tender total tax amount:

    • epo-ord:TaxInformation Action:

  • Map contract, document wrt top level ontology

  • To move from epo:ProcurementElement the following suggested documents:

    • Tender

    • AwardDecision

    • ReviewObject

  • Discuss Tender total tax amount and Tender total amount from initial contract information requirements.

Working Group meeting 21/03/2023

Date: 21/03/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Wim Kok, Giampaolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


Discuss eContract Model.


WG discussed the eContract model, mainly the initial contract information requirements:

  • epo-con: announces contract exists between epo:Contract and epo-con:ContractDocument. It was noted that Contract document is not a contract, it is maybe some additional things such as metadata. What is in the contract is in the contract document.

  • An Excel document is created in sharepoint including Contract related concepts and their definitions.

  • epo:bindsBuyer relation created between contract and Buyer.

  • epo:signedByBuyer relation is created between Buyer and contractDocument


WG did a Mapping between Contract model and initial contract information requirements:

  • Issue date, time and identifies should be in the document

  • isSubjectToContractSpecificTerm relation is created between contract and ContractTerm

  • Procurement project type: is contract-nature on ContractTerm

  • Description of Extension and option: epo:ContractTerm has epo:hasOptionsDescription data property. Duration is considered to be about Options.

  • Period start date, Period start time: contractTerm defines the contract period.

  • qt-voc:cpvsuppl is removed

  • CPV: at-voc:cpv enumeration is added.

  • CPV supplementary: is not included in ePO

  • Project execution location: epo:ContractTerm defines place of performance which is dct:location

  • Procurement project lot: Contract and lot class is created.

  • Lot identifier:

    • epo:hasTenderReference relation is renamed between contract and tender.

    • epo:hasLotReference relation is renamed between contract and lot.


Working Group meeting 28/02/2023

Date: 28/02/2023
Participants: Ahmed Abid, Wim Kok, Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas, Sellitto Giovanni Paolo
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre, Eugen Costetchi
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Standard form mapping issues (ePO repository):

  • Continue discussing Procedure and sub-procedure


GH 370

  • To be closed only after we get confirmation that (and perhaps a link to) an issue asking for the introduction of appropriate code(s) in the at-voc:direct-award-justification vocabulary was opened with DG GROW.

GH 431

  • hasRestatedAwardedValue: This is wrongly modeled and applied in the mappings. It will be updated in the context of modeling eContract. To be discussed in RDF meeting

Procedure and sub-procedure:

  • WG decided to:

    • Separate a procedure from its scope

    • Drop down plan into its phases.

  • Notes from WG:

    • Procedure itself is a plan.

    • It is not correct to use process concept to refer to plan/procedure.

    • Nothing is to be executed in procedure, it is just a plan

    • Lot is referring to purpose.

  • Plan hierarchy model

    • Lot is procurementScope not a ProcurementObject

  • SelectioCriteria and ExclusionGround are specified for LotQualificationPhase

  • Lot Plan composition model contains the phases/stages of procurement lifecycle

  • Overall plan composition model

  • Note, if we have hundreds of lots and anything is applied to one lot it will be applied to all lots in the same procedure (to be discussed later).

  • We should find a better term than LotPreAwardLifecycle/Workflow.


Working Group meeting 07/02/2023

Date: 07/02/2023
Participants: Jana Ahmad, Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Eugeniu Costetchi


  • Standard form mappings - ePO GitHub issues:

    • GH 422 Missing fields F21, IV.2.5, IV.2.9

  • Procedure/Sub-procedure


GH 442

In the context of concession contracts, the award of procedure actually means procedure. So the “scheduled date for start of award of procedure” is the start of the procedure. We should look into the Directive 2014/24/EU for a better understanding.


Procedure versus sub-procedure

The term procedure has been conflated.
Question: What is a procedure?
Answer: A description of steps taken by someone, a plan.
This plan acts as a general plan for multiple Lots. There are specific plans per each Lot, but the general plan should be fine-tuned in order to cover all the Lots.

Within a procurement project we can have a procedure type. Each lot should be executed once or multiple times according to the procedure type.

There are procedural things that are open to all Lots. We can think about it as a procurement procedure.

Some actions/events are reusable within a procedure:

  • Buyer calls for competition [object] (publish Competition Notice)

  • Buyer awards [object] (and publish a Contract Award Notice)

  • Buyer (re-)opens a (mini-)competition [object]

The negotiation action can be part of the competition.

Also, WG discussed re-usable process fragments:

  • Qualification (exclusion grounds and selection criteria)

  • Competition

eAuction and mini competitions are subsets of closed competition.

Some important examples of procedure types are discussed:

  • Restricted procedure:

    • Buyer calls for competition [specific-object] (Competition Notice)

    • Qualification

    • Closed-Competition [specific-object]

    • Buyer awards [specific-object] (Contract Award Notice)

  • Restricted procedure with eAuction

  • Restricted procedure with Dynamic Purchasing System

The competition is related to award criteria and the qualification is related to exclusion grounds and selection criteria. All the process fragments should take into consideration the criteria and the appropriate objects.

Plan versus execution

A differentiation between a plan and an execution is discussed.

  • A Plan (~Procedure + Lots) is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.

    • Goal: award of a contract

  • An *Execution (~ProcedureExecution) *represents the carrying out of a plan, order or course of actions.

    • Achievement: award of a specific contract.

    • We can have procedure executions per Lot (for a Lot there may be one or multiple executions)

We can have procedure-executions per Lot. For a lot, there may be one or multiple executions.

There is one execution for the whole procedure.

  • Each lot has one or multiple procedure executions within the “frame” of the “Procedure” execution.

Procurement purpose is split into Lots, and NOT the procedure that is split into lots.

Working Group meeting 31/01/2023

Date: 31/01/2023
Participants: Jana Ahmad, Laszlo Ketszeri, Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas, Giampaolo Sellito, Marc Christopher
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre



 The WG discussed:
Candidate role: This role exists in ePO version 2.0.2 as epo:CandidateShortList have the following definition: “The tenderers that have been selected in a two stage procedure.

Additional information: the types of procedures that this shortlist applies to are restricted procedures, competitive procedures with negotiation, competitive dialogue procedures and innovation partnerships. The WG approved the previous definition and additional information on (WG 27/07/2018).

epo:EconomicOperatorShortList is a superclass for CandidateShortList. This concept has the following definition: “The Economic Operators that are considered for a given procedure”. The WG approved the previous definition on (WG 22/08/2019).

A new role was added for the next ePO release, epo:Candidate, with the following definition: “The role of an agent that has expressed interest to participate in a competition. The WG approved the previous on (WG 31/01/2023).


The concept is a subclass of epo:OfferingParty as depicted in the diagram below:


Buyer role refinement: The buyer may need to be further refined into AwardingBuyer and AcquiringBuyer, similarly as it is done for the CPB.

GH 421:

Section III.1.* of F21 refers to Selection criteria.

  • Section III.1.4: Objective rules and criteria for participation refers to description in requirement.

  • Codelist to be used in at-voc-applicability.

  • epo:hasreservedProcrument added to ParticipationCondition.

  • epo:hasReservedExcution added to ContractTerm Section III.2. *“contract performance conditions” refers to ContractTerms.


In the eForms they are at the Lot level, but in the standard forms they are at the Procedure level? They are in fact “criteria summaries” for Procedure level

  • Section III.2.1: information about a particular profession refers to ContractTerms

  • information about a particular profession should be mapped to selection criteria summary:

  • In selectionCriteriasummary object two properties are added

  • Eop:hasProfessionRelevantLaw

  • epo:isReservedToParticularProfession

  • BT-79 - III.2.3 - information about staff responsible for the performance of the contract

  • isResponsibleStaffNameIsrequired property is created in ProcrumentCriteriasummary object

  • Two enumerations are added to SelectionCriterien object

  • epo:hasPerformingStaffQualificationInformation is added to epo:ProcurementCriterien


Question: Does SelectioncriteriaSummary inherit from SelectionCriterien?

  • Yes, So then, ProcrumentCriteriaSummary inherits from ProcrumentCriterien.

  • To be checked, when reworking on the Criteria & Criteria Summary: if epo:isReservedToParticularProfession: is the same as the one in the epo:ContractTerm.


Working Group meeting 24/01/2023

Date: 24/01/2023
Participants: Jana Ahmad, Laszlo Ketszeri,, Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas, Giampaolo Sellito
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Eugeniu Costetchi


Discuss github following issues:

  • Standard form mappings - TED-SWS github issues:

  • Standard form mappings - ePO github issues:


GH 119

  • When we have missing mapping in the technical mapping but the data exists in the standard forms, then we should add the remark in the RDF output as a rdfs:comment. ==== GH 418

  • The generalisation statement between a role and its type (AcquiringParty, SellerParty or AuxiliaryParty) should not be present in the technical mapping.

  • This ticket and were closed, with the same resolution.


GH 419

The property epo:hasLotAwardLimit has been deleted.


epo:hasMaximumNumberOfLotsToBeAwarded is kept.

GH 420

  • In the standard form, we have just generalised information (generalisation criterion) at the procedure level.

  • And the procurement criteria is specified for the lot level .

  • In the standard form, procedure specifies criteria summary (so we can have summary criterion at the procedure level .).

  • We should differentiate between criteria and criteria summary

  • Create participation criterion class in a lot level (so we have 4 criteria now).

  • Participation is at the submission level.

  • Participation conditions should be even before submission

  • Two approaches for Criteria modelling (concept and instance diagrams) have been presented and are depicted below.

Example 1


Example 2

  • Submission terms:

    • Submission terms: rules for submission

    • Submission terms has participation condition

    • Participation conditions had reserved procurement.

  • Create criteria summary diagram to differentiate between procurement criteria and procurement criteria summary:

    • If the procurement criteria goes to the procurement object, Ground exclusion is the same for all lots.

    • Giampaolo suggests adding relation between Selection Criteria and Selection Criteria Summary (aggregation relation).

  • Decided to model the following:


Working Group meeting 17/01/2023

Date: 17/01/2023
Participants: Jana Ahmad, Natalie Muric, Pietro Palermo, Thomas Pettersson, Giampaolo Sellito, Emidio Stani, Ivan Willer
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Eugeniu Costetchi



Core Vocabularies observations

  • epo:hasOrganisationUnit should be an attribute on the OrganisationalUnit concept from org ontology.

  • If we follow org ontology we need to add a new class where to put only an attribute for the name.

  • The reason why we conflated these two is the case when only a particular unit is the Buyer.

  • Recommendation to not separate these two concepts (Organisation and Organisation Unit) and only rename the attribute to epo:hasOrganisationUnitName

    • Why? Because the Agent that takes a role (e.g. Buyer) can be a Unit or an organisation, but we decided to set the description at the “organisation level”.

  • epo:hasLegalFormType - from SEMIC perspective we asked the OP to create the Core Vocabulary for the classification of the legal forms from GLEIF:

    • This will be published in the future.

    • Switch to using a code list for legal type classifications.

cv:LegalEntity versus epo:Business

Definition for cv:LegalEntity:
A self-empoyed person, company, or organization that has legal rights and obligations.


Definition for epo:Business:
A private law company registered in a national registry.

  • epo:Business should be a subclass of cv:LegalEntity in Core Business Vocabulary.

  • In order to align with Core Voc, it means we need to add cv:LegalEntity and org:FormalOrganization between org:Organization and epo:Business.

  • But a Business has to be a FormalOrganization.

  • In CPOV, a PublicOrganisation is not org:FormalOrganisation, but it is directly under org:Organisation.

  • Depending on the country, a cpov:PublicOrganisation may have a legal entity, so it may be a formal organisation.

  • Hierarchy

    • Org:Organisation

      • cv:PublicOrganisation

      • org:FormalOrganisation

        • legal:LegalEntity (self-employed person, company, or organisation with certain rights)

          • Action: Replace epo:Business by cv:LegalEntity

      • epo:OrganisationGroup

  • We need to have a discussion on whether the legal form type is at the legal entity level or at the organisation level.

    • What if we have the case when a tenderer is a public organisation?

  • This relationship is used at the Organisation level because foaf:Agent includes also a person or a system.

  • Decided to remove the relation from epo:OfferingParty to epo:Business as depicted in the diagram above.

Concession contract
  • In CPSV-AP the cv:ServiceConcessionContract was added as a subclass of epo:ConcessionContract:

  • For CPSV-AP we need a relationship between epo:Contract to epo:ContractSpecificTerm (epo:hasContractTerm) in order to be able to get to the at-voc:contract-nature:

  • Contract includes specific terms

  • Contract cannot have epo:ContractSpecificterms

  • Contract “includes Lot”, is not right, needs more discussion on this.


  • Look into the syntax binding, where we will see all the “elements” that we need to see in the order.

  • For example, Contract ID, is missing, or what is in the Buyer? It is hard to see all the elements from the ePOcore or eCatalogue, or eFulfillment.

  • Request: can we have a plain table with all properties for a class (including inherited attributes).

    • Technical Question:

      • Given a UML model, can we generate an “application profile” in a tabular representation (see SKOS-AP-EU ), for each class considering also inheritance.

      • Can we also automatically generate a “Path” to get that property?

  • It was found that a epo:ProcurementElement does not have an identifier, so the relation between epo:ProcurementObject and epo:Identifier was moved from epo:ProcurementElement to epo:Identifier as depicted in the diagram below:

  • Proposal to work on a table that contains all the properties for all the concepts in the Order phase on the 26th Jan.

Working Group meeting 10/01/2023

Date: 10/01/2023
Participants: Jana Ahmad, Vladimir Alexiev, Emiel Dhondt, Juris Kalejs, Wim Kok, Natalie Muric, Giampaolo Sellito, Emidio Stani
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Core Vocabularies alignment

    • observations for ePO


Core Vocabularies observations

  • data type is Changed from rdfs:Literal to rdf:langString in the following properties :

    • foaf:name

    • foaf:familyname

    • foaf:givenName

    • person:patronymicName

    • dct:alternative

  • cv:deathDate Removed from cpv:Person.

  • epo:hasInternetAddress is similar to contactPage with foaf:Document as range.

  • Proposal by Core Vocabularies to change the range to anyURI so this contactPage can be adapted by ePO as well.

  • Based on the standard forms, epo:hasInternetAddress is probably the URL of the Organization and not of the ContactPoint.


  • Proposal to add epo:hasHomePage (xsd:anyURI, [0..*]) as an attribute on org:Organization concept with the following definition: “The main web page.”

  • epo:hasDescription is similar to

  • If we change the datatype to LangString, we need to change them all.

  • rdfs:Literal allows integers, booleans and LangString, etc.

  • We need to revise data types and make them more specific.

  • Better to use rdf:PlainLiteral, see GitHub ticket:

  • Instead of epo:hasDescription switch dct:description.

  • epo:hasURL is mandatory property, but it should not be, because sometimes we might need to use epo:isAdhocChannel.

  • In standard forms AdhocChannel is not a boolean, but in eForms it is.

  • The AdhocChannel should not be CommunicationMean.

  • An Organization hasCommunicationMeans either a Channel or a DeliveryGateway.

  • The attribute epo:hasTitle was changed to dct:title and the definition modified accordingly.

  • WG discussed whether to use dct:identifier instead of epo:hasID.

  • But dct:identifier has a range of rdfs:Literal and can not be used.

  • We need to decide on whether to change to adms:identifier (old github issue:

  • If we need more properties for ePO we should add a ticket to adms.

  • locn:geographicName data type is Changed from rdfs:Literal to rdf:langString.

  • All attributes data types are changed from rdfs:Literal to rdf:langString, except locn:postCode and locn:locatorDesignator.


On cccev:Requirement:

  • cccev:description changed to dct:description (rdf:PlainLiteral).

  • cccev:identifier changed to dct:identifier.

  • We need to use an identifier for requirements.

  • To stay consistent to how identification is realised in ePO, we switched to using adms:identifier instead of dct:identifier as per CCCEV requirement.

  • Instead of cccev:name we will use skos:prefLabel (rdf:PlainLiteral).

  • There should be only one description and we added as additional information that we can have multiple languages for the same description. (see

  • On cccev:type changed to dct:type

  • On cccev:InformationConcept, hasDescription and hasTitle are changed to dct:description and skos:prefLabel.

WG disscussed the Channel

  • In standard form we have the following section for communication:

  • We want to use the AdhocChannel as a URL and not a boolean.

  • We might need to remove epo:hasAdditionalInformation and epo:hasName from cv:Channel.

  • In CPVS-AP, cpsv:PublicService has a cv:Channel.

  • We need to do a comparison to version ePO 2.0.1.

  • Adding epo:hasToolsAccessURL (xsd:anyURI, [0..1]) attribute to epo:AccessTerm concept with the following definition: “Web page where the tools and devices for electronic communication that are not generally available can be downloaded free of charge.”

  • This needs to be further discussed.

  • cv:Channel was moved from org:Organization level to epo:AgentInRole level.

  • In PEPPOL, an endpoint is an identifier.

  • The cv:Channel class was deleted.

  • We need to further discuss the difference between epo:Business and cv:LegalEntity.

Any comments on the documentation?