Notice information
The elements at the upper most level of the XML instance of a notice, concern the information listed in Table 1. This table contains the Business Terms, a shortened description, its cardinality and the XML elements used to mark the information. The specified cardinality is more restrictive than the one in the schema; it is used to express requirements stated in the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2884.
eForms BT | Details | Card. | XSD element |
Notice SubType (OPP-070) |
1 |
efac:NoticeSubType/cbc:SubTypeCode |
Notice Dispatch Date eSender (BT-803) - date |
? |
efbc:TransmissionDate |
Notice Dispatch Date eSender (BT-803) - time |
? |
efbc:TransmissionTime |
Notice Publication ID (OPP-010) |
? |
efac:Publication/efbc:NoticePublicationID[@schemeName='ojs-notice-id'] |
OJEU Identifier (OPP-011) |
? |
efac:Publication/efbc:GazetteID[@schemeName='ojs-id'] |
OJEU Publication Date (OPP-012) |
? |
efac:Publication/efbc:PublicationDate |
UBL version ID (UBL) |
1 |
cbc:UBLVersionID |
Customization ID (UBL) |
1 |
cbc:CustomizationID |
Notice Identifier (BT-701) |
1 |
cbc:ID |
Procedure Identifier (BT-04) |
0..1 |
cbc:ContractFolderID |
Notice Dispatch Date (BT-05) |
1 |
cbc:IssueDate cbc:IssueTime |
Notice Version (BT-757) |
1 |
cbc:VersionID |
Notice Preferred Publication Date (BT-738) |
0..1 |
cbc:RequestedPublicationDate |
Future Notice (BT-127) |
0..1 |
cbc:PlannedDate |
Procedure Legal Basis (BT-01) |
1 |
cbc:RegulatoryDomain |
Form Type (BT-03) |
1 |
cbc:NoticeTypeCode/@listName |
Notice Type (BT-02) |
1 |
cbc:NoticeTypeCode |
Notice Official Language (BT-702) |
1..n |
cbc:NoticeLanguageCode cac:AdditionalNoticeLanguage/cbc:ID |
Organization (Buyer, CPB, Service Provider …) |
1..n |
cac:ContractingParty and child elements |
Notice Publication information
The Notice Publication information (Date, OJEU and OJS Notice IDs) shall be marked the following way:
<efbc:NoticePublicationID schemeName="ojs-notice-id">12345678-2023</efbc:NoticePublicationID>
<efbc:GazetteID schemeName="ojs-id">123/2023</efbc:GazetteID>
This information is added by the Publications Office of the European Union just before the notice gets published.
UBL version ID
The earliest UBL 2 version containing all elements of the schema (besides the ones from the extension) is "2.3". Unless differently stated, this is the only expected and accepted value.
Customization ID
This element identifies the customization used for the notice. Identification is based on the complete set (schemas+rules) limited to the major and minor version numbers (cf. Versioning).
Notice & Version Identifiers
The "Notice identifier" identifies a notice amongst all other existing ones. A notice may have multiple versions and only the different versions of a given notice shall share the notice identifier value. Versions of a notice are purely editorial and for a given Notice ID, a single version may be published.
The notice identifier shall follow a predefined scheme, it will be a version 4 Universally Unique Identifier (UUID):
<cbc:ID schemeName="notice-id">0f56d80f-8a5f-4876-8e24-feaa766c456d</cbc:ID>
The version identifier of a given notice shall increase with any new version of that notice. New versions use the same schema as the original notice. The identifier shall be a two characters positive integer (i.e. "00" excluded). The version "01" shall be kept for the first version of the notice, subsequent versions shall be submitted and received in increasing numbering order.
Any received valid notices shall all have a unique Notice ID independently from the version ID
Procedure Identifier
The Procedure Identifier allows distinguishing procurement procedures and shall be globally unique. Specified in the notice, it identifies the procurement procedure the notice belongs to.
Like the Notice Identifier, the Procedure Identifier shall be a version 4 UUID.
Performed controls ensure its uniqueness[1] and help check consistency amongst received notices (For a given procedure, sequence and content of notices will be carefully checked).
This information does not exist for notices of "Planning" form type.
Notice Dispatch Date eSender (BT-803)
The Notice Dispatch Date eSender (BT-803) represents the date and time the notice was transmitted electronically by the eSender to the Publications Office of the European Union. It may be indicated in the extensions at Root by specifying its two components (date & time):
When it comes to validation and date controls, the Notice Dispatch Date eSender (BT-803), when specified, is used instead of the Notice Dispatch Date (BT-05), see below.
Notice Dispatch Date
The date and time of the notice submission by the buyer. This date will be added before its submission to OP and its trustworthiness evaluated based on the actual receipt time and a range of acceptable variations[2].
When the processing by the eSender introduces a significant delay after the submission by the buyer, to avoid falling outside of the acceptable range, the Notice Dispatch Date eSender (BT-803) can also be used.
A notice sent on November 26th, 2019 at 1:38:54 PM CET (i.e. UTC +1) to OP shall be marked:
Notice Preferred Publication Date
The "Notice Preferred Publication Date" is the date on which the buyer wishes the notice to be published on the TED website. It can be used to help the buyer respect the requirements that exist between publications at national and European levels.
The publication request of a notice for March 15th, 2020 shall be marked:
Future Notice
The "cbc:PlannedDate" element is used for planning notices (PIN Profile excluded) to specify when the competition notice will be published. Mark-up should be as follows:
Procedure Legal Basis
The Procedure Legal Basis term refers to the EU regulatory domain that applies to the procurement.
The value is the corresponding CELEX number (e.g. "32014L0024" for Directive 2014/24). Only some values of the dedicated codelist may be used in the context of the eProcurement. National and other local Legal Bases should be expressed as specified in Legal Basis (BT-01).
Cross Border legislation may be indicated as specified in Cross Border Law (Procedure) (BT-09).
A notice for a procedure under Directive 2014/24 shall have its legal basis information identified using:
National and other local Legal Bases should be expressed as specified in Legal Basis (BT-01).
Form and Notice Types, Notice Subtype
The information associated with these terms evolves with the procedure. Existing codelists (i.e. form-type, notice-type and the technical notice-subtype) specify acceptable values; these values must also be consistent with each other (i.e. specified values must comply with the situations as described in Notice types & subtypes).
The Notice SubType (OPP-070) shall be marked as follow:
<cbc:SubTypeCode listName="notice-subtype">16</cbc:SubTypeCode>
A notice of "Planning" form type and "PIN only" notice type shall have this information marked the following way:
<cbc:NoticeTypeCode listName="planning">pin-only</cbc:NoticeTypeCode>
Notice Official Language
The "Notice Official Language" designates an EU Official language in which the notice is officially available.
Notice official languages shall be marked:
"cbc:NoticeLanguageCode" for a first official language[3], and
"cac:AdditionalNoticeLanguage" for any additional official language.
In the XML instance, the attribute "languageID" of a text-type element, identifies, using a language code, the language used for the text. The specification of the value for this attribute is required for all text-type elements within a notice[4].
A "Notice non-official language" refers to any (EU) Official Language not considered as authentic (i.e. for which only part of the notice text exist). The whole list of such languages may be deduced from the specified "languageID" attribute values and the marked-up notice official languages.
Non-EU languages are not to be considered for publication at EU level and should therefore not be referenced. Each text-type element should be used once and only once for a given language.
For a given procurement procedure, the list of official languages shall be the same for all notices.
Organizations information is grouped into a dedicated element in an extension and referred to in the rest of the XML instance as explained in Parties where details on information mark-up may be found.
The "cac:ContractingParty" element allows for encoding of the parties involved in the procurement procedure, like "buyer" (including description of their role in a joint procurement), or "service provider" (e-Sender, Procurement service provider …).