Cumulative content of Working Group Meetings in 2024

Date: 01/10/2024  
Participants: * Wim Kok, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellito
*Model editor: * Andreea Pasăre
*Note editor:
Achilles Dougalis


  • Enterprise Architect Version change to EA 17.

  • Q4 Roadmap

    • Documentation of workflow

    • eEvaluation (new module)

    • Maintenance work

      • 4.1.0 was published.

      • 4.1.1 patch.

      • 4.2.0-r.c.1 was published

      • Towards publishing 4.2.0  (by mid November)

        • EA file modifications

        • Github issues with milestone "4.2.0"

      • Github issues

        • Main focus: Issues related to eform mappings.

        • Issues related to the next release.

        • Post-Award alignment with PEPPOL

        • Pre-Award alignment with PEPPOL


  • The eInvoicing release was discussed (ePO 4.2.0) :

    • It was mentioned that some feedback on eInvoicing will be received in mid November.

  • A road map for Q4 was presented. (see agenda)

  • It was decided that an agenda of any upcoming meetings will be posted each friday.

  • It was decided that PostAward WGMs will be on Thursdays, and WGM meetings on eEvaluation on tuesdays.

  • Next Thursday (3/10) we will continue covering ePO github issues.

  • was discussed, and closed.

  • Discussion About the Annex implementing Regulation 2023/2884

    • We need to make sure that the ontology covers all the new BTs listed there.

Action Points

  • To post an agenda of upcoming weekly meetings each friday.

  • For thursday: Discuss about award decision outcome. Specifically about MiniCompetition. We need to either change the class or its definition.

    • The problem is that in eForms we do not know if a framework agreement is a mini competition.

    • epo:resultsFromMiniCompetittonAwardOytcome should be renamed, and epo:MiniCompetitonAwardOutcome should be split into 3 classes. What we have right now is the following diagram:


What we should have is this:


 Need a different naming for the epo:FurtherStageAwardOutcome predicate.


 Need a different naming for the epo:FurtherStageAwardOutcome predicate.


Working Group meeting

Date: 18/07/2024
Participants: Kenneth Bengtsson, Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre,
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


Github tickets with the 4.2.0 milestone were discussed.

Action Points

  • Create a ticket: Predicate epo:specifiesSubcontractor should be deleted in ePO 5.0.0

  • Create a ticket Further Investigate whether we should remove the codelists of epo:Notice , since the values of the codelists are represented as concepts in ePO.


Working Group meeting

Date: 16/07/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen, Dragos Stoica
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre,
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Fill in the ePO mappings on the PEPPOL despatch advice data model.


Regarding the despatch advice data model mappings, it was mentioned that :

  • Carrier is an Organization.

  • The transport_means_operator is an epo:Person.

  • It was noted that Delivery information should be mandatory.

  • Predicate epo-ful:hasDespatchPeriod was added. Definition: "The time period when the Despatcher picks-up the goods to be delivered. WG approval 16/07/2024"

  • The definition of epo-ful:specifiesPlaceOfDespatch predicate was updated: The time period when the Despatcher picks-up the Goods Items to be delivered.
    WG approval 16/07/2024".

  • It was agreed that in the next eFulfilment meeting we will tackle the despatchLine concept from the despatch advice data model.

Action Points

Working Group meeting

Date: 11/07/2024
Participants: Kenneth Bengtsson, Ioannis Fountoukidis, Dragos Stoica,

Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Add definitions to eInvoice concepts.

  • Discuss about tickets with no milestones.


  • Github Issues 653, and 652 were resolved.

  • The following definitions were added:

    • epo-inv:InvoiceLine: Details concerning a given unit of goods, services or works mentioned in the Invoice.WG approval 11/07/2024.

    • epo-inv:Invoice Note: Textual note that is relevant to the invoice as a whole. WG approval 11/7/2024

      • Attribute hasInvoiceNoteDescription of class epo-inv:Invoice Note: A textual note that gives unstructured information that is relevant to the Invoice as a whole.WG approval 11/07/2024

      • Predicate epo-inv:hasInvoiceNote: Contains Invoice Note. WG approval 11/07/2024

    • Epo-inv:PaymentInstructionsInformation: Information about the payment. WG approval 11/07/2024.

    • Epo-inv:hasPaymentMeansDescription: The means for how a payment is expected to be or has been settled, expressed as text. WG approval 11/07/2024

    • epo-inv:hasPaymentMeansType:The means for how a payment is expected to be or has been settled, expressed as code. WG approval 11/07/2024

    • epo-inv:hasRemittanceInformation: A textual value used to establish a link between the payment and the Invoice, issued by the Seller. WG approval 11/07/2024.

    • Predicate epo-inv:hasBankingIdentifier: A unique banking reference identifier of the Payee or Seller, assigned by the Payee or Seller bank. WG approval 11/07/2024.

    • Predicate epo-inv:hasDebitedAccountIdentifier: An identifier for the account to be debited by the direct debit. WG approval 11/07/2024.

    • Predicate epo-inv:hasPaymentAccountIdentifier: A unique identifier of the financial payment account, at a payment service provider, to which payment should be made. WG approval 11/07/2024

    • epo-inv:hasPaymentServiceProviderIdentifier: An identifier for the payment service provider where a payment account is located. WG approval 11/07/2024.

    • epo-inv:PaymentCardInformation:

      • Attribute epo-inv:hasPaymentCardPrimaryAccountNumber: The series of digits embossed on the front of a credit, debit, or prepaid card used for payment. WG approval 11/07/2024.

      • Attribute epo-inv:hasPaymentCardHolderName:The name of the account holder of the card used for payment. Additional Information: An account holder is the entity listed or identified as the holder of a Financial Account by the Financial Institution.

    • WG approval 11/07/2024.

    • epo-inv:CreditTransferInformation: Information about a direct payment of money from one bank account into another.WG approval 11/07/2024. '

      • Attribute epo-inv:hasPaymentAccountName: The name of the account that can send and receive payments to and from a payment service provider. WG approval 07/11/2024.

    • epo-inv:Payee: A Role of an Agent that receives the payment. Additional Information: The role of Payee may be fulfilled by another party than the Seller, e.g. a factoring service. WG approval 11/07/2024.

    • epo-inv:SellerTaxRepresentative: A Role of an Agent that can represent an Organization for taxation purposes. Additional Information: The Seller Tax Representative Role is not a Legal Representative. WG approval 11/07/2024.

    • epo-inv:TaxBreakdownInformation: Information about tax breakdown by different categories, rates and exemption reasons. WG approval 11/07/2024.

      • Attribute epo-inv:hasTaxExemptionReasonDescription: An explanation on why the amount is exempted from tax or why no tax is being charged according to the legislation, expressed as a text.WG approval 11/07/2024.

      • Attribute epo-inv:hasTaxExemptionReason: An explanation on why the amount is exempted from tax or why no tax is being charged according to the legislation, expressed as a code.

    • epo-inv:hasTaxPointDate: The date when the tax becomes accountable for the seller and for the Buyer. Additional information: The date can be determined and differs from the date of issue of the invoice according to the national implementation of the directive.

  • An example of invoice with multiple VAT was presented.

  • It was mentioned that all the information Classes are specifications of epo-cat:InformationHub


Action Points

  • To revisit the model in order to add more epo-inv:PaymentCardInformation attributes if required by the ePO users.

  • Create ticket: Delete predicate epo-inv:hasTaxCategoryTaxableAmount

  • To generate the glossary for eInvoicing.

Working Group meeting

Date: 09/07/2024
Participants: Natalie Muric
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Discuss tickets with the 4.1.0 milestone.

  • Discuss tickets with the 4.2.0 milestone.


4.1.0 milestone

Ticket 607

It was discussed that the predicate epo-sub:refersToOtherESPDResponse should be removed and epo:refersToPrevious at the epo:Document level should be used on its stead.


Ticket 637

It was confirmed by the working group that the predicates epo:answersExclusionGround and epo:answersSelectionCriteria should be removed from the Ontology.

Ticket 596

epo-con:ContractModificationInformation is a concept that belongs to eContract module and should not be present in any diagram of ePO core module, thus it was removed from the ePO core module diagram (for 4.1.0-rc.3 version).

Ticket 628

It was decided that epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification will be deleted. epo-cat:Item epo:hasSpecification epo-cat:ProductSpecification mapping will be used instead in all post-award modules. We added a temporary cardinality for epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification predicate as [0..*] with a proposal to remove it in a next major release (ePO 5.0.0).


Ticket 638

The prefix of the predicate epo:hasRejectedQuantity is now epo-ful.


The milestone "miscellaneous" was created to group github tickets loosely related to the Ontology but not part of it such as model2owl or contents of vocabularies referenced by ePO.

4.0.2 milestone

Ticket 593

The boolean attribute epo:isSMESuitable was added to class epo:LotGroup


Ticket 609

Milestone was changed to miscellaneous.

Ticket 617

The predicates epo:forseesSubcontractor and hasSubcontractor that connect epo:Subcontractor and epo:Contractor were added.


It was noted that there should be a future discussion about the restrictions and shacl shapes files.

Action Points

  • Create a ticket to remove epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification . Also connect it with 628

  • Make sure that all the commented tickets map to this document.

Working Group meeting

Date: 04/07/2024
Participants: Kenneth Bengtsson, Andrea Caccia, Natalie Muric, Pietro Palermo, Dragos Stoica
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Update on work on eInvoicing module

  • check Credit Note concept in PEPPOL

  • Add definitions to eInvoicing module concepts


  • It was decided that the concept epo:Invoicer is not needed in the eInvoicing module, as the Seller is the Invoicer. The class was removed from the eInvoicing module.

  • The roles about eProcurement from PEPPOL were presented.

    • According to those roles, the concepts Invoicer and Invoicee can be represented by the Seller and the Buyer respectively.

  • It was decided that epo-inv:CreditNote class will be kept in the eInvoicing module.

    • epo-Inv:CreditNoteLine was added.

    • Predicate epo-inv:refersToInvoice was added to the eInvoicing module.

    • After the modifications, the diagram depicting epo-inv:CreditNote looks as follows:


The following definitions were filled:

  • epo-inv:Invoice:

    • Definition: "A commercial Document issued by the Seller to the Buyer to collect payments for the goods or services provided and to state the VAT amount due by the buyer. WG approval 04/07/2024".

Action Points

  • Add Github issue ticket: eOrder Module Epo-ord:OrderResponse Response should be a subclass of Order. For milestone epo 5.0.0

  • Add github issue ticket: Change the cardinality for isSubmitedForOrderLine and restrict it to 1 For milestone epo 5.0.0

  • It was suggested that the TC434 working group should test the eInvoicing module, once it is ready.

Working Group meeting

Date: 02/07/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen, Ioannis Foutnoukidis
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Evolution of the ePO eFulfilment module

  • eFulfilment dataModel.


  • The following definitions for the predicates of the eFulfilment module were filled:


Relation indicating that a Transport Handling Unit utilises a Transport Equipment. WG approval 02/07/2024

epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit → epo-ful:TransportEquipment [0..*]


Relation indicating that a Shipment Stage utilises a Transport Means.

WG approval 02/07/2024

epo-ful:ShipmentStage → epo-ful:TransportMeans [1..*]


Relation indicating the operator of the Transport Means.

WG approval 02/07/2024

epo-ful:TransportMeans → epo-ful:TransportMeansOperator [1..*]

  • The PEPPOL DespatchAdvice data model mappings were presented and feedback regarding the mappings was given.

    • Specifically, the Despatcher can be either an Organization or a Person, and should be mapped similarly to the way the Buyer was mapped.

    • All mappings until the Consignment concept were reviewed.

Action Points

  • Create a github issue to remove predicate epo-ful:specifiesTransportHandlingUnits epo-ful:DespatchAdvice → epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit [0..*]

  • Create a github issue to Remove Predicate epo-ful:transportsItemFrom: epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit is already connected to class epo-ful:DespatchLine through Class epo-ful:GoodsItem , therefore a predicate relatiion from epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit to epo-ful:DespatchLine was deemed unnecessary.

  • To verify all the definitions on the concepts in the e DesparchAdvice data model.

  • To fill in the definition of epo:playedBy next time the ePO module definitions are updated.

Working Group meeting

Date: 26/06/2024
Participants: Ioannis Fountoukidis, Edmund Gray, Natalie Muric, Stelios Stratidakis, Dragos Stoica
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Evolution of the ePO eInvoicing module


  • The diagram containing the business concepts BT-116, BT-117, BT-118, BT-119 in eInvoice was presented.

  • It was discussed that attached documents are not included in the ePO. Instead, the ontology uses a URI for external documents.

  • The diagram containing the InvoiceLine class (BG-25) and all its relevant concepts was presented.

    • The attribute epo:hasAdditionalInformation was added to epo-cat:Line class (specialization of epo-inv:InvoiceLine).

    • epo-inv:hasInvoiceLineObjectIdentifier definition was added: "An identifier for an object on which the invoice line is based, given by the Seller.Additional Information: It may be a subscription number, telephone number, meter point etc., as applicable.WG approval 26/06/2024".

  • There was a discussion on how the epo-cat:Price is connected to each line class.

    • Specifically, The absence of a gross price predicate was discussed.

      • Subsequently The predicate was created as epo-cat:Price : epo-ord:hasGrossMonetaryValue [0..1].

      • The predicate should be placed at a more appropriate place in the future.

    • There was also a discussion that in order for the Ontology to be more coherent, the allowance charge information should be connected either on the line level, or at the document level. It was argued that for the sake of flexibility, the ePO implementation should model both approaches.


The diagram containing TaxInformation concepts was updated to not be specific to VAT taxes.

  • BG-31 Item Information was discussed. Specifically it was discussed whether the CPV or the UNCL7143 codelist should be used for the at-voc-new:itemClassification vocabulary. Another option would be to use the epo-inv:hasItemClassificationIdentifier predicate and use the attributes of adms:Identifier to classify the epo-cat:Item.

  • Predicate epo-cat:hasCountryOfOrigin and codelist at-voc:country Were presented.

  • epo-cat:ItemProperty was discussed.

    • It was decided to have all the attributes on epo-cat:ItemProperty as [0..1]. (github ticket #642)

  • Next steps include looking for En16931

Action Points

  • Compare all PEPPOL data models to find any discrepancies.

    • Specifically we need to harmonize all concepts related to the price.


Working Group meeting

Date: 25/06/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen, Dragos Stoica
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Evolution of the ePO eFulfilment module

  • eFulfilment dataModel.


  • The following predicate definitions were filed :


The kind of Package.

WG approval 25/06/2024


The kind of Transport Equipment.

WG approval 25/06/2024


The kind of Transport Means.

WG approval 25/06/2024


An extension classification specifying the measurement of the Transport Equipment.

Additional Information: This codelist should be used only in the case of a container.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Information about the requested despatch of the Goods Items.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating the Temperature Specification for the instance of the concept.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating the number of the Goods Items.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating that the instance of the concept has a Transport Equipment Seal.


Relation indicating the number of the Transport Handling Unit.

WG approval 25/06/2024


The type of the transport used.

WG approval 25/06/2024


The identifier of the Transport Means.

WG approval 25/06/2024


The identifier of the Transport Means.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Information that is particular to a Despatch Line.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Reference to a Despatch Line.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Reference to a Consignment.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Information that is particular to a Despatch Line.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Reference to an Order.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Reference to an Order Line.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Reference to an Order Line.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves a Carrier.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Notification Receiver.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Freight Forwarder.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Consignee.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Despatcher.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Originator.

WG approval 25/06/2024


Relation indicating the Location of the Despatch of the Goods Items.

WG approval 25/06/2024

Action Points

  • Create a ticket: specifiesDespatcher. Harmonize the 2 predicates pointing to epo-ful:Despacher.

  • Create a ticket: epo-ful:specifiesShipment epo-ful:DespatchAdvice → epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [0..1] should be removed.

  • Predicate epo-ful:specifiesTransportHandlingUnits: Next time we need to decide on whether to create a new predicate since this one is using the plural and in ePO we should use the singular.

Working Group meeting

Date: 20/06/2024
Participants: Kenneth Bengtsson, Ioannis Fountoukidis, Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eInvoicing conceptual model evolution.


  • A short introduction of the eInvoicing module was given.

  • The concept of Credit Note was discussed: A credit note is a document that corrects an invoice or invoices.

    • Credit Note ubl syntax

    • There is a need to list all the different documents that can be linked with the Invoice. UBL has agreed to provide such a list.

  • In PEPPOL the invoice always uses the value "Commercial Invoice" for the document type code. In ePO this codelist is at-voc-new:document-type.

  • It was confirmed that BT-73, eInvoicing period startdate is used for services.

    • epo-inv:hasActualDeliveryDate xsd:date [0..1] attribute was added to epo-ord:DeliveryInformation.

  • The class epo-inv:PaymentInstructionsInformation on the "eInvoicing" diagram was presented.

  • The "eInvoicing allowance charge and Tax" diagram was presented.

  • It was discussed how to model different Taxes. It was decided that there shouldn’t be predicates discriminating between VAT and other taxes.

  • epo:MonetaryValue epo:hasCurrency should have cardinality of 1, rather than [0..1] (a github issue is foreseen for this).

  • The total amounts that are present at the level of the invoice diagram were presented in the diagram below.

  • The invoicing vat breakdown diagram was presented.

    • It was discovered that different taxes may have different currencies.

      • That means that cardinalities for all predicates pointing to epo:Monetary value should be [0..] or [1..].

    • It was mentioned that in order for the Ontology to be more flexible, all the concept names containing "VAT" should be renamed, replacing "VAT" with "Tax".

  • Next the roles that take part in eInvoicing were presented

  • The diagram depicting the invoice-line was presented

  • The diagram containing the Item concept in relation to eInvoicing was presented.

  • The epo-cat:hasAttributeType of class epo-cat:ItemProperty should be mandatory. (a github issue is foreseen for that)

Action Points

  • UBL to provide a list of different documents that can be linked with the Invoice.

  • UBL to provide an example for invoice

  • IInform PEPPOL about the cardinalities of different business terms in the context of a country using more than 1 currencies.

  • Update the invoicing VATbreakdown diagram in order to include all taxes.

  • ePO github issues to be created:

    • epo:hasCurrency should have cardinality of 1 rather than [0..1]

  • Tax-scheme should have a cardinality of 1.

  • Should these attributes be mandatory or not?


Working Group meeting

Date: 18/06/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen, Ioannis Fountoukidis, Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica, Peter Borresen.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Evolution of the ePO modules

  • eFulfilment dataModel.


  • It was decided that the following predicates will be removed from the eFulfilment module of future ePO versions:









  • It was decided that the following predicates will be added from the eFulfilment module of future ePO versions:



  • Definitions for the following predicates of the efulfilment module were filled:

    • epo-ful:hasDepartureShipmentInformation: Information about the place the consignment is leaving from in a given shipment stage

    • epo-ful:hasDepartureShipmentInformation : ment Information about the place the Consignment is leaving from in a given Shipment Stage.

    • epo-ful:hasDespatchAdviceType: Classification of a Despatch Advice.

    • epo-ful:hasDespatchedQuantity: The quantity that hass been sent.

    • epo-ful:hasEstimatedDeliveryPeriod: The forecasted time period given by the Despatcher to provide the goods and services.

    • epo-ful:hasFreightCharge: "The total cost for moving the goods. WG approval 18/06/2024"

    • epo-ful:hasGrossVolume: The amount of space that is required including the packaging.

    • epo-ful:hasNetVolume: The amount of space that is required without the packaging.

    • epo-ful:hasGrossWeight: The total mass of goods including the packaging.

    • epo-ful:hasNetWeight: The total mass of goods without the packaging.

    • epo-ful:hasHandlingInstructionCode: Instruction on how to handle the Goods Items during transportation, expressed as a code.

    • epo-ful:hasHeight: The vertical measurement.

    • epo-ful:hasLength:The horizontal measurement. Additional Information: The length is the longer side between the length and the width.

    • epo-ful:hasWidth:The measurement of the depth. Additional Information:The width is the shorter side between the length and the width.

    • epo-ful:hasLoadingMeter: The area of the Consignment in meters divided by the width of the truck which is concidered to be 2.4 meters.

    • epo:ful:hasMainCarriage:The Shipment Stage for the longest distance covered in a transport chain.

    • epo-ful:hasOnCarriageShipmentStage: "Any Shipment Stage between the main carriage arrival point and the ultimate receiver in a transport chain.

    • epo-ful:hasPreCarriageShipmentStage: Any Shipment Stage between the Dispatcher and the departure point of the main carriage in a transport chain.

    • epo-ful:hasMaximumTemperature: The highest tolerated temperature.

    • epo-ful:hasMinimumTemperature: The lowest tolerated temperature.

  • Next time the WG will continue adding definitions from the predicate epo-ful:hasPackagingType concept.

Action Points

  • epo-ful:hasMainCarriageShipmentStage predicate will stay as it is . We are still expecting a decision from PEPPOL regarding issue 575

Working Group meeting

Date: 06/06/2024
Participants: Ioannis Fountoukidis
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eInvoicing conceptual model.


  • The discussion Covered The Business term groups BG-23 – BG-30.

  • The VATBreakdown conceptual model was presented

VAT BREAKDOWN A group of business terms providing information about VAT breakdown by different categories, rates and exemption reasons
  • A question arose for the Business term VAT exemption reason code. Which code should better represent this?

    • The VATEX codelist may be a good candidate for this.

    • The at-voc-new:vat-exemption-reason enumeration was created to hold this codelist.

    • Also, epo-inv:hasVATEXemptionReasonDescription: rdf:PlainLiteral was created to provide a textual representation of the VAT exemption reason

  • The “Additional Supporting Documents” business term was discussed.

ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS A group of business terms providing information about additional supporting documents substantiating the claims made in the Invoice.
  • epo:Document already covers this.

  • ePO does not cover the "Attached document", "Attached document Mime code " and "Attached document Filename" concepts.

  • The Invoice Line diagram was presented.

INVOICE LINE A group of business terms providing information on individual Invoice lines.
  • The Invoice item Price diagram was presented that describes the Price Details Business term Group.

PRICE DETAILS A group of business terms providing information about the price applied for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.

  • The "item gross price" was discussed.

BT-148 + 0..1 Item gross price The unit price, exclusive of VAT, before subtracting Item price discount.

It is the first time we encounter this term and currently we cannot reuse another ePO concept. Perhaps a new epo concept needs to be created. To be investigated.

Action Points

  • Create a ticket: We need to find a specific codeList that contains all VAT exemption reason code. Maybe the VATEX codelist can be used.

  • Ask in the next WGM if BT-136 should be mandatory.

BT-136 + 1..1 Invoice line allowance amount The amount of an allowance, without VAT. is the amount mandatory in case we have a base amount + percentage combination?
  • Further Investigate about the gross price concept.

BT-148 + 0..1 Item gross price The unit price, exclusive of VAT, before subtracting Item price discount. to be further investigated (maybe Pietro)

Working Group meeting

Date: 30/05/2024
Participants: Dragos Stoica, Edmund Gray, Giovanni Paolo Selitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • eInvoicing - first draft presentation


  • The invoicing diagram was presented.

  • Replaced epo-inv:hasPaymentTermsDescription with epo-ord:PaymentTerm

  • epo-ord:AccountingCost should be the same in the Order and Invoice; but we can have an Invoice without an Order.

  • The invoice period could start 30 days after the delivery date, depending on the contractual terms.


In the Order data model the Order validity period Business Group represents the Invoicing period Business Group. Are they the same thing, though? To ask Pietro.

Added epo:hasValidityPeriod predicate:

  • Actual delivery date is the date when the supply of goods was made or the supply of services was completed.

Deliver to party name can be a warehouse. We can use locn:locatorName fromd locn:Address

  • LegalRepresentative deals with administrative tasks, and the TaxRepresentative communicates and exchanges info with the fiscal authorities. These are two different roles.

  • The epo:Invoicer role is not required for the eInvoicing core data model. It might be included in an extension of the eInvoicing data model in the future. Maybe it will be used in the Ordering data model.

  • We added SellerTaxRepresentative and Payee roles as specialisations of epo:Offering party.

  • Direct debit Business Group model:

  • Banking identifier is for Seller/Payee.

  • Debited account identifier is for the Buyer.

    • epo-inv:hasInvoicedObjectIdentifier is supplier specific and customised for the Buyer. It is not a CPV code.

    • epo-ord:hasCustomerReference is modelled as a boolean in eOrdering. Ask Pietro if this shouldn’t be a text. It looks like in eOrdering this term was removed from the data model.

  • epo-ord:hasCustomerReference is the same as Buyer Reference. Reused this at the level of the Invoice, but not as a boolean.

  • Presenting the diagram:

  • Presenting the diagram for the Invoice totals:

  • VAT Breakdown

    • Summarises what we have in the Invoice Line per each VAT category

    • To be implemented at the level of the Invoice.

Action Points

  • Discuss in next WGM meeting about the similarities/differences between Order validity period and Invoicing period.

  • Discuss in next WGM about CustomerReference.

Working Group meeting

Date: 23/05/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Ioannis Fountoukidis
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eInvoicing conceptual model.


The first draft of the eInvoicing conceptual model was presented.

  • During the meeting, some questions were formulated regarding Class epo-inv:Invoice:

    • Question: How should we represent all the VAT values of the document?

    • Question: What is a Buyer reference?

    • Question: The Order refers to a Project and the Invoice refers to a Project. Is this Project the same?

      • If they are the same, we do not need a property from Invoice, since we also have a connection from Invoice to the Order.

      • Answer: It was decided that since the link between epo-inv:Invoice and epo-ord:Order is not mandatory, we need to have a way to refer to the Project directly from the Invoice.

      • The same applies to Buyer accounting reference

    • Question: What is Invoiced Object Identifier? What does this object represent? Can it be a CPV code?

    • A new codelist was added to the model: at-voc-new:invoice-note-subject-code

      • This codelist may already be referenced somewhere in the ePO. This needs to be further investigated.

  • Some questions were formulated about the Delivery information business group from the eInvoicing data model:

    • What is the "Deliver to Party Name" concept referring to? Who can this be if it is not the Buyer?

    • Is the actual Delivery date different than the eOrdering Delivery date? It looks like this is the case.

    • Is the business term "Deliver To Address" referring to the concept epo-ord:Order place of delivery?

  • The epo-inv:PaymentInstructionsInformation and epo-inv:PaymentCardInformation concepts were presented.

  • At this stage, the first draft of the Invoicing diagram is the following:

  • The diagram containing the roles related to the eInvoicing module was presented:

  • Question: is epo-inv:SellerTaxRepresentative the same role as epo-sub:LegalRepresentative? To be further investigated.

Action Points

  • In the next WG meeting we will continue discussing concepts from the business group "Direct debit".

Working Group meeting

Date: 21/05/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen, Ioannis Fountoukidis, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eFulfillment

  • Enquire about the validity of the epo-ful:DespatchAdvice concept definition


  • It was confirmed that the epo-ful:DespatchAdvice concept definition is valid.

  • The following definitions of eFulfilment concepts were added or updated



Details concerning the fulfilment of an Order Line.

WG approval 21/05/2024


The Role of an Agent who organise the logistic operations need for a fulfilment.

WG approval 21/05/2024


An Item including its initial packaging during transportation. Additional information: For example, the Item being bought is the computer. The weight of the computer is X. The weight of the Goods Item is the weight of the computer plus the weight of the initial packaging. During transportation you have for example trace ID which is applied to the GoodsItem, rather than on the Item itself. The declared statistical value can only apply once you have a GoodsItem. WG approval 30/03/2023


The party to be notified upon arrival of goods and when special occurrences (usually pre-defined) take place during a transportation service. (UBL)

This class was wrongly named and has been replaced by epo-ful:NotificationReceiver. It will be removed in the next major release.


The Commercial Agreement between the Commercial Parties. Additional Information: It describes items being shipped. What is being moved.

The commercial agreement between the Buyer and the Seller.

Additional Information: The Shipment Agreement describes the items being shipped.

WG approval 21/05/2024


The Transportation of an identifiable collection of Goods Items from one party (the Despatch Party) to another party (the Consignee) via one or more modes of transport. Addition Information This represents the "where" and "when".

Information about the transportation of an identifiable collection of Goods Items from the Despatcher to the Consignee.

WG approval 21/05/2024


Part of the itinerary of a shipment.

Additional information: In the context of fulfilment only the last part of the itinerary is taken into consideration.

WG approval 21/05/2024


Description of the temperature requirements during shipment.

WG approval 21/05/2024


Description of the apparatus used during transportation.

Additional information: The equipment may be a container, a trailer, means of assistance to load or unload the Goods Items.

WG approval 21/05/2024


Means used to ensure that the Transport Equipment is not tampered during transportation.

WG approval 21/05/2025


Description of a particular vehicle or vessel used for the conveyance of goods or persons.

WG approval 21/05/2024


The Role of an Agent who is responsible for controlling the Transport Means.

WG approval 21/05/2024


The Role of an Agent that is informed about the arrival of a Shipment at a destination.

Additional information: This could be for example customs and excise.

WG approval 21/05/2024

this concept was newly added as an auxiliary party




Indicates whether the container or part of the container is to be sent back.

WG approval 21/05/2024

xsd:boolean [0..1]



Indicates whether some of the contained Goods Items are hazardous.

WG approval 21/05/2024

xsd:boolean [0..1]





Description about special services needed for loading or unloading the Goods Items.

WG approval 21/05/2024

rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]

  • The following Cardinalities of eFulfilment concepts were updated

    • epo-full:refersToOrderLine Cardinality changed to 1-1.

  • The following concepts were created. To be added to the next ePO release.

    • Class epo-full:NotificationReceiver

    • Property epo:specifiesNotificationReceiver

Action Points

  • Create a github ticket to remove epo-ful:Notifier. We do not need this concept because we have the epo:FreightForwarder responsible . It will be removed in the next major release.

  • Create a github ticket to remove epo-ful:isHazardousRisk after confirmation from the WG because it is covered at the level of consignment. If it is to be removed. It will be removed in the next major release.

  • Create a ticket to remove the following attributes from epo-ful:Consignment.

    • epo-ful:hasCarrierServiceInstruction attribute should be removed from epo-ful:Consignment.

    • epo-ful:hasDeliveryInstruction attribute should be removed from epo-ful:Consignment.

    • epo-ful:hasSpecialInstruction attribute should be removed from epo-ful:Consignment.

Working Group meeting

Date: 16/05/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Ioannis Fountoukidis, Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eInvoicing


  • A draft of the eInvoicing ORSD document was presented and edited by the Working Group.

    • The concepts of roles that participate in eInvoicing were discussed:

      • Buyer

      • Seller

      • Payee (if it is different than the Seller)

      • Seller Tax representative

    • Specifically, it was mentioned that the eInvoicing model does not explicitly show who is the service provider or/nor any checks made on who the service provider is.

      • It was also noted that the Invoice should be linked to the Buyer.

    • The Activity description part of the draft was discussed. The following statements were compiled:

      • The Seller generates an invoice and the additional supporting documents.

      • The Seller sends the invoice to the Buyer.

      • The Buyer receives and processes the invoice.

      • The Buyer pays the Seller/Payee the amount of the invoice before the due date.

      • It was decided that the scope of the module will not include penalties, fraudulent charges, and unpaid invoices after their due date at this stage of the module.

    • The user stories part of the ORSD was presented and discussed.

Code Role User Story



As a Buyer, I want to know the Seller’s identification information at the invoice (document) level.



As a Buyer, I want to know the Payee identification information at invoice (document) level, if different from the Seller.



As a Buyer I want to know the information about payment at invoice (document) level.



As a Seller, I want to know the Buyer’s financial account information.



As a Buyer I want to know the information to trace back to the related order at the invoice (document) level.



As a Buyer I want to know the information to trace back to the related order line at the invoice line level.



As a Buyer I want to know the information to trace back to the related contract from the invoice (document) level.



As a Buyer I want to know the information to trace back to the related despatch advice from the invoice (document) level.



As a Buyer I want to know the information to trace back to the related receiving advice from the invoice (document) level.

  • The natural language statements that will be included in the ORSD were presented.And modified.

Natural Language Statements

An invoice has an unique identifier.

An invoice has a date of issuance.

An invoice can have a payment due date.

An invoice must have a currency of all the amounts (except for the total VAT amount in accounting currency).

An invoice can refer to the procurement project.

An invoice can refer to the contract.

An invoice can refer to an order.

An invoice can refer to a despatch advice.

An invoice can refer to a receipt advice.

An invoice can refer to a lot.

An invoice can have a textual note.

An invoice can have payment terms.

An invoice can refer to previous invoices.

An invoice has to specify information about the Seller.

An invoice has to specify information about the address of the Seller.

An invoice can specify the contact point information of the Seller.

An invoice has to specify information about the Buyer.

An invoice has to specify information about the address of the Buyer.

An invoice can specify the contact point information of the Buyer.

An invoice can specify information about the Payee, if different than the Seller.

An invoice can specify information about the Seller’s tax representative.

An invoice can specify information about where and when the goods and services invoiced are delivered.

An invoice can specify information about it’s delivery period.

An invoice can specify information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.

An invoice can specify the payment instructions.

An invoice can specify the credit transfer payments.

An invoice can specify information about card used for payment contemporaneous with invoice issuance.

An invoice can specify a direct debit.

An invoice can specify information about allowances applicable to the Invoice as a whole.

An invoice can specify information about charges and taxes other than VAT, applicable to the invoice as a whole.

An invoice has to specify the monetary totals for the invoice.

An invoice has to specify information about VAT breakdown by different categories, rates and exemption reasons.

An invoice may refer to one or many additional supporting documents.

An invoice has to refer to one or many invoice lines.

An invoice line may specify information about it’s delivery period.

An invoice line may specify information about allowances applicable to the Invoice as a whole.

An invoice line may specify information about charges and taxes other than VAT, applicable to the invoice as a whole.

An invoice line has to specify information about the price applied for the goods and services invoiced on the invoice line.

An invoice line has to specify information about the VAT applicable for the goods and services invoiced on the invoice line.

An invoice line has to specify information about the goods and services invoiced on the invoice line.

An invoice line may provide information about properties of the goods and services invoiced.

  • It was decided that the terms providing information on the Business Process will not be covered in ePO, because it is out of the Ontology’s scope.

Action Points

  • Need to check cardinality for payment instructions in the latest version of the standard, for the Natural Language Statements.

  • Need to check if the payment terms should be mandatory.

  • Need to check what is Receiving advice. Is it receipt advice?

Working Group meeting

Date: 14/05/2024
Participants: Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica, Peter Borresen.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Evolution of the ePO modules.

  • eFulfilment definitions


  • The definitions of the following ePO core concepts were added/updated:


Relates to Notice.

WG approval 14/05/2024

epo:ChangeInformation → epo:Notice [1]

epo:NonPublishedInformation → epo:Notice [1]


Relates to Tender.

WG approval 14/05/2024

epo:TenderAwardOutcome → epo:Tender [1]


Includes Candidate.

WG approval 14/05/2024

epo:SelectedCandidateList → epo:Candidate [0..*]

  • The definitions of the following ePO concepts specific to the eFulfilment module were added/updated:


The Role of an Agent who handles the physical Delivery/Transportation of the (Despatched) Shipment.

Additional Information: This Role is often referred as the deliverer.

WG approval 14/05/2024


A batch of goods destined for or delivered to someone.

Additional information: Consignment is a Transport Agreement between the Despatcher and the Consignee as to who and how the goods are despatched and received.

WG approval 14/05/2024


Gathering class for Packages and Transport Handling Units.

WG approval 14/05/2024


A document notifying the sending of goods or the execution of works or services.

WG approval 14/05/2024


Container used for transportation.

WG approval 14/05/2024


The outermost Package that the Carrier is handling.

WG approval 14/05/2024


Container used for transportation.

WG approval 14/05/2024

  • Also, It was noted that the property from package to epo-ful:GoodsItem should have cardinality 0..*. So it was changed from 1..*.

Action Points

  • Enquire about the validity of the epo-ful:DespatchAdvice concept definition in next eFulfilment meeting.

Working Group meeting

Date: 07/05/2024
Participants: Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica, Peter Borresen.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eInvoicing

  • Evolution of the ePO modules

  • eFulfilment data model.



  • The following points related to eInvoicing were discussed:

    • The Structure of eInvoicing can be quite complex :

      • For example, an invoice may create other invoices.

    • The core of the eInvoicing module should be an invoice from an Awarded contract.

    • It was discussed that there should be a clear eInvoicing process on the module.

    • Most important concept in the invoice: VAT.

    • PEPOL model should be referenced as a resource, but material taken from it should not be used.

  • It was decided that the eInvoicing user stories will be collected and discussed/validated in the WG meeting of 16/05/2024. This decision was taken due to the fact that tuesday WG meetings became meetings about other ePO modules and maintenance and the thursdays WG meetings will be about eInvocing development starting from 16/05/2024

Evolution of the ePO modules

  • Epo:VechicleInformation definition was updated:

    • "Information related to clean vehicles legislation.

  • Additional information: In the European Union, the legislation concerned is the European Parliament and Council 2009/33/EC (Clean Vehicles Directive – CVD). WG approval 07/05/2024"

Predicate name Definition Domain, Range and Cardinality


Relates to Green Procurement.

WG approval 07/05/2024

epo:VehicleInformation → epo:GreenProcurement [1]

  • The cardinality of epo:concernsGreenProcurement was also changed to 0 →1

eFulfilment data model.

  • The alignment between PEPPOL business term requirements and ePO eFulfilment continued from where it left off in the last working group meeting on the eFulfilment module (see WG meeting). During the meeting the following concepts were covered from the Dispatch advice data model:

    • Transport means

      • Air Transport

      • Road Transport

      • Rail Transport

      • Maritime Transport

      • Measurement Dimension

      • Fuel Consumption

  • It was also noted that there may be more than one vehicleSegment on road transports.

Action Points

  • Create a ticket: change the name of epo:VehicleInformation in ePO 5.0.0

  • Collect requirements of eInvoicing and present them on 16/5/2024.

Working Group meeting

Date: 02/05/2024
Participants: Ansgar Mondorf, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • ePO attributes definitions (standard forms related)


  • Definitions for the following ePO concepts were added:


General explanatory text on the rules and criteria to be fulfilled by the Tender.

WG approval 02/05/2024


General explanatory text on the means used to validate the Participation Conditions.

WG approval 02/05/2024


The resource identifier where the information about the national rules applicable to the procedure can be found.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Obligation to indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to performing the contract.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Explanatory text about the legal basis.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Explanatory text about the profession.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Explanatory text about the law concerning the profession.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Execution of the contract is limited to a particular profession.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Means used to validate the qualification requirements.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Requirements to be fulfilled by tenders in view of their qualification.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Means used to validate the qualification requirements.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Explanatory text regarding the minimum level of standards required.

WG approval 02/05/2024


The Selection Criteria are present in the Procurement Documents.

WG approval 02/05/2024


The amount of Tenders received from countries other than that of the Buyer.

WG approval 02/05/2024


The time limit until which requests to participate can be received.

WG approval 02/05/2024


The time limit until which answers to the Preliminary Market Consultation can be received.

WG approval 02/05/2024


The time limit until which the Tenders can be received.

WG approval 02/05/2024


Additional Information: This corresponds to the eForms BT-18 Submission URL. This corresponds in eForms to BT-509 Organisation eDelivery Gateway.


In the ePO ontology a taxonomy with all activities, based on different classifications (COFOG, UTILITIES, NACE), will be provided. In ePO this field is to be used exclusively to complement the definition attached to the MainActivityCode. However, in eForms there is the code "other" to cover undefined activities. For mapping to this eForms feature one could also use this property.


Self-explanatory text about a concept.

  • Class epo:SecurityClearanceTerm  Attribute epo:hasDeadline definition: "The deadline by which the security clearance must be submitted to the buyer.WG Approval 12/09/2019", *was changed to: *"The time limit by which the security clearance must be submitted to the buyer. WG Approval 02/05/2024."

  • Class epo-not:PreMarketConsultationNotice definition was added: "Announcement of a pre-market consultation. Additional information: A pre-market consultation is not a call for competition and no procurement documents are available at the time of consultation. A consultation may or may not be followed by a future competition.WG approval 02/05/2024.

  • It was also discussed that Inheritance connections between Classes should be somehow visible in the glossary (for model2owl).

Action Points

  • Create a ticket: The attribute epo:hasOJSIssueNumber should be avoided and use adms:identifier from document instead. Eventually (in ePO 5.0.0) the epo:hasOJSIssueNumber attribute should be removed. Do the same for attribute epo:hasOJSType.

  • Create a ticket : Harmonize the definitions of deadlines.

  • Create a ticket: Harmonize the definitions of all notices taking into consideration the codelists.

Working Group meeting

Date: 26/03/2024
Participants: Natalie Muric
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Strategic procurement predicates definitions (eforms related)


  • Definitions for the following ePO Classes were added:

Class name



Information related to vehicles. WG approval 26/03/2024.


Conditions and stipulations about a non-disclosure agreement. Additional information: A non-disclosure agreement is a Contract between different parties which ensures information is not shared with other parties. WG approval 26/03/2024.

  • Definitions for the following attributes were added:

Attribute name Definition


The resource identifier for a Channel.

WG approval 26/03/2024


The Award Criteria are provided in the Procurement Documents.

WG approval 26/03/2024


Justification for the actual value being different to the value in the initial Contract.

WG approval 26/03/2024


Explanatory text about Prizes.

WG approval 26/03/2024


Explanation of how a Qualification System is re-established.

Additional information: A Qualification System qualifies an economic operator to take part in a tendering process. Usually, in such cases the economic operator passes the Exclusion Grounds and Selection Criteria.

WG approval 26/03/2024


A non-disclosure agreement is needed.

Additional information: A non-disclosure agreement is a Contract between different parties which ensures information is not shared with other parties.

WG approval 26/03/2024


to be deprecated


The number of the form used to create the Standard Form Notice and not an eForms Notice.

WG approval 26/03/2024


The identifier of the published Notice.

Additional information: The format of this identifier is XXXXXXXX-YYYY.

WG approval 26/03/2024


The issue identifier of the Supplement to the EU Official Journal.

Additional information: The format of this identifier is XX-YYYY.

WG approval 26/03/2024

Action Points

  • Create a ticket on a UML/glossary tutorial on ePO

  • Create a ticket to add Cardinalities to release notes.

  • Github issue : This concept belongs to the contract module and it should be removed from Core.

  • Create a ticket: Harmonize all URL Attributes .

Working Group meeting

Date: 21/03/2024
Participants: Natalie Muric, Pietro Palermo
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Discuss about issue 443

  • eOrder data model update.


  • Issue 443 was discussed. It was agreed that PEPOL will come up with a clear solution to the matter.

  • The Definitions of fields in eOrder data model were discussed and updated.

Action Points

  • Map the business terms to the appropriate ePO concepts.

Working Group meeting

Date: 19/03/2024
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Add definitions on properties


Definitions for the following ePO concepts were added:

  • Class: epo:ReviewIrregularitySummary:

    • Definition: Overview of the requests received by the Buyer to review any of its decisions (e.g. the technical specifications, award decision), as set out in Art. 1(5) of Directive 89/665/EEC and Directive 92/13/EEC, and about the complainants that submitted the requests. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:ProcurementCriteriaSummary

    • Definition: Overview of the Procurement Criteria. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:AwardCriteriaSummary

    • Definition: Overview of the Procurement Criteria. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:QualificationCriteriaSummary

    • Definition: Overview of the Procurement Criteria. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: ParticipationConditionsSummary

    • Definition: Overview of the Participation Conditions. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:ProfessionalSuitabilitySummary

    • Definition: Overview of the professional ability required for the economic operator to execute the contract. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:EconomicStandingSummary

    • Definition: Overview of the financial viability of the economic operator. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:TechnicalAbilitySummary

    • Definition: Overview of the expertise required for the economic operator to execute the contract. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:ExclusionGroundsSummary

    • Definition: Overview of the Exclusion Grounds. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:MiniCompetitionAwardOutcome

    • Definition: Result concerning the mini-competition that was attributed by the Awarder. Additional Information: The mini-competition is the process where multiple winners or candidates of previous stages of a procedure bid for a specific procurement. It is typically used in framework agreements where the suppliers have already been pre-selected, and the mini competition is used to determine which supplier is best suited for a particular project or contract. It is also used in a Dynamic Purchasing System where the suppliers come from a list of Candidates. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:AwardOutcome

    • Definition: Result concerning the competition that was attributed by the Awarder. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:ConcessionEstimate

    • Definition: Approximation concerning the foreseen Concession Contract. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:SubcontractingEstimate

    • Definition: Approximation concerning the foreseen Subcontracting. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:SubcontractingEstimate

    • Definition: Approximation concerning the foreseen Subcontracting. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:Contract: “Additional information”’ was deleted from definition.

  • Class: epo:DirectContract

    • Definition: A Contract resulting from Lot Award Outcome. Additional information: A Framework Agreement is not a Direct Contract. WG approval 19/03/2024.

  • Class: epo:ElectronicSignature

    • Definition: Data in electronic form which is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form and which is used by the signatory to sign. Additional information: The definition comes from REGULATION (EU) No 910/2014.WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:JuryMember

    • Definition: Role of an Agent who evaluates a design contest. WG approval 19/03/2024

  • Class: epo:specificDuration

    • Definition: The exact Duration.WG approval 19/03/2024.

  • Class: epo:IndefiniteDuration

    • Definition: A Duration without a fixed end date. WG approval 19/03/2024

Action Points

  • Create a Ticket discussion on Alignment about how to deal with Unpublished fields.

  • Create a ticket on how to deal with epo:indefiniteDuration and specific Duration. Propose for epo:indefiniteDuration to be deprecated and change the structure of epo:Duration.

Working Group meeting

Date: 14/03/2024
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Github issues 396 and 397

  • Discuss certain fields on Annex to the second amendment of the eForms Implementing Regulation - 2023/2884.


  • The github issues 396 and 397 of the ePO repository were discussed, and closed.

  • The new Annex to the second amendment of the eForms Implementing Regulation - 2023/2884 was discussed. Specifically:

    • BT-79 "Performing Staff Qualification"

    • BT-98

    • BT-78

    • OPT-110

    • OPT-120

    • OPT-130

    • BT-748

Action Points

  • Create a ticket on Github on BT-79 Performing Staff Qualification (under BG-705 Other Requirements). We need to change this property as BT-79 is not a criterion and we need to find where to place it. It could be added on Submission Term (if it goes there it excludes the contract), It could be added to contract terms (since it’s about th*e future contract*). (label it alignment)

  • Create a discussion in Alignment on Github: "Check all the dates fields from If it is just a date in eforms, we just put a date on ePO. If date and time in the eforms is mandatory, then we have to put both of them.

  • Create a ticket in the alignment discussions whether ,OPT-110-Lot-FiscalLegis, OPT-111-Lot-FiscalLegis, OPT-120-Lot-EnvironLegis, OPT-112-Lot-EnvironLegis, OPT-130-Lot-EmployLegis, and OPT-113-Lot-EmployLegis should exist in eforms/ePO.

  • Create a ticket to investigate if there is a problem with BT-748. There is a problem with this field because we instantiate a selection criterion that does not exist.

Working Group meeting

Date: 12/03/2024
Participants: Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


eSubmission definitions update


From eSubmission module:

  • Property Epo-sub:hasMandate definition was updated:

    • "Relation indicating that a Legal Representative has a Mandate.WG approval 12/03/2024"

  • Property po-sub:hasPowerOfAttorney definition was updated:

    • "Relation indicating that a Legal Representative has a Power of Attorney.WG approval 12/03/2024"

  • Property epo-sub:specifiesResponse definition was updated:

    • "Relation indicating that an ESPD Response contains a Response.WG approval 12/03/2024"

  • Class epo-sub:Response definition was updated:

    • "An answer given to a question that is part of an ESPD Request.WG approval 12/03/2024"

  • Property epo-sub:answersQuestion definition was updated:

    • "Relation indicating that the Response replies to a question.WG approval 12/03/2024".

  • Property epo-sub:refersToApplicablePeriod prefix changed to epo since is not used anywhere else in the ontology. Its definition was also updated:

    • "Relation indicating the period to which the Response shall apply.WG approval 12/03/2024".

  • Property Cccev:ConfidentialityLevelType definition was updated:

  • "Security classification assigned to an Evidence e.g. classified, sensitive, public.Additional Information:Classifications should be defined by an organisation/country as an outcome of a security assessment."

  • Class cccev:SupportedValue definition was updated:

    • "Value for an Information Concept that is provided by an Evidence.Additional Information: The notion of Supported Value is closely related to actual data exchange between two parties: (a) the Requirement processor, i.e. the Agent setting out Requirements for an objective and processing the supplied Evidences in the context of the Requirements, and (b) the Evidence provider, i.e. the Agent supplying information to an information request expressed as Requirements. The Requirement processor has expressed its expectations (both business as technical) for the information it wants to recieve as an Information Concept. The Evidence provider is able to supply information for that Information Concept, but its native data representation might not be coherent with the expectations set by the Requirement processor. The Supported Value is bridging both. The Evidence provider can either provide a derived value (fact) from its native data representation that complies with the Information Concept expectations. Or it can provide a query in an agreed language between Evidence provider and Requirement processor that allows the Requirement processor to retrieve the value from the native data representation. Implementers are free to choose their language. It is recommended to document the made agreements well." *

  • Attribute cccev:value definition : "Value for the Information Concept that the Evidence supports."

  • Property cccev:providesValueFor definition : "Information Concept for which the Supported Value provides a value."

  • Attribute epo-acc:refersToNotice definition : "Reference to a Notice. WG approval 12/03/2024".

  • Class epo-sub:CertificateInformation definition :

    • Information about a Certificate.WG approval 12/03/2024

  • Property epo-sub:summarisesInformationAboutCertificate definition :

    • "Relation indicating the Certificate that the information refers to.WG approval 12/03/2024"

  • Attribute sub:coversAllSelectionCriteria definition :

    • "Indicator that the Certificate proves whether the Organization fulfils all Selection Criteria.

  • WG approval 12/03/2024".

  • Property epo:canProvideTaxAndSocialSecuritiesEvidence definition :

    • "Relation showing that an Organization can supply an Evidence with regard to the payment of social security contributions and taxes. WG approval 12/03/2024"

  • Property epo:canProvideNonDiscriminatoryEvidence definition :

    • "Relation showing that an Organization can supply an Evidence with regard to the fulfilment of non-discriminatory criteria or the rules applied in order to reduce the number of participants. WG approval 12/03/2024". From eAccess module:

  • cccev:isDerivedFrom definition:

    • "Reference Framework on which the Requirement is based, such as a law or regulation. Additional Information: The relation between a parent Requirement and a sub-Requirement can be complex. Therefore, qualified relations (see hasQualifiedRelation) can be used to represent this relationship on its own and qualify it with additional information such as a date, a place. This is left to implementers. In the case where the purpose is to link the two Requirements without additional information, the simple relationship as proposed here can be directly used."

Action Points

  • Include definitions from eli ontology on eAccess concepts.

Working Group meeting

Date: 07/03/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • EFulfilment data model update


  • The alignment between PEPPOL business term requirements and ePO eFulfilment continued from where it left off in the last working group meeting on the eFulfilment module (see WG meeting). During the meeting the following concepts were covered from the Dispatch advice data model:

    • Consignment

    • Environmental measure

    • Shipment Stage

    • Transport Mode code.

Action Points

  • Properties on epo-ful:ShipmentStage must change in epo 5.0.0 .

    • Specifically, delete epo-ful:hasOnCarriageShipmentStage and epo-ful:hasPreCarriageShipmentStage and maybe rename epo-ful:hasMainCarriageShipmentStage

  • Add missing definitions on the covered fields.

  • Provide mappings for the covered fields.

  • The "Environmental Emissions" concept is missing in ePO and needs to be included in a future version.

Working Group meeting

Date: 05/03/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Add definitions for eSubmission and eAccess.


  • The diagrams of the eSubmission and eAccess modules that will be pre-released were briefly presented.

  • The ESPD-EDM Conceptual model and business handbook were consulted in order to update the definitions of the following concepts:

  • epo-sub:ESPDResponse class:

    • Definition: "A document conveying the fulfilment or not by the economic operator of the Exclusion Grounds and the Selection Criteria set out by the Buyer for a specific Procurement using a European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) Request. WG Approval 05/03/2024".

    • Property: epo-sub:providesInformationOn

      • Definition: "Offers information about an instance of a concept. WG approval 05/03/2024".

    • Property: epo-sub:referstoOtherESPDResponse:

      • Definition: "Reference to other European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) Response. WG approval 05/03/2024".

    • Property: epo-sub:relatesToESPDRequest:

      • Definition: "Is about an European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) Request.WG approval 05/03/2024". *

  • epo-acc:ESPDRequest class:

    • Definition: "An updated self-declaration used by the economic operator as a preliminary evidence in replacement of certificates issued by public authorities or third parties confirming that the economic operator fulfils the Exclusion Grounds and the Selection Criteria set out by the Buyer for a specific Procurement. WG Approval 05/03/2024".

  • epo-sub:NationalPrequalificationData class:

    • Definition: "Data that describe the distinctive features or characteristics that qualify an economic operator to take part in a tendering process. WG approval 05/03/2024".

    • Attribute epo-sub:hasBussinessClassificationSchemeDescription can now be removed, as it has the same meaning as epo-sub:hasEconomicOperatorIdentifier property (that property’s cardinality also changed to [0..*].

      • epo-sub:hasEconomicOperatorIdentifier definition: "The identifier assigned to an economic operator in a national pre-qualification system or official list. WG approval 05/03/2024".

    • Attribute epo-sub:hasCompletedTaskDescription:

      • Definition: "Text describing the works, supplies or services executed, delivered or performed in a procurement project that can be used as an evidence for the classification of the economic operator. WG approval 05/03/2024".

    • Property epo-sub:hasEmployeeQuantity:

      • Definition: "The number of people hired by the Organization. WG approval 05/03/2024".

    • Property epo-sub:hasFinancialCapability:

      • Definition: "A monetary amount representing the financial capability of the Organization. Additional information: Used to represent the general Turnover of the Organization (for statistical purposes).WG approval 05/03/2024".

    • Property epo-sub:concernsOrganization:

      • Definition: "Relates to organization".

  • epo-sub:LegalRepresentative class:

    • Definition: "The Role of an Agent that can represent an Organization. WG approval 05/03/2024".

  • epo-sub-Mandate class:

    • Definition: "An authorization to act as a representative of an Organization. WG approval 05/03/2024".

  • epo-sub-PowerOfAttorney class:

    • Definition: "A legal document that grants someone the authority to make decisions on behalf of an Organization. WG approval 05/03/2024".

Working Group meeting

Date: 29/02/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom, Dragos Stoica,
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Continue work on remaining OTHER CRITERION models

  • Present final draft for eAccess module


  • The meeting started by presenting the instantiation for professional risk insurance selection criteria. Parts from the eAccess instantiation diagram of the same selection criteria were included into the eSubmission instance diagram so that we can show how the link between response and request at the level of information requirements is done. This is the reason why 3 Instance diagrams for the 3 question subgroups of the professional risk insurance selection criteria were created.

  • It was agreed that the instance diagrams satisfy the needs for the ESPD Response, and no further review is needed for the instantiation of a procurement criterion within eAccess and eSubmission.

  • The overview diagram for eSubmission (ESPD Response) was presented.

  • It was noted that the attribute cccev:value for class cccev:SupportedValue was missing, and was added during the meeting.

  • A quick presentation of the diagrams to be published in eAccess module was given.


Action Points

  • Clean up and move diagrams and concepts related to eSubmission from sandbox to eSubmission module.

Working Group meeting

Date: 27/02/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom, Dragos Stoica,
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Continue work on OTHER CRITERION models:




  • The Roles involved in the ESPD Response on the Economic Operator side were presented in the diagram below.

  • The predicate epo-sub:LegalRepresentative epo:actsOnBehalfOf epo:OfferingParty was added.

  • The next diagram presented is comprised of three other criteria found in the ESPD-EDM sheet in the excel file Criterion : OTHER-EO-GROUPS, OTHER-EO-RELIED_ON-ENTITIES, OTHER-EO-NOT_RELIED_ON-ENTITIES.

  • The diagram that represents "Reduction of the number of qualified candidates" found in the ESPD-EDM sheet in the excel file Criterion under OTHER.EO-REDUCTION-CANDIDATES was presented.

    • in order to cover for OTHER-EO-REDUCTION criteria, we need to move dct:description and/or epo:hasURL (this can be covered also by cccev:Evidence adms:identifier) from epo:Certificate to cccev:Evidence.

  • The diagram below was presented and discussed.

    • There is a need for an alternative naming for the property "hasEconomicOperatorIdentifier".


Action Points

  • Extend the github issue in ESPD-EDM repo to incorporate the following use case: certificate or documentary evidence?

  • Investigate if cccev:Evidence can be extended by adding a dct:description attribute.

  • Check adms alignment to cover for the economic operator identifier in a given scheme agency. <cbc:ID schemeID="VAT" schemeAgencyID="ROLECE" schemeAgencyName="Registro Oficial de Licitadores y Empresas Clasificadas del Estado">B82387770</cbc:ID>


Working Group meeting

Date: 22/02/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Fulfilment data model update


The alignment between PEPPOL business term requirements and ePO eFulfilment module was discussed. It was proposed to do the alignment by linking ePO concepts that correspond to each Business Term (BT), and the description of the BT would be the definition of the concept in ePO.

  • During the meeting the following concepts were covered from the Dispatch advice data model:

    • dispatcher

    • Consignee

    • Seller

    • Shipment

      • Consignment

        • Carrier

          • Transport means operator.

Action Points

  • Add missing definitions on the covered fields.

  • Provide mappings for the covered fields.

Working Group meeting

Date: 20/02/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eSubmission model update.


  • The diagram that represents the ESPD-EDM OTHER-EO-PQS sheet in the excel file Criterion was presented. OTHER-EO-PQS is about the existence and the proof of economic operators existing in a prequalification system or official list.

    • The ESPD Response does not differentiate between a certificate and a list. Therefore, it was decided that both concepts would be mapped to the epo:Certificate.

    • An epo-sub:CertificateInformation class was created to provide the information requested in Part II of the ESPD Response where information on the references on which the certification is required.

    • epo-sub:CertificateInformation also provides for whether the certification/registration covers selection criteria.

    • In the case where the economic operator is not on an official list, it should indicate whether he could provide a certificate of payment of his social security and taxes. This is represented in the ePO as epo:canProvideTaxAndSocialSecurityCertificate.

  • At the end of the meeting, the EO-PQS diagram looked like the picture below.


Action Points

  • The ESPD team should come with a solution on how the official list and certificate should be disentangled, which could include providing precise information on the two concepts. (page 8-9)

Working Group meeting

Date: 15/02/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


Continue work on eAccess module:

  • present instance diagram for the Exclusion Ground "Payment of Taxes"


  • The Exclusion Ground "Payment of Taxes" instance diagram from the eAccess module (using the CCCEV model) was presented.

  • It was agreed that the CCCEV model is sufficient to cover the ESPD Request requirements.

  • Regarding which vocabulary to use in the context of confidentiality level, it was decided that ePO should use the access-right codelist, and not the confidentiality-level codelist.

  • The CCCEV alignment was extended by adding the Evidence Type and Evidence Type List concepts in ePO, resulting in the diagram below.


Action Points

  • Refactor eAccess module based on the decision taken today to adopt the CCCEV model for the ESPD Request.

  • Investigate which codelist should be used in place of the "Evidence type classification code list" in ePO.

  • Fill in all the empty definitions of concepts in the eAccess module.

Working Group meeting

Date: 13/02/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Continue the presentation and evolution of the eSubmission conceptual model.


The eSubmission conceptual model was presented. In that context it was discussed that:

  • It was noted that the class epo:EconomicOperator was equivalent to epo:OfferingParty therefore there is no need to add it.

  • A diagram of eSubmission should show only the specialisation roles required for eSubmission.

  • epo-sub:PreQualificationData should concern an org:Organization.

  • epo-sub:PreQualificationData should become Epo-sub:NationalPreQualificationData .

  • The UBL 2.3 qualification response is used as a basis for the ESPD-EDM. The UBL 2.3 qualification response foresees a Qualifying party, however it is not clear if this component is used in the ESPD-EDM.

  • It was asked how the ESPD-EDM implements the following fragment of the ESPD regulation:

  • In the ESPD 3.3.0 this is implemented as a Criterion. This should not be a criterion. We need to find an alternative way to model this. Perhaps as an Information Requirement.

  • It was confirmed that epo:ParticipationCondition is not an epo:QualificationCriterion.

  • It was noted that there should be a correlation of what is in the ESPD-criterion.xlsx. and the ESPD-EDM Regulation.

  • In the ESPD-criterion.xlsx. File there are sheets covering "other criterion". However, these "other criterion" are not criterion in the sense of the ePO. They contain Information Requirements that are structured in the ESPD-EDM in the same way as Exclusion Grounds and Selection Criterion. These "other criterion" need to be analysed as to whether they should be modelled as independent concepts, Criterion or Information Requirements (which are not connected to a criterion). This analysis will have an effect on both the ESPD Request and the ESPD Response. The other criterion are listed below:








Action Points

  • Create a ticket for the ePO repository: The ESPD uses the Criterion codelist to identify each criterion in the criterion Excel file one of which uses the code "shelt-worksh". eforms uses the reserved-procurement codelist to indicate the same concepts. This possible redundancy needs to be looked into for the alignment of ESPD and eforms using th ePO.

  • Create a diagram for all "other criterion".

Working Group meeting

Date: 08/02/2024
Participants: Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eSubmission model update.


On eSubmission

  • The epo-sub:PreQualificationSystemData class was created to represent the cac:QualifyingParty class from the ESPD-EDM model.

  • It was noted that in UBL 2.3 cac:QualifyingParty has the following definition: "The party qualifying this economic operator."

  • It was decided that in ePO we do not model the QualifyingParty as a role but as data that is linked to the EconomicOperator role.

  • Next we discussed the ePO alignment with the CCCEV model.

  • It was noted that In ESPD sometimes there is no need to provide evidence, just a response to the question coming from an ESPD request.

  • The Response and Evidence concepts in the context of eSubmission were presented and aligned to the ESPD-EDM and CCCEV models.

    • There are 2 vocabularies that are used by CCCEV and ESPD-EDM

    • It was debated whether the at-voc:access-right or the at-voc:confidentiality-level vocabularies should be used as recommendations in ePO.

      • The ESPD-EDM uses a value from at-voc:access-right codelist as a cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode.

  • In ePO the Evidence class has as a confidentiality-level type a value from at-voc:confidentiality-level codelist.

  • It was noted that the EvidenceType concept from CCCEV represents the TemplateEvidence from ESPD-EDM.

  • In the ESPD-EDM diagram, cac:Evidence is connected to a cac:DocumentReference which seems like a conflation of multiple concepts (Certificate, EvidenceDocument, Mandate, IdentityDocument). In ePO, a Certificate is a subclass of epo:Evidence which is not a document.

    • It was noted that cccev:Evidence inherits the Identifier attribute from dcat:Dataset which is not yet implemented in ePO (see CCCEV github issue). *


submission response diagram at the end of the meeting

Action Points

  • It should be discussed which controlled vocabulary among at-voc:access-right and at-voc:confidentiality-level codelists should be used in ePO.

  • ePO should align with CCCEV on EvidenceType and EvidenceTypeList.

Working Group meeting

Date: 06/02/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Present first draft of eSubmission model.


  • Regarding issue #[482]: Remove link between Procedure and ExclusionGrounds. The following points were discussed:

Whether the exclusion grounds should be at procedure level as this is also the case with the ESPD implementation.
That Exclusion grounds could be bypassed in some rare cases, for example, in the case where a given Lot is to be carried out by convicted people, e.g. gardening services, the exclusion grounds on conviction may be dropped for the given Lot.
When such exceptions happen, the ESPD exclusion grounds will be excluded from the ESPD request. Also, different countries have different rules regarding Exclusion grounds exceptions.
One solution to the issue would be to keep epo:specifiesExclusionGround property and add a new property epo:excludesExclusionGround from epo:Lot to epo:ExclusionGrounds.


Epo:ExclusionGround in ePO 4.0.1
Conclusion: The group decided that epo:specifiesExclusionGround will be deleted in future versions of ePO. The above diagram should look like the diagram below in the future:

  • Also the natural language statement that the procedure should specify exclusion grounds should be deleted.

  • There is a need for a definition for epo:hasProcurementScopeDividedIntoLot . Even a different name.

    • An alternative name could be: Epo:procedureInvolvesLot or incorporatesLot.

    • There was no mention of epo:hasProcurementScopeDividedIntoLot in previous WG meeting minutes. * A first draft of *eSubmission *model was presented. Specifically:

  • The Submission diagram was presented and modified according to feedback from the WG. The new diagram is the following:

  • New natural language statement was added to the ORSD: "An ESPD response must refer to only one ESPD request".

  • It was decided that we do not need an association from the ESPD Response to epo:Procedure.

  • The Submission economic operator diagram was presented and discussed (see below) .

  • There was a problem with eo-role-type codelist. Also, epo:otherEntity should be renamed reliedUponEntity.

  • There is no candidate in the ESPD. However, if the ESPD is to be used for a DPS, then a candidate should be foreseen and not a tenderer.

  • There will be an alignment project later in the year to align the ESPD and eforms via the EPO.

Action Points

  • The issue #[482]: should be closed according to the discussion above.

  • Create a ticket in Github repo: "Find an appropriate definition for epo:hasProcurementScopeDividedIntoLot in ePO 4.1.0, and suggest a new predicate for a new major release if necessary.

  • Add a ticket to change epo:otherEntinty to reliedUponEntity.

Working Group meeting

Date: 01/02/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Present eAccess instance diagram using CCCEV model.

  • eSubmission user stories.


  • The general yearly turnover and professional risk insurance instance diagrams were presented. The main idea was to see if the CCCEV model could adequately present the concepts required by the ESPD request. It was agreed that the ESPD team should review the two diagrams before the next meeting.

  • The updated user stories for eSubmission were presented:

Code Role User Story



As a Tenderer/Candidate, I want to prove that I substantiate the non-existence of the Exclusion Grounds and fulfil all qualitative Selection Criteria (including National Criteria), so that I can be selected for a specific Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I want to be able to consult the responses given for a specific Procedure for Selection Criteria, Exclusion Ground and National Criterion, so that I can evaluate if the Tenderer/Candidate is eligible to take part in the Procurement Procedure.


As a Buyer, I want to be able to retrieve a list of common Tenderers/Candidates that participate in several Procedures, so I can use it for a statistical comparison process.



As a Buyer, I want to know if the Tenderer/Candidate relies upon other entities and consult the evidence supplied for this criteria, so I can evaluate if the Tenderer/Candidate is eligible to take part in the Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I want to consult the information on a entity that the Tenderer/Candidate relies upon, so I can evaluate if the Tenderer/Candidate can take part in the Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I want to consult the information on potential subcontractors of the Tenderer/Candidate, so I can evaluate whether I can accept the Subcontractor within the Offer.



As a Buyer, I want to know if the Tenderer/Candidate fulfils the minimum required amount of the general yearly turnover for the required number of fiscal years, so I can evaluate if the Tenderer/Candidate can take part in the Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I want to know if the Tenderer/Candidate fulfils the minimum required amount of the general average turnover for the required number of fiscal years, so I can evaluate if the Tenderer/Candidate can take part in the Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I want to know if the Tenderer/Candidate fulfils the minimum required amount of the specific average turnover for the required number of fiscal years, so I can evaluate if the Tenderer/Candidate can take part in the Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I want to know if the Tenderer/Candidate fulfils the minimum required amount of the specific yearly turnover for the required number of fiscal years, so I can evaluate if the Tenderer/Candidate can take part in the Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I want to know the value for the different financial ratios provided by the Tenderer/Candidate, so I can evaluate if the Tenderer/Candidate can take part in the Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I want to know if the Tenderer/Candidate fulfils the minimum insured amount in its professional risk indemnity insurance, so I can evaluate if the Tenderer/Candidate can take part in the Procurement Procedure.



As a Buyer, I want to see if any Tenderers/Candidates were convicted for participating in a criminal organisation, the reason and the period, so I can evaluate which Tenderers/Candidates can take part in the Procurement Procedure.

  • It was noted that the ESPD team could send some example queries for eSubmission.

  • It was stated that It is not obvious how to correlate the data only by the ESPD response. As the ESPD responses are not stored anywhere currently it is difficult to foresee the queries someone could ask. However questions such as "has a given economic operator provided coherent data across different procedures of a given buyer?" are valuable examples to be expressed in case of future implementations. Individual information systems will depend on the implementation that each Buyer provides.

  • When creating a query one should ask oneself, if all the data concepts represented in the eSubmission module were instantiated in a triplestore, what information would a buyer want to receive from this data?

  • It was noted that the content in EU vocabularies is not necessarily used by all Member States.

  • Natural Language statements should be reviewed by the ESPD team.

Action Points

  • Create an instance diagram for the Exclusion ground "Payment of Taxes".

  • The ESPD team should:

    • Review The 2 diagrams that were presented today (see above: general yearly turnover and professional risk insurance).

    • Review the natural Language statements for eSubmission

    • Provide example queries for eSubmission.

Working Group meeting

Date: 30/01/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Review the eSubmission requirements

  • Discuss ESPD GitHub issues


About the eSubmission requirements

  • 2 user stories were presented. One for the Tenderer/Candidate, and one for the Buyer.

  • A request was made for more user stories and competency questions. It was explained that the user stories should be created in the same vein as per the eAccess module. Although the ESPD response structure reuses the ESPD request structure, we need to know the questions that could be created on the data in the ESPD response.

  • It was agreed that some user stories from eAccess can be modified to accommodate eSubmission, and examples of these modifications were shown during the meeting.

    • Examples of user stories from eAccess:

US-SC-1 Economic Operator As an Economic Operator, I want to know which evidence needs to be supplied by relied upon entities, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.


Economic Operator

As an Economic Operator, I want to know for which Criterion I need to provide information on a relied upon entity, so I can take part in the Procurement Procedure.

  • Translated eSubmission user stories:

US-SC-1 Buyer As a Buyer, I want to know if the Tenderer/Candidate relies upon other entities and consult the evidence supplied for this criteria, so I can assess if the Tenderer/Candidate is eligible to take part in the Procurement Procedure.



As an Buyer, I want to consult the information on an entity that the Tenderer/Candidate relies upon, so I can assess if the Tenderer/Candidate can take part in the Procurement Procedure.

  • In the user story for the subcontractor the data available will depend on whether explicit information was requested in the ESPD request. The need for information on the subcontractor may vary from country to country.

  • Financial ratio type: It was decided that financial ratio type should be implemented in ePO, even though this codelist is maintained by the ESPD team in their repository.
    It was mentioned that ePO could refer to the ESPD’s code list about Financial ratio type, espd:FinancialRatioType.
    It was noted that the name of the dependency link from cac:ResponseValue to the espd:FiancialRatioType codelist is missing in the ESPD Response TOV (see diagram below). We will add a ticket to inform the ESPD team although this has no consequence at this stage on ePO.

  • It was decided that the user stories for Exclusion Grounds can be reused in eSubmission as-is for eAccess module.

  • It was mentioned that the US-EG-2 user story is not viable for both eSubmission and eAccess because we cannot have a Procedure without Exclusion Ground.

US-EG-2 Buyer As a Buyer, I want to see if any Procedure has been processed without Exclusion Grounds, and if so, what type of Procedure was it, so I can ???

Discussion on ESPD GitHub issues

  • It was noted that the ePO team should Specify when creating issues in the ESPD-EDM github whether the issue is related to the ePO via the label "ePO question".

  • The following issues were discussed and updated:

Action Points

  • Add a ticket to inform the ESPD team about the missing name of the dependency link between cac:ResponseValue and the espd:FiancialRatioType codelist .

  • The ESPD should check the competency questions before Friday 2/2/2024.

Working Group meeting

Date: 25/1/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen, Natalie Muric, Pietro Palermo
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Order data model update

  • Plan work on Fulfillment data model update


Order data model update

  • A question was raised about the terminology of Agent rather than Actor in the TC440. CEN BII used the term Actor, however eOrdering is now using Agent to be aligned with the ontology. The choreography document of TC440 eOrdering has undergone formal vote so it seems that it cannot be changed.

  • There was a discussion on the Buyer name business term description:

    • It was noted that for TC440 a usage note could be used when the buyer is a private entity. Such a usage note could be: "In the context of business to consumer, the Buyer may be a Taxable person who trades as a person or persons. In such cases, the ePO paths that go through Organization for this Business Group will need to go through Person."

    • This implies that all related fields such as the address will be referring to the person and not an organization. This causes a problem because in the ontology we have Person and Organization and if data is received concerning a cellar and it has to be converted to ontology conformant data we would not be able to differentiate whether we deal with a person or an organization.

  • After that, there was a discussion on the Seller:

    • The seller can be an organization or a person, so both ePO class and property paths should be provided.

    • If the Seller is a Person it was decided that:

      • For Seller trading name we should use dct:alternative at the level of person:Person.

      • For Seller name we should use dct:name at the level of person:Person. **

Fulfillment data model update

  • It was decided that the ePO class and property paths and definitions will be provided in a similar manner as in the Order data model update.

Action Points

  • It was noted that at times the ontology goes too granular for the data that will be provided when creating ontology conformant data. The ePO should look into how they can help data providers find a solution to this. An example of this is when the legal representative of a Seller can either be a legal person or an organization. Often data sources only consider the party and not whether it is a person or an organization therefore if they want to provide ontology conformant data they need a way of differentiating between the two which, in this situation, they cannot.

Working Group meeting

Date: 23/01/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom

Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Continue collecting eSubmission requirements.

In the first instance, eSubmission will be based on the ESPD Response. We would like your input concerning use cases on data coming from ESPD Responses


  • There is a problem with Power of attorney . A person has a power of attorney and it is not a role. The ESPD model appears to conflate Person and PowerOfAttorney. The modeling in UBL was consulted ( where the PowerOfAttorney exists, which is a document that has an AgentParty.

    • The Implementing Regulation for ESPD was consulted (

    • A person can represent an organization and have power of attorney (a capability). This power of attorney is a legal document. The mandate (also a document) contains the context in which the power of attorney works.

    • How should the ePO implement the power of attorney?

      • Should it be implemented as a document, with a Person connected with the power of attorney as well as the organization?

  • Cac::DocumentReference: Is a class to define a reference to a document (Document Reference) A reference to the evidentiary document (Evidence) / A reference to a document relevant to this certificate or an application for this certificate (Certificate). We have this in ePO as a *Certificate *(foaf:Person hasCertification epo:Certificate, etc).

  • We do not have examples of the xml for mandate document.

    • We will create an attribute epo.hasAdditionalDocumentIdentifier

    • A mandate is a token that a person can have, for example in Italy the EIDS token may be used to provide all the mandates/power of attorneys of a given person.

    • We could model the legal representative of the organization, without the Power of attorney. the legal representative of an organization has a mandate to fulfill and may give someone else the power of attorney.

    • It seems that power of attorney differs from country to country. Maybe we should avoid the words power of Attorney, and use something like: *isLegallyRepresentedBy *a person, and connect this Person to a Certificate in ePO with 2 possible specialisations PowerOfAttorney and Mandate. Unless there is a use case for the specialisations they should not be implemented at this point.

  • It was discussed whether or how cac:Evidence cac:EvidenceSupplied should be implemented in the ePO. In the ePO, we will merge these two terms into one concept.

  • espd:FinancialRatioType: Is a technical code list that we do not need to implement in the ePO.

  • For the access-right code list, the ESPD uses only the values "confidential" _or "_public".

  • By the end of the week we will have the draft of the ORSD document.

Action Points

  • Create an issue on how the ESPD models the power of Attorney. We should ask them if there is a conflation between the concept of a person and PowerOfAttorney document.

  • Create an issue in the ESPD github stating that the link of cac:ResidenceAddress to the at-voc::country is missing in the ESPD document.

  • Edit Github issue 502. (

Working Group meeting (Maintenance & evolution of existing modules)

Date: 18/01/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Najeh Hajlaoui, Natalie Muric, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom, Dragos Stoica
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis



  • An Introduction about the action point in the previous working group meeting on eAccess was presented.

  • With regard to the action point mentioned above, a new conceptual model that contains group and subgroup identifiers was presented.

  • At the instance level, part of the general yearly turnover selection criteria was presented:

  • It was pointed out that this modeling creates a Question instance with no data except of the identifier (to cover the subgroup gathering classes used in the ESPD implementation) so it was suggested to have the identifiers at the Question level resulting in the following diagram:

  • There were some doubts regarding the new model:

    • QuestionGroup and Question may not be semantically the same. A QuestionGroup is a structure and does not represent Content. In other words, QuestionGroup will not have a value, just an identifier. On the other hand, a Question will have a value.

    • Another opinion expressed is that the new presented model is more simple, therefore better. Also there would not be many nested Question groups. Less is more.

  • A third solution to simplify the previous version was created in the diagrams below:

  • It was mentioned that all the existing conceptual diagrams of eAccess can be consulted in the ePO repository on the development branch.

  • It was stated that in the ePO :

    • The model should represent the concepts that are used to accommodate data from an ESPD request.

    • The model should not represent technical implementations or processes. It is not at the same level as the ESPD-EDM model. However, they should be aligned.

    • The model should include the data required to fulfill the needs of the Ontology Requirements Specification Document (ORSD).

Action Points

  • Create new instance diagrams for some ESPD criteria (general yearly turnover, and others) by using the CCCEV model.

  • Create a high level description about the module(s) to be presented in working group meetings.

Working Group meeting

Date: 16/01/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Natalie Muric, Maneva Petkova, Ewa Salarnier, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom, Theokritos Zafeiriou
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Collecting eSubmission requirements.

In the first instance, eSubmission will be based on the ESPD Response. We would like your input concerning use cases on data coming from ESPD Responses.


  • It was explained at the beginning that the eSubmission is based on ESPD Response. It was noted that eSubmission is much wider that the ESPD Response.

  • It was explained that the eProcurement Ontology covers end-to-end procurement and for each module there is a starting point. In the case of eSubmission that is the ESPD Response.

  • A presentation was given on the existing ePO conceptual models.

  • The draft of the use case and data exchange document was presented:

    • It was noted that in the case of a 2 phase procedure at the qualification phase there is not a tender yet, but a Candidate. Therefore the Tenderer text was changed to Candidate/Tenderer test.

  • Went through UBL terms from ESPD-EDM Response Technical Overview :

UBL Business Term ESPD definition Comment


A document issued by a procurement organisation to notify an Economic Operator whether it has been admitted to or excluded from the tendering process.

Business element: ESPDResponse


to be implemented as epo-sub:ESPDResponse as a specialisation of epo:Document


Business element: ReferenceNumber An identifier, assigned by the sender, for the process file (i.e., record) to which this document belongs.

ESPD definition: an identifier that is specified by the buyer and used as a reference number for all documents in the procurement process. Additional comments: a reference to the procurement procedure to which a Qualification request document and the delivered response documents are associated.


technical attribute not to be implemented in ePO


Business element: BusinessProcessTypeIdentifier Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.

ESPD definition: identifies the identification scheme for the notice (ESPD XML instance, eForms*), specifically the schemeAgencyID (value "CEN-BII", mandatory) and the schemeVersionID. Additional comments: we use the value “”.


technical attribute not to be implemented in ePO


Business element: ConsortiumName Economic Operator Group Name associated with this Response document.

ESPD definition: the name of the group that presents a tender to which this Economic Operator belongs (e.g. the name of a consortium, a joint venture, etc.).


It was noted that each member of the Consortium will provide an ESPD Response, also the Subcontractors need to be taken into consideration. Name of the Organisation Group that the Economic Operator belongs to.


Business element: DocumentIdentifier An identifier for this document, assigned by the sender.

ESPD definition: an identifier for this document, normally generated by the system that creates the ESPD document, or the organisation responsible for the document (e.g. the buyer, or the supplier, e.g. an economic operator). The identifier enables positive referencing the document instance for various purposes including referencing between transactions that are part of the same process, or referencing multiple versions of the ESPD document. Additional comments: compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute, in order to identify the organisation responsible for the document.


ESPD Response document identifier


Business element: DocumentIssueDate The date, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued.

ESPD definition: date when the document was issued by the buyer. Additional comments: format "YYYY-MM-DD".


should it be date of dispatch? epo:hasDispatchDate ESPD-EDM team should check if this is issued or dispatch.


Business element: DocumentIssueTime The time, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued.

ESPD definition: time when the document was issued by the buyer. Additional comments: format "hh:mm:ss".


should it be date of dispatch? epo:hasDispatchDate ESPD-EDM team should check if this is issued or dispatch.


Business element: PreviousDocumentVersionIdentifier Identifies the previous version of the Response document which is superceded by this version.

ESPD definition: the version identifying the previous modification of the content of this document.


ESPD-EDM team should provide an use case for PreviousVersionID.


Business element: ProcedureCode A code signifying the type of this tendering procedure.

ESPD definition: the type of the procurement administrative procedure according to the EU Directives. Additional comments: this information will be linked to eForms.


this is the procedure type.


Identifies an instance of executing a profile, to associate all transactions in a collaboration. Business element: ESPDVersionIdentifier

technical attribute not to be implemented in ePO


Business element: SpecificationIdentification An identification of the specification containing the total set of rules regarding semantic content, cardinalities and business rules to which the data contained in the instance document conforms.

ESPD definition: n/a Additional comments: the identification may include the version of the specification as well as any customizations applied.


technical attribute not to be implemented in ePO


Business element: UBLVersionIdentifier Identifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type (besides the ones from the extension) that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.

ESPD definition: n/a


technical attribute not to be implemented in ePO


Business element: DocumentUniversallyUniqueIdentifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this document.

ESPD definition: a universally unique identifier that can be used to reference this ESPD document instance; this UUID will be used to link the ESPD Response to its corresponding ESPD Request (thus its compulsoriness). Additional comments: copies of a document must be identified with a different UUID; compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute.


ESPD Response document epo:hasUUID


Business element: DocumentVersionIdentifier Indicates the current version of the Request document.

ESPD definition: the version identifying the content of this document. Additional comments: changes in content should entail the modification of the version identifier and a reference to the previous version.


ESPD Response document epo:hasVersion


Business element: CopyIndicator Indicates whether this document is a copy (true) or not (false).

ESPD definition: this component enables to keep track of the event of having forwarded the same document several times to the same or to different destinations. Additional comments: copies of an ESPD document should be identified with distinct UUIDs.


on hold until ESPD-EDM team will check further. there is a contradiction between the two definitions provided in ESPD.


A reference to an additional document

Business element: Notice


epo:Document epo:associatedWith (or create a subproperty for this at the level of ESPD Response)


Text describing the referenced document

Business element: DocumentDescription



The type of document being referenced, expressed as text.

Business element: NoticeTypeDescription


In ePO we do not need to map to the docrefcontent-type since the type of document exists already as a concept. NB: there is a typo in name of the codelist in the ESPD-EDM technical overview.


The type of document being referenced, expressed as code.

Business element: NoticeTypeCode


In ePO we do not need to map to the docrefcontent-type since the type of document exists already as a concept. NB: there is a typo in name of the codelist in the ESPD-EDM technical overview.


A reference to an additional document associated with this document.

Business element: NoticeIdentifier


adms:identifier at the level of the additional document.


The date, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the document was issued.

Business element: NoticeIssueDate


should this be epo:hasPublicationDate since we are referring to things that are published? ESPD-EDM team should check if "publication" is the right word instead of "issue".


The time, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, at which the document was issued.

Business element: NoticeIssueTime


should this be epo:hasPublicationDate since we are referring to things that are published? ESPD-EDM team should check if "publication" is the right word instead of "issue".


An identifier for the referenced document.

Business element: NoticeUUID




link to at-voc:docref-content-type

In ePO we do not need to map to the docrefcontent-type since the type of document exists already as a concept. NB: there is a typo in name of the codelist in the ESPD-EDM technical overview.


A reference to an attached document that is external to the document(s) being exchanged. Business element: ExternalReference

ePO only provides the URI for the attached document.


Text describing the external object.

Business element: Description


epo:Document dct:description


The file name of the external object.

Business element: Name


ePO does not provide external objects.


The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies the external object as an Internet resource.

Business element: URI


epo:Document epo:hasAccessURL


One of the procurement project lots into which this contract can be split.

Business element: ProcurementProjectLot


implemented as epo:Lot


An identifier for this procurement project lot.

Business element: LotReference


adms:identifier at the epo:Lot level


A class to describe a project to procure goods, works, or services.

Business element: Procedure

implemented as epo:Procedure


Text describing this procurement project.

Business element: Description

dct:description at the epo:Procedure


A class to describe an organisation, sub-organisation, or individual fulfilling a role in a business process.

Business element: Organisation




An identifier for the party; the PartyIdentification UBL class has an associated basic element "cbc:ID".

Business element: Identifier


adms:identifier of the Organization that plays that specific Role.


A name for this party; the PartyName class has an associated basic element "cbc:Name" .

Business element: Name


epo:hasLegalName of the Organization that plays that specific Role.


An identifier for the end point of the routing service (e.g., EAN Location Number, GLN).

Business element: EndPointID


epo:AgentInRole epo:exposesChannel epo:hasIdentifier


The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the organization website; i.e., its Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Business element: PartyWebsite


epo:hasInternetAddress of the Organization that plays that specific Role.


A class to describe a party contracting to provide services, such as transportation, finance, etc.

Business element: ServiceProvider


this is a specialisation of cac::Party


A class to describe an individual, a group, or a body having a procurement role in a tendering process.

Business element: Buyer


this is a specialisation of cac::Party


The buyer profile is typically located on a web site where the contracting party publishes its procurement opportunities

Business element: BuyerProfile


epo:Buyer epo:hasBuyerProfile


The Economic Operator issuing the Qualification Application Response.

Business element: EconomicOperator


this is a specialisation of cac::Party


This party’s Industry Classification Code.

Business element: IndustryClassificationCode


is there a typo in this ESPD-EDM attribute? Should it be cac::Party? epo:Business epo:hasBusinessSize at-voc:economic-operator-size


link to at-voc:economic-operator-size

epo:Business epo:hasBusinessSize at-voc:economic-operator-size


A class to describe the tenderer contracting role.

Business element: EconomicOperatorRole


this can be inferred from epo:OrganisationGroup epo:hasMember (epo:leadBy) org:Organization; ePO team to check all values from codelist at-voc:eo-role-type and see if they map to ePO roles.


Business element: EconomicOperatorRoleCode A code specifying the role of the party.

ESPD definition: identifies the role of the Economic Operator in the bid.




Business element: EconomicOperatorRoleDescription A textual description of the party role.

ESPD definition: n/a.




link to at-voc:eo-role-type



A class to describe the distinctive features or characteristics qualifying an economic operator to be a party in a tendering process (e.g., number of employees, number of operating units, type of business, technical and financial capabilities, completed projects).

Business element: QualifyingParty


from technical handbook: is used to place data about the economic operator that is available from an official list, tenderer register or (pre)qualification system, such as official classification schemes, certificates, the number of employees, references used for the classification, etc.; ePO needs to model a Pre-QualificationSystemData that includes the properties from ESPD-EDM model for cac::QualifyingParty


Business element: BusinessClassificationScheme The classification scheme used for the business profile; the BusinessClassificationScheme UBL class has an associated basic element "cbc:Description".

ESPD definition: the text describing one official classification assigned by an official list or (pre)qualification system to the Economic Operator.




Business element: CompletedTask Text describing this completed task; the CompletedTask UBL class has an associated basic element "cbc:Description".

ESPD definition: text describing the works, supplies or services executed, delivered or performed in a procurement project (normally used as a reference for the classification of the Economic Operator).




Business element: GeneralTurnover A financial capability of this qualifying party; the FinancialCapability UBL class has an associated basic element "cbc:ValueAmount".

ESPD definition: a monetary amount as a measure of this capability.


link to epo:MonetaryValue


Business element: QualifyingAgencyIdentifier An identifier for the party; the PartyIdentification UBL class has an associated basic element "cbc:ID".

ESPD definition: the identifier of the Economic Operator in an official list, register or (pre)qualification system; the attribute schemeAgencyID must hold the value retrieved from eCertis that identifies unequivocally the (pre)qualification system. Additional comments: if, for any reason, that value is not available use the default schemeAgencyID "EU-COM-GROW" and the cac:PartyIdentificaton for the value of the identifier; additionally, use the data structure “registered” to specify an alternative or additional name, identifier and description; the code list EOIDType should be used to indicate the type of identifier used as a value of the schemeID attribute, e.g. schemeID="VAT".


The Economic Operator ID at the level of a Pre-qualification system


Business element: EOEmployeeQuantity The number of people employed by this qualifying party.

ESPD definition: the number of people employed by the economic operator participating in the tender


link to epo:Quantity


A class to describe a person.

Business element: RepresentativeNaturalPerson




The country of the person’s citizenship.

Business element: CountryCode



This person’s date of birth.

Business element: RepresentativeNaturalPersonBirthDate



The name of the place where this person was born, expressed as text.

Business element: RepresentativeNaturalPersonBirthplace


typo: p should be capital letter


This person’s family name.

Business element: RepresentativeNaturalPersonFamilyName



This person’s given name.

Business element: RepresentativeNaturalPersonFirstName



An identifier for this person’s nationality.

Business element: RepresentativeNaturalPersonNationality



A class to describe a power of attorney.

Business element: PowerOfAttorney


in ESPD-EDM is a specialisation of cac::Person in ePO this can be modelled as an epo:AgentInRole epo:playedBy a person:Person


Business element: RepresentativeNaturalPersonRoleDescription Text describing this power of attorney.

ESPD definition: Idem.


  • This Thursday we will discuss eAccess as now it belongs to the ePO maintenance.

Action Points

  • Cells highlighted in yellow in the table above are to be addressed by the ESPD-EDM project.

  • ePO action points:

    • Model cac::PowerOfAttorney as an epo:AgentInRole epo:playedBy a person:Person.

    • Model a Pre-QualificationSystemData that includes the properties from ESPD-EDM model for cac::QualifyingParty.

    • Check all values from codelist at-voc:eo-role-type and see if they map to ePO roles.

    • Check that a Subcontractor role can be part of an OrganizationGroup, so it can also submit its own ESPD Response.