Notice content

For a given procurement procedure, the content of the successively published notices varies.

Notices content

Figure 1 provides a schematic representation of a notice content. The different sections are presented in detail in section 4.

Figure 1. Major components of a notice

(*) The "Contract Award" section and "Direct award justification" only occur in CAN notices.

The major components

The notice information

The notice information covers information like:

Procedure Legal Basis

To indicate the legal regime that applies to the procedure as a whole (e.g. "Directive 23" …​).

Notice Type

To specify the type of notice (e.g. "PIN only").

Notice SubType

To identify precisely the SubType of a Notice (e.g. any value from 1 to 40 for the eForms Regulation Annex, including E1 to E6 for the voluntary forms …​)

Form Type

To indicate the Form Type (i.e. major "phase" before, or during, the procurement procedure).

Procedure Type

To provide the type of procedure (e.g. "Competitive dialogue" …​).

Dispatch Date

The date and time, the notice is sent by the notice author to OP for publication.

Procedure Identifier

For any notice Form Type (besides "Planning"), the Identifier of the procedure to which the notice belongs.

Notice & Notice Version Identifiers

Notice and notice version identifiers help differentiate notices along with their versions.

Preferred Notice Publication Date

Preferred date for publication that the contracting authority may specify to ensure respect of the existing restrictions between national and European publication dates.

Notice Official Languages

The official EU languages in which the whole notice is available

Buyer information

The buyer information covers key Contracting Authority/Entity related information such as:

Identification of the buyer

Covers official name, National ID, postal address, contact details, Website and Buyer profile.

Joint initiative

Whether a Joint Procurement and/or a Central Purchasing Body are involved.

Means of communication

Addresses (URL, e-mail, postal) to access procurement documents, request additional information, submit tenders or a Request for Participation.

Type of CA / CE

Whether the buyer is a Contracting Entity or a Contracting Authority and its type (e.g. "Regional or local agency/office").

Buyer’s main activity

The specific sector the contracting authority or entity is active in.

Procurement object(s)

For each object, this refers to the purpose of the procurement and its subcomponents, composed as follows:

Procurement scope

Internal reference number, title, main CPV codes, main and additional nature (e.g. Works), a short description, estimated value and information about Lots.

Lot/Part description

Lot identifier, title, additional main CPV codes, place of performance, description, awarding criteria, estimated value, duration (also for FA & DPS), variants, options, EU funds and additional information.

Foreseen CN publication date

Only for PINs that are not calls for competition. Foreseen date of publication of the contract notice.

Selection criteria

Conditions for participation

Professional suitability, financial standing, technical ability, reserved contract information.

Contract conditions

Reserved to a particular profession, contract performance conditions, names and qualifications of assigned staff.



Procedure type, information on FA or DPS, eAuction, GPA coverage

Administrative information

Reception time limits, tendering accepted languages, award procedure start date.

Contract award

Per contract for awarded and per Lot/Group of Lots for non-awarded

Non-award information

Justification for not awarding, and statistics on tenders and tenderers.

Contract award

Contract conclusion date, statistics about tenders, tenderers, winner identification (name & address), Contract value, Subcontract information

Further information

Recurring information

Whether the notice is a recurring one.

Electronic workflows

About the use of such workflows (e.g. for ordering, invoicing, payment) during contract execution.

Additional information

Any other additional information.

Review procedures

Review Body, Mediation Body, information & deadlines.

Procedure justification

Direct Award justification.

Additional contacts

Further contact details for: additional information, specifications & additional documents, submission of tenders/request for participation, delegating CA/CE.