Mapping Suite Glossary

Term Explanation

Conceptual Mapping (often abbreviated as CM)

An abstract level mapping of XPaths in the input data to those ePO classes and properties that need to be instantiated the output RDF graph. The conceptual model is in the form of an Excel file and is a valuable resource for the Procurement specialist that may not have an understanding of the technical files

eProcurement Ontology (ePO)

An ontology that defines the concepts and relations that are needed to fully describe the eProcurement domain of the European Union. For more information see the eProcurement Ontology Documentation.


eForms is the notification standard used for publishing public procurement procedures notices in the European Union, which replaces the Standard Forms (see below). eForms are used to publish public procurement notices according to Regulation (EU) 2019/1780. For more information on this, see the eForms SDK documentation. The eForms conform to the TED SDK


Cellar is the Semantic Repository of the EU Publications Office, also referred to as the Triple Store, from where data can be reused via Sparql query using the Sparql Endpoint.

Standard Forms

The predecessor to eForms which is used to publish public procurement notices on the TED website according to Regulation (EU) 2015/1986. The different forms conform to a specific version the TED XML Schema.

Mapping suite package

a collection of files, organised in a folder hierarchy, that fully specify how the mapping of a certain category of notices (e.g. notices created according to specific XSD version of a specific Standard Form or eForm is being converted to RDF. This collection includes:

  • the conceptual mapping (CM),

  • the technical mappings (realised as RML files) used for transforming the data

  • additional resources that are needed to complement the mappings,

  • test data (xml examples of notices)

  • the RDF format of the test data after transformation

  • validation queries and validation reports on the RDF output. For more details please see the Mapping Suite Structure.


Short for public procurement notice, refers to a procurement notice published on TED. To explore some of these notices see: Notices can be seen as eForms or Standard Forms containing the data of a specific procedure.

RDF Mapping Language (RML)

a generic mapping language defined to express customised mapping rules from heterogeneous data structures and serializations to the RDF data model. RML is defined as a superset of the W3C-standardized mapping language [R2RML] and follows exactly the same syntax as R2RML; therefore, RML mappings are themselves RDF graphs. For more information on RML, see

Technical Mapping ™

a set of RML rules that can be used to transform an XML notice. The TM is split in multiple reusable modules that can be combined to represent a full RML.

Tenders Electronic Daily (TED)

an online portal that publishes public procurement notice see:

Test data

a carefully selected, representative sample of real notices published on TED, which, together, cover all the different XPaths that can appear in a specific Standard Form or eForm and conforms to a specific XSD version, published in a certain date range. For more detailed documentation, please check out the mapping_suite/preparing-test-data.adoc section

XPath - the XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0.

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