List competition notices, buyers and their countries on a chosen date

This query retrieves a list of publications, procedure types for competition notices published on November 4, 2024.


The query produces the following details for each competition notice:

  • Publication Number: The unique identifier for the competition notice.

  • Legal Name: The name of the buying organisation.

  • Procedure Type: The specific type of procurement procedure.

  • Country: The country of the buying organisation.

Filters Applied

The query restricts results to:

  • Publication Date: Filters results to notices published on 2024-11-04.

  • Form Type: Restricts results to competition notices.

  • Procedure Type language: Only retrieves procedure type names in English.


The complete query in SPARQL is as follows:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX epo: <>
PREFIX cccev: <>
PREFIX org: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?publicationNumber ?legalName ?procedureType ?country
	FILTER (?publicationDate = "2024-11-04"^^xsd:date)
	FILTER (?formType = <>)

  GRAPH ?g {
        epo:hasPublicationDate ?publicationDate ;
        epo:refersToProcedure [
            epo:hasProcedureType ?procedureTypeUri ;
            a epo:Procedure
        ] ;
        epo:hasNoticePublicationNumber ?publicationNumber ;
        epo:hasFormType ?formType ;
        epo:announcesRole [
            a epo:Buyer ;
            epo:playedBy [
                epo:hasLegalName ?legalName ;
                cccev:registeredAddress [
                    epo:hasCountryCode ?countryUri
    ?procedureTypeUri a skos:Concept ;
        skos:prefLabel ?procedureType.
    FILTER (lang(?procedureType) = "en")

    ?countryUri dc:identifier ?country.

Structures Applied

Competition Notice Identification

The query specifically targets competition notices, which have a specific form type URI.

FILTER (?formType = <>)

    epo:hasFormType ?formType ;

Buyer Organisation Details

The query extracts the legal name and country about organisations that play the epo:Buyer role.

    epo:announcesRole [
        a epo:Buyer ;
        epo:playedBy [
            epo:hasLegalName ?legalName ;
            cccev:registeredAddress [
                epo:hasCountryCode ?countryUri

 ?countryUri dc:identifier ?country.

Procedure Type Labeling

Procedure types are retrieved with English-language labels:

    epo:refersToProcedure [
        epo:hasProcedureType ?procedureTypeUri ;
        a epo:Procedure

?procedureTypeUri a skos:Concept ;
    skos:prefLabel ?procedureType.
FILTER (lang(?procedureType) = "en")


This query provides a list of buyers and their associated procurement procedure types for competition notices published on a specified date.

Any comments on the documentation?